from PIL import ImageColor from colorsys import rgb_to_hls RGB = 'rgb' HSL = 'hsl' HEX = 'hex' NAME = 'name' HUE = 360 SAT = 100 LUM = 100 def color_to_rgb(color, model=HEX): """Convert color value to rgb. The color and model parameters represent the color to be converted. The value is expected to be a string for "name" and "hex" models and a Tuple or List for "rgb" and "hsl" models. Parameters: color (Any): The color values for the model being converted. model (str): The color model being converted. Returns: Tuple[int, int, int]: The rgb color values. """ color_ = conform_color_model(color, model) try: return ImageColor.getrgb(color_) except: print('this') def color_to_hex(color, model=RGB): """Convert color value to hex. The color and model parameters represent the color to be converted. The value is expected to be a string for "name" and "hex" models and a Tuple or List for "rgb" and "hsl" models. Parameters: color (Any): The color values for the model being converted. model (str): The color model being converted. Returns: str: The hexadecimal color value. """ r, g, b = color_to_rgb(color, model) return f'#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}' def color_to_hsl(color, model=HEX): """Convert color value to hsl. The color and model parameters represent the color to be converted. The value is expected to be a string for "name" and "hex" models and a Tuple or List for "rgb" and "hsl" models. Parameters: color (Any): The color values for the model being converted. model (str): The color model being converted. Returns: Tuple[int, int, int]: The hsl color values. """ r, g, b = color_to_rgb(color, model) hls = rgb_to_hls(r/255, g/255, b/255) h = int(hls[0]*HUE) l = int(hls[1]*LUM) s = int(hls[2]*SAT) return h, s, l def update_hsl_value(color, hue=None, sat=None, lum=None, inmodel=HSL, outmodel=HSL): """Change hue, saturation, or lumenosity of the color based on the hue, sat, lum parameters provided. Parameters: color (Any): The color hue (int): A number between 0 and 360. sat (int): A number between 0 and 100. lum (int): A number between 0 and 100. inmodel (str): The color model used by the color to be changed. One of hsl, rgb, hex, name. outmodel (str): The color value model to be returned when the color is changed. One of hsl, rgb, hex. Returns: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], str]: The color value based on the selected color model. """ h, s, l = color_to_hsl(color, inmodel) if hue is not None: h = hue if sat is not None: s = sat if lum is not None: l = lum if outmodel == RGB: return color_to_rgb([h, s, l], HSL) elif outmodel == HEX: return color_to_hex([h, s, l], HSL) else: return h, s, l """ """ def contrast_color(color, model=RGB, darkcolor='#000', lightcolor='#fff'): """Returns the best matching contrasting light or dark color for the given color. Parameters: color (Any): The color value to evaluate. model (str): The model of the color value to be evaluated. 'rgb' by default. darkcolor (Any): The color value to be returned when the constrasting color should be dark. lightcolor (Any): The color value to be returned when the constrasting color should be light. Returns: str: The matching color value. """ if model != RGB: r, g, b = color_to_rgb(color, model) else: r, g, b = color luminance = ((0.299 * r) + (0.587 * g) + (0.114 * b))/255 if luminance > 0.5: return darkcolor else: return lightcolor def conform_color_model(color, model): """Conform the color values to a string that can be interpreted by the `PIL.ImageColor.getrgb method`. Parameters: color (Union[Tuple[int, int, int], str]): The color value to conform. model (str): One of 'HSL', 'RGB', or 'HEX' Returns: str: A color value string that can be used as a parameter in the PIL.ImageColor.getrgb method. """ if model == HSL: h, s, l = color return f'hsl({h},{s}%,{l}%)' elif model == RGB: r, g, b = color return f'rgb({r},{g},{b})' else: return color