""" * Author: "PepDebian(peppermintosteam@proton.me) * * License: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * The hub config file should be used for the over all button style and design * of the hub """ import os from tkinter import PhotoImage # This will get the logged in user gusr = os.getlogin() spath = "/home/" + gusr + "/.local/share/pmostools/peptools" #button icons. ###General System icons### nc = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/network-wired.png") pr = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-dev-printer.png") du = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/drive-harddisk-system.png") ug = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/stock_people.png") pa = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/stock_music-library.png") xd = PhotoImage(file= spath + '/images/xd.png') hbon = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/hblockon.png") hboff = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/hblock.png") si = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-session.png") um = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/update-manager.png") xf = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/applications-system.png") ##label text lnc = "Network" lpr = "Printers" ldu = "Disk Utilities" lug = "User & Groups" lpa = "Pulse Audio" lxd = "xDaily" lhb = "hBlock" lsi = "Update Mgr" lum = "System Info" lxf = "xfce Settings" sp = PhotoImage(file= spath + '/images/peppermint-inst-48.png') ah = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/ai.png") sc = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/synaptic.png") ss = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/snap.png") gs = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-software.png") fp = PhotoImage(file="/usr/share/pixmaps/flat.png") lsp = "Suggested" lah = "App Image Hub" lsc = "Synaptic" lss = "Snap Store" lssw = "Snap Web Store" lgs = "Gnome Store" lgsw = "Gnome Web Store" lfp = "Flat hub" lmf = "--The PepHub is a central place that is used to manage the build." " It includes tools that are not readily available in the XFCE settings" " manager, Some of these tools are built and maintained by the Peppermint" " team, others are system utilities."