#!/usr/bin/env python import shlex import sys if sys.hexversion > 0x03000000: def execfile(file, globals=globals(), locals=locals()): fh = open(file, "r") if not fh: raise Exception("Unable to open %s." % file) exec(fh.read() + "\n", globals, locals) def execfile2(filename, _globals=dict(), _locals=dict(), cmd=None, quiet=False): """Execute a Python script using :py:func:`execfile`. In addition to Python :py:func:`execfile` this method can temporary change the argv params. This enables you to call an external python script that requires command line arguments without leaving current python interpretor. `cmd` can be a string with command line arguments or a list or arguments The return value is a numeric exit code similar to the one used for command line tools: - 0 - if succesfull; this applies if script receives SystemExit with error code 0 - 1 - if SystemExit does not contain an error code or if other Exception is received. - x - the SystemExit error code (if present) """ _globals['__name__'] = '__main__' saved_argv = sys.argv # we save sys.argv if cmd: sys.argv = list([filename]) if isinstance(cmd, list): sys.argv.append(cmd) else: sys.argv.extend(shlex.split(cmd)) exit_code = 0 try: exec( compile(open(filename).read(), filename, 'exec'), _globals, _locals) except SystemExit: type, e, tb = sys.exc_info() if isinstance(e.code, int): exit_code = e.code # this could be 0 if you do sys.exit(0) else: exit_code = 1 except Exception: if not quiet: import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) exit_code = 1 finally: if cmd: sys.argv = saved_argv # we restore sys.argv return exit_code