""" NOTE: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25467288/pils-imagegrab-is-capturing-at-the-wrong-resolution !! This widget is not currently supported on Mac OS """ import tkinter as tk import ttkbootstrap as ttk from ttkbootstrap.constants import * from ttkbootstrap import colorutils, utility from PIL import ImageGrab, ImageTk, Image from collections import namedtuple ColorChoice = namedtuple('ColorChoice', 'rgb hsl hex') class ColorDropperDialog: """A widget that displays an indicator and a zoom window for selecting a color on the screen. Left-click the mouse button to select a color. The result is stored in the `result` property as a `ColorChoice` tuple which contains named fields for rgb, hsl, and hex color models. Zoom in and out on the zoom window by using the mouse wheel. This widget is implemented for **Windows** and **Linux** only. ![](../../assets/dialogs/color-dropper.png) !!! warning "high resolution displays" This widget may not function properly on high resolution displays if you are not using the application in high resolution mode. This is enabled automatically on Windows. """ def __init__(self): self.toplevel: ttk.Toplevel = None self.result = ttk.Variable() def build_screenshot_canvas(self): """Build the screenshot canvas""" self.screenshot_canvas = ttk.Canvas( self.toplevel, cursor='tcross', autostyle=False) self.screenshot_data = ImageGrab.grab() self.screenshot_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.screenshot_data) self.screenshot_canvas.create_image( 0, 0, image=self.screenshot_image, anchor=NW) self.screenshot_canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES) def build_zoom_toplevel(self, master): """Build the toplevel widget that shows the zoomed version of the pixels underneath the mouse cursor.""" height = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, 100) width = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, 100) text_xoffset = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, 50) text_yoffset = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, 50) toplevel = ttk.Toplevel(master) toplevel.transient(master) if self.toplevel.winsys == 'x11': toplevel.attributes('-type', 'tooltip') else: toplevel.overrideredirect(True) toplevel.geometry(f'{width}x{height}') toplevel.lift() self.zoom_canvas = ttk.Canvas( toplevel, borderwidth=1, height=self.zoom_height, width=self.zoom_width) self.zoom_canvas.create_image(0, 0, tags=['image'], anchor=NW) self.zoom_canvas.create_text( text_xoffset, text_yoffset, text="+", fill="white", tags=['indicator']) self.zoom_canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES) self.zoom_toplevel = toplevel def on_mouse_wheel(self, event: tk.Event): """Zoom in and out on the image underneath the mouse TODO Cross platform testing needed """ if self.toplevel.winsys.lower() == 'win32': delta = -int(event.delta / 120) elif self.toplevel.winsys.lower() == 'aqua': delta = -event.delta elif event.num == 4: delta = -1 elif event.num == 5: delta = 1 self.zoom_level += delta self.on_mouse_motion() def on_left_click(self, _): """Capture the color underneath the mouse cursor and destroy the toplevel widget""" # add logic here to capture the image color hx = self.get_hover_color() hsl = colorutils.color_to_hsl(hx) rgb = colorutils.color_to_rgb(hx) self.result.set(ColorChoice(rgb, hsl, hx)) self.toplevel.destroy() self.zoom_toplevel.destroy() self.toplevel.grab_release() return self.result.get() def on_right_click(self, _): """Close the color dropper without saving any color information""" self.zoom_toplevel.destroy() self.toplevel.grab_release() self.toplevel.destroy() def on_mouse_motion(self, event=None): """Callback for mouse motion""" if event is None: x, y = self.toplevel.winfo_pointerxy() else: x = event.x y = event.y # move snip window self.zoom_toplevel.geometry( f'+{x+self.zoom_xoffset}+{y+self.zoom_yoffset}') # update the snip image bbox = (x-self.zoom_level, y-self.zoom_level, x+self.zoom_level+1, y+self.zoom_level+1) size = (self.zoom_width, self.zoom_height) self.zoom_data = self.screenshot_data.crop( bbox).resize(size, Image.BOX) self.zoom_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.zoom_data) self.zoom_canvas.itemconfig('image', image=self.zoom_image) hover_color = self.get_hover_color() contrast_color = colorutils.contrast_color(hover_color, 'hex') self.zoom_canvas.itemconfig('indicator', fill=contrast_color) def get_hover_color(self): """Get the color that is hovered over by the mouse cursor.""" x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.zoom_canvas.bbox('indicator') x = x1 + (x2-x1)//2 y = y1 + (y2-y2)//2 r, g, b = self.zoom_data.getpixel((x, y)) hx = colorutils.color_to_hex((r, g, b)) return hx def show(self): """Show the toplevel window""" self.toplevel = ttk.Toplevel(alpha=1) self.toplevel.wm_attributes('-fullscreen', True) self.build_screenshot_canvas() # event binding self.toplevel.bind("", self.on_mouse_motion, "+") self.toplevel.bind("", self.on_left_click, "+") self.toplevel.bind("", self.on_right_click, "+") if self.toplevel.winsys.lower() == 'x11': self.toplevel.bind("", self.on_mouse_wheel, "+") self.toplevel.bind("", self.on_mouse_wheel, "+") else: self.toplevel.bind("", self.on_mouse_wheel, "+") # initial snip setup self.zoom_level = 2 self.zoom_toplevel: ttk.Toplevel = None self.zoom_data = None self.zoom_image = None self.zoom_height = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, 100) self.zoom_width = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, 100) self.zoom_xoffset = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, 10) self.zoom_yoffset = utility.scale_size(self.toplevel, 10) self.build_zoom_toplevel(self.toplevel) self.toplevel.grab_set() self.toplevel.lift('.') self.zoom_toplevel.lift(self.toplevel) self.on_mouse_motion()