from tkinter import font import ttkbootstrap as ttk from ttkbootstrap.constants import * from ttkbootstrap import utility # DEFAULT_ICON_WIN32 = "\ue154" DEFAULT_ICON = "\u25f0" class ToastNotification: """A semi-transparent popup window for temporary alerts or messages. You may choose to display the toast for a specified period of time, otherwise you must click the toast to close it. ![toast notification](../assets/toast/toast.png) Examples: ```python import ttkbootstrap as ttk from ttkbootstrap.toast import ToastNotification app = ttk.Window() toast = ToastNotification( title="ttkbootstrap toast message", message="This is a toast message", duration=3000, ) toast.show_toast() app.mainloop() ``` """ def __init__( self, title, message, duration=None, bootstyle=LIGHT, alert=False, icon=None, iconfont=None, position=None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters: title (str): The toast title. message (str): The toast message. duration (int): The number of milliseconds to show the toast. If None (default), then you must click the toast to close it. bootstyle (str): Style keywords used to updated the label style. One of the accepted color keywords. alert (bool): Indicates whether to ring the display bell when the toast is shown. icon (str): A unicode character to display on the top-left hand corner of the toast. The default symbol is OS specific. Pass an empty string to remove the symbol. iconfont (Union[str, Font]): The font used to render the icon. By default, this is OS specific. You may need to change the font to enable better character or emoji support for the icon you want to use. Windows (Segoe UI Symbol), Linux (FreeSerif), MacOS (Apple Symbol) position (Tuple[int, int, str]): A tuple that controls the position of the toast. Default is OS specific. The tuple cooresponds to (horizontal, vertical, anchor), where the horizontal and vertical elements represent the position of the toplevel releative to the anchor, which is "ne" or top-left by default. Acceptable anchors include: n, e, s, w, nw, ne, sw, se. For example: (100, 100, 'ne'). **kwargs (Dict): Other keyword arguments passed to the `Toplevel` window. """ self.message = message self.title = title self.duration = duration self.bootstyle = bootstyle self.icon = icon self.iconfont = iconfont self.iconfont = None self.titlefont = None self.toplevel = None self.kwargs = kwargs self.alert = alert self.position = position if "overrideredirect" not in self.kwargs: self.kwargs["overrideredirect"] = True if "alpha" not in self.kwargs: self.kwargs["alpha"] = 0.95 if position is not None: if len(position) != 3: self.position = None def show_toast(self, *_): """Create and show the toast window.""" # build toast self.toplevel = ttk.Toplevel(**self.kwargs) self._setup(self.toplevel) self.container = ttk.Frame(self.toplevel, bootstyle=self.bootstyle) self.container.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES) ttk.Label( self.container, text=self.icon, font=self.iconfont, bootstyle=f"{self.bootstyle}-inverse", anchor=NW, ).grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=2, sticky=NSEW, padx=(5, 0)) ttk.Label( self.container, text=self.title, font=self.titlefont, bootstyle=f"{self.bootstyle}-inverse", anchor=NW, ).grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=NSEW, padx=10, pady=(5, 0)) ttk.Label( self.container, text=self.message, wraplength=utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, 300), bootstyle=f"{self.bootstyle}-inverse", anchor=NW, ).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=NSEW, padx=10, pady=(0, 5)) self.toplevel.bind("", self.hide_toast) # alert toast if self.alert: self.toplevel.bell() # specified duration to close if self.duration: self.toplevel.after(self.duration, self.hide_toast) def hide_toast(self, *_): """Destroy and close the toast window.""" try: alpha = float(self.toplevel.attributes("-alpha")) if alpha <= 0.1: self.toplevel.destroy() else: self.toplevel.attributes("-alpha", alpha - 0.1) self.toplevel.after(25, self.hide_toast) except: if self.toplevel: self.toplevel.destroy() def _setup(self, window: ttk.Toplevel): winsys ="tk", "windowingsystem") self.toplevel.configure(relief=RAISED) # minsize if "minsize" not in self.kwargs: w, h = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, [300, 75]) self.toplevel.minsize(w, h) # heading font _font = font.nametofont("TkDefaultFont") self.titlefont = font.Font( family=_font["family"], size=_font["size"] + 1, weight="bold", ) # symbol font self.iconfont = font.Font(size=30, weight="bold") if winsys == "win32": self.iconfont["family"] = "Segoe UI Symbol" self.icon = DEFAULT_ICON_WIN32 if self.icon is None else self.icon if self.position is None: x, y = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, [5, 50]) self.position = (x, y, SE) elif winsys == "x11": self.iconfont["family"] = "FreeSerif" self.icon = DEFAULT_ICON if self.icon is None else self.icon if self.position is None: x, y = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, [0, 0]) self.position = (x, y, SE) else: self.iconfont["family"] = "Apple Symbols" self.toplevel.update_idletasks() self.icon = DEFAULT_ICON if self.icon is None else self.icon if self.position is None: x, y = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, [50, 50]) self.position = (x, y, NE) self.set_geometry() def set_geometry(self): self.toplevel.update_idletasks() # actualize geometry anchor = self.position[-1] x_anchor = "-" if "w" not in anchor else "+" y_anchor = "-" if "n" not in anchor else "+" screen_w = self.toplevel.winfo_screenwidth() // 2 screen_h = self.toplevel.winfo_screenheight() // 2 top_w = self.toplevel.winfo_width() // 2 top_h = self.toplevel.winfo_height() // 2 if all(["e" not in anchor, "w" not in anchor]): xpos = screen_w - top_w else: xpos = self.position[0] if all(["n" not in anchor, "s" not in anchor]): ypos = screen_h - top_h else: ypos = self.position[1] self.toplevel.geometry(f"{x_anchor}{xpos}{y_anchor}{ypos}") if __name__ == "__main__": app = ttk.Window() ToastNotification( "ttkbootstrap toast message", "This is a toast message; you can place a symbol on the top-left that is supported by the selected font. You can either make it appear for a specified period of time, or click to close.", ).show_toast() app.mainloop()