""" * Author: "PepDebian(peppermintosteam@proton.me) * * License: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * This file is used to keep functions that are used for the Welcome * Screen """ import os.path # This will get the logged in user gusr = os.getlogin() spath = "/home/" + gusr + "/.local/share/pmostools/peptools" def suggested_packages(): """ Open the suggested packages """ os.system('python3 ' + spath + '/suggested.py') def hub(): """Open the Hub""" os.system('hub') ##SSB's def pep_docs(): """Open Pep Docs""" os.system('luakit -U https://peppermint_os.codeberg.page/html/ &' ) ## Community Section def mastodon(): """Open Mastodon""" os.system('luakit -U https://fosstodon.org/@peppermintos &' ) def code_berg(): """Open Codeberg""" os.system('luakit -U https://codeberg.org/Peppermint_OS & ' ) def matrix(): """Open Matrix""" os.system('luakit -U https://matrix.to/#/!JhPtEbNexzFaoOkvGp:matrix.org?' 'via=matrix.org & ' ) def source_forge(): """Open Sourceforge""" os.system('luakit -U https://sourceforge.net/p/peppermintos/pepos/ & ' ) def build_date(): """Open BuildDate wiki""" os.system('luakit -U https://sourceforge.net/p/peppermintos/pepwiki/' 'BuildDate/ & ' )