#!/usr/bin/python import codecs import logging import sys import six """ Author: Sorin Sbarnea This file does add some additional Unicode support to Python, like: * auto-detect BOM on text-file open: open(file, "r") and open(file, "rU") """ # we save the file function handler because we want to override it open_old = open def open(filename, mode='r', bufsize=-1, fallback_encoding='utf_8'): """This replaces Python original function with an improved version that is Unicode aware. The new `open()` does change behaviour only for text files, not binary. * mode is by default 'r' if not specified and text mode * negative bufsize makes it use the default system one (same as not specified) >>> import tendo.unicode ... f = open("file-with-unicode-content.txt") ... content = f.read() # Unicode content of the file, without BOM Shortly by importing unicode, you will repair code that previously was broken when the input files were Unicode. This will not change the behavior of code that reads the files as binary, it has an effect on text file operations. Files with BOM will be read properly as Unicode and the BOM will not be part of the text. If you do not specify the fallback_encoding, files without BOM will be read as `UTF-8` instead of `ascii`. """ # Do not assign None to bufsize or mode because calling original open will # fail # we read the first 4 bytes just to be sure we use the right encoding # we are interested of detecting the mode only for read text if "r" in mode or "a" in mode: try: f = open_old(filename, "rb") aBuf = bytes(f.read(4)) f.close() except Exception: aBuf = six.b('') if six.binary_type(aBuf[:3]) == six.b('\xEF\xBB\xBF'): f = codecs.open(filename, mode, "utf_8") f.seek(3, 0) f.BOM = codecs.BOM_UTF8 elif six.binary_type(aBuf[:2]) == six.b('\xFF\xFE'): f = codecs.open(filename, mode, "utf_16_le") f.seek(2, 0) f.BOM = codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE elif six.binary_type(aBuf[:2]) == six.b('\xFE\xFF'): f = codecs.open(filename, mode, "utf_16_be") f.seek(2, 0) f.BOM = codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE elif six.binary_type(aBuf[:4]) == six.b('\xFF\xFE\x00\x00'): f = codecs.open(filename, mode, "utf_32_le") f.seek(4, 0) f.BOM = codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE elif six.binary_type(aBuf[:4]) == six.b('\x00\x00\xFE\xFF'): f = codecs.open(filename, mode, "utf_32_be") f.seek(4, 0) f.BOM = codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE else: # we assume that if there is no BOM, the encoding is UTF-8 f = codecs.open(filename, mode, fallback_encoding) f.seek(0) f.BOM = None return f else: import traceback logging.warning( "Calling unicode.open(%s,%s,%s) that may be wrong." % (filename, mode, bufsize)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) return open_old(filename, mode, bufsize)