#!/bin/bash #git is needed for the git repos apt install git --yes #install pip3, needed for additional python modules apt install --yes python3-pip #install the PyQt5-QtSql for PepScope apt install --yes python3-pyqt5.qtsql #this is the pywebview to open webpages with python it requires Qt pip3 install PyQt5 pip3 install PyQtWebengine #Make sure sip installed - Debain will insta 12.8 pip3 install PyQt5-sip #Then upgrade it to 12.9 pip3 install PyQt5-sip -U #install pygit to use git in python pip3 install GitPython #this library helps with single instances of a gui pip3 install tendo #this will install the python-crontab library pip3 install python-crontab #this will install the tkinter boostrap libary for styling pip3 install ttkbootstrap #Install the favicon library pip3 install favicon #install the beautifulsoup (BS4) libary pip3 install bs4 # This will install hblock - a local ad-blocker utility # https://github.com/hectorm/hblock # This does not enable it. The user has the choice to turn it on # by enabling it in PepHub or by typing 'hblock -S builtin' in terminal curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hectorm/hblock/master/hblock --output /tmp/hblock && #[ "$(sha256sum /tmp/hblock)" == "4031d86cd04fd7c6cb1b7e9acb1ffdbe9a3f84f693bfb287c68e1f1fa2c14c3b" ] && mv /tmp/hblock /usr/local/bin/hblock && chown 0:0 /usr/local/bin/hblock && chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/hblock && echo " hblock: installed" || echo " hblock: failed to install"