
179 lines
9.1 KiB

# Date : 30/06/2019
# Author : Erik Dubois
# Source : Aureola -
# Version : v3.0.0
# License : Distributed under the terms of GNU GPL version 2 or later
# For commands in conky.config section:
# For commands in conky.text section:
# A PDF with all variables is provided
# To avoid copyright infringements you will have to download
# and install the fonts yourself sometimes.
# Go and look for a nice font on sites like
# Download and unzip - double click the font to install it (font-manager must be installed)
# No font-manager then put fonts in ~/.fonts
# Change the font name in the conky
# The name can be known with a command in the terminal: fc-list | grep "part of name"
# Change width and height of the conky according to font
# Reboot your system or fc-cache -fv in terminal
# Enjoy
# no extra font(s) needed
conky.config = {
--Various settings
background = true, -- forked to background
cpu_avg_samples = 2, -- The number of samples to average for CPU monitoring.
diskio_avg_samples = 10, -- The number of samples to average for disk I/O monitoring.
double_buffer = true, -- Use the Xdbe extension? (eliminates flicker)
if_up_strictness = 'address', -- how strict if testing interface is up - up, link or address
net_avg_samples = 2, -- The number of samples to average for net data
no_buffers = true, -- Subtract (file system) buffers from used memory?
temperature_unit = 'celsius', -- fahrenheit or celsius
text_buffer_size = 2048, -- size of buffer for display of content of large variables - default 256
update_interval = 1, -- update interval
imlib_cache_size = 0, -- disable image cache to get a new spotify cover per song
alignment = 'middle_right', -- top_left,top_middle,top_right,bottom_left,bottom_middle,bottom_right,
-- middle_left,middle_middle,middle_right,none
--Arch Duoscreen
--gap_x = -1910,
gap_x = 10, -- pixels between right or left border
gap_y = 20, -- pixels between bottom or left border
minimum_height = 600, -- minimum height of window
minimum_width = 230, -- minimum height of window
maximum_width = 230, -- maximum height of window
border_inner_margin = 10, -- margin between border and text
border_outer_margin = 1, -- margin between border and edge of window
border_width = 0, -- border width in pixels
default_bar_width = 230, -- default is 0 - full width
default_bar_height = 10, -- default is 6
default_gauge_height = 25, -- default is 25
default_gauge_width =40, -- default is 40
default_graph_height = 40, -- default is 25
default_graph_width = 153, -- default is 0 - full width
default_shade_color = '#000000', -- default shading colour
default_outline_color = '#000000', -- default outline colour
draw_borders = false, -- draw borders around text
draw_graph_borders = true, -- draw borders around graphs
draw_shades = false, -- draw shades
draw_outline = false, -- draw outline
stippled_borders = 0, -- dashing the border
extra_newline = false, -- extra newline at the end - for asesome's wiboxes
format_human_readable = true, -- KiB, MiB rather then number of bytes
font = 'SourceSansPro-ExtraLight:size=11:bold', -- font for complete conky unless in code defined
max_text_width = 0, -- 0 will make sure line does not get broken if width too smal
max_user_text = 16384, -- max text in conky default 16384
override_utf8_locale = true, -- force UTF8 requires xft
short_units = true, -- shorten units from KiB to k
top_name_width = 21, -- width for $top name value default 15
top_name_verbose = false, -- If true, top name shows the full command line of each process - Default value is false.
uppercase = false, -- uppercase or not
use_spacer = 'none', -- adds spaces around certain objects to align - default none
use_xft = true, -- xft font - anti-aliased font
xftalpha = 1, -- alpha of the xft font - between 0-1
own_window = true, -- create your own window to draw
own_window_argb_value = 150, -- real transparency - composite manager required 0-255
own_window_argb_visual = true, -- use ARGB - composite manager required
own_window_class = 'Conky', -- manually set the WM_CLASS name for use with xprop
own_window_colour = '#000000', -- set colour if own_window_transparent no
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,above,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager', -- if own_window true - just hints - own_window_type sets it
own_window_transparent = false, -- if own_window_argb_visual is true sets background opacity 0%
own_window_title = 'system_conky', -- set the name manually - default conky "hostname"
own_window_type = 'desktop', -- if own_window true options are: normal/override/dock/desktop/panel
default_color = '#bbbbbb', -- default color and border color
color1 = '#bbbbbb',
color2 = '#FFFFFF',
color3 = '#9C1220',
color4 = '#DDDDDD',
color5 = '#CCCCCC',
color6 = '#f06860',
--Signal Colours
color7 = '#1F7411', --green
color8 = '#FFA726', --orange
color9 = '#F1544B', --firebrick
conky.text = [[
${image ~/.config/conky/images/arcolinux-white-100x100.png -p 170,0 -s 50x50}
${color1}${font SourceSansPro-ExtraLight:size=18:weight:bold}${color2}${execi 6000 lsb_release -d | grep 'Descr'|awk {'print $2 " " $3" " $4" " $5'}}
${color1}${hr 2}
${voffset -10}${color1}${font SourceSansPro-ExtraLight:size=10:weight:bold:italic}${color6}$sysname $kernel ${alignr}${execi 6000 lsb_release -a | grep 'Release'|awk {'print $2""$3""$4""$5'}}${color}
${color1}${font SourceSansPro-ExtraLight:size=12:weight:bold}Uptime ${alignr}${color6} $uptime
${color1}${font SourceSansPro-ExtraLight:size=12:weight:bold}Cpu Temp ${alignr}${color6}${execi 10 sensors | grep 'Core 0' | awk {'print $3'}}
${color1}${color1}Cpu Freq ${alignr}${color6}${freq_g} Ghz
${color1}${cpubar cpu0 10,150}${color1} Cpu ${alignr}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} > 80}${color9}${else}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} > 50}${color8}${else}${color6}${endif}${endif}${cpu cpu0}%
${if_existing /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info}${if_match ${battery_percent BAT0} <= 20}${color3}${battery_bar 10,150 BAT0} Battery${alignr}${color7}${battery_percent BAT0}%${else}${color1}${battery_bar 10,150 BAT0} Battery${alignr}${color1}${battery_percent BAT0}%${endif}${else}${voffset -20}${endif}
${color1}${membar 10,150} Mem ${alignr}${if_match ${memperc} > 80}${color9}${else}${color6}${endif}${color6}${memperc}%
${color1}${fs_bar 10,120}${alignr}${color6}${fs_free}${color} of${color6} ${fs_size}${color}
${color1}Total Processes${alignr}${color6}${processes}
${color1}Packages Upgrades${alignr}${color6}${execi 3600 checkupdates | wc -l}
${color1}${hr 2}
${font SourceSansPro-ExtraLight size=12:weight:bold}${color1}Cpu
${font SourceSansPro-ExtraLight size=8:weight:italic}${color6}${execi 6000 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i 'Model name' -m 1 | cut -c14-43}${font}
${offset 30}${font SourceSansPro-ExtraLight:size=12:weight:bold}${color4}${top name 1}${alignr}${color6}${top cpu 1}%${font}
${offset 30}${color1}${top name 2}${alignr}${color6}${top cpu 2}%
${offset 30}${color1}${top name 3}${alignr}${color6}${top cpu 3}%
${offset 30}${color1}${top name 4}${alignr}${color6}${top cpu 4}%
${offset 30}${color1}${top name 5}${alignr}${color6}${top cpu 5}%
${offset 30}${color1}${top name 6}${alignr}${color6}${top cpu 6}%
${font SourceSansPro-ExtraLight size=12 weight:bold}${color1}CPU Usage over Time
${color1}${cpugraph 40,230 ffffff ffffff -t}
${hr 2}${font}${color}
${color5}${font SourceSansPro-ExtraLight:size=12:weight:bold}Memory
${offset 30}${font SourceSansPro-ExtraLight:size=12:weight:bold}${color4}${top_mem name 1}${alignr}${alignr}${color6}${top_mem mem 1}${font}
${offset 30}${color1}${top_mem name 2}${alignr}${alignr}${color6}${top_mem mem 2}
${offset 30}${color1}${top_mem name 3}${alignr}${alignr}${color6}${top_mem mem 3}
${offset 30}${color1}${top_mem name 4}${alignr}${alignr}${color6}${top_mem mem 4}
${offset 30}${color1}${top_mem name 5}${alignr}${alignr}${color6}${top_mem mem 5}
${offset 30}${color1}${top_mem name 6}${alignr}${alignr}${color6}${top_mem mem 6}
${offset 0}${color1}${color1}Memory used${alignr}${color6}${mem}
${offset 0}${color1}${color1}Memory perc${alignr}${color6}${memperc}%
${offset 0}${color1}Total Memory${alignr}${color6}${memmax}
${color1}${hr 2}
${color1}${hr 2}