Signed-off-by: debianpepper <>
This commit is contained in:
debianpepper 2024-05-24 15:21:17 +09:00
parent 7a1f867467
commit 3878bd58e5
16 changed files with 83 additions and 3533 deletions

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ efiBootMgr: "efibootmgr"
# setting the option here, keep in mind that the name is sanitized
# (problematic characters, see above, are replaced).
efiBootloaderId: "debian"
efiBootloaderId: "peppermint"
# Optionally install a copy of the GRUB EFI bootloader as the EFI
# fallback loader (either bootia32.efi or bootx64.efi depending on

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
restartNowEnabled: true
restartNowChecked: true
restartNowCommand: "systemctl -i reboot"
restartNowCommand: "reboot"

View File

@ -1,11 +1,27 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Configure fstab options
default: defaults,noatime
btrfs: defaults,noatime,space_cache,autodefrag
ext4: discard
jfs: discard
xfs: discard
swap: discard
btrfs: discard,compress=lzo
default: defaults,noatime,nodiscard
btrfs: defaults,noatime,noautodefrag,nodiscard
btrfs_swap: defaults
swap: defaults
crypttabOptions: luks,keyscript=/bin/cat
efiMountOptions: umask=0077
btrfs: ssd
tmpfs: false
options: ""
tmpfs: true
options: "defaults,noatime,mode=1777"

View File

@ -1,131 +1,6 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# These settings are used to set your default system time zone.
# Time zones are usually located under /usr/share/zoneinfo and
# provided by the 'tzdata' package of your Distribution.
# Distributions using systemd can list available
# time zones by using the timedatectl command.
# timedatectl list-timezones
# The starting timezone (e.g. the pin-on-the-map) when entering
# the locale page can be set through keys *region* and *zone*.
# If either is not set, defaults to America/New_York.
# Note that useSystemTimezone and GeoIP settings can change the
# starting time zone.
region: "America"
zone: "New_York"
# Instead of using *region* and *zone* specified above,
# you can use the system's notion of the timezone, instead.
# This can help if your system is automatically configured with
# a sensible TZ rather than chasing a fixed default.
# The default is false.
# useSystemTimezone: true
# Should changing the system location (e.g. clicking around on the timezone
# map) immediately reflect the changed timezone in the live system?
# By default, installers (with a target system) do, and setup (e.g. OEM
# configuration) does not, but you can switch it on here (or off, if
# you think it's annoying in the installer).
# Note that not all systems support live adjustment.
# adjustLiveTimezone: true
# System locales are detected in the following order:
# - /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED
# - localeGenPath (defaults to /etc/locale.gen if not set)
# - `locale -a` output
# Enable only when your Distribution is using a
# custom path for locale.gen
localeGenPath: "/etc/locale.gen"
# GeoIP based Language settings: Leave commented out to disable GeoIP.
# GeoIP needs a working Internet connection.
# This can be managed from `welcome.conf` by adding
# internet to the list of required conditions. (The welcome
# module can also do its own GeoIP lookups, independently
# of the lookup done here. The lookup in the welcome module
# is used to establish language; this one is for timezone).
# The configuration is in three parts:
# - a *style*, which can be "json" or "xml" depending on the
# kind of data returned by the service, and
# - a *url* where the data is retrieved, and
# - an optional *selector*
# to pick the right field out of the returned data (e.g. field
# name in JSON or element name in XML).
# The default selector (when the setting is blank) is picked to
# work with existing JSON providers (which use "time_zone") and
# Ubiquity's XML providers (which use "TimeZone").
# If the service configured via *url* uses
# a different attribute name (e.g. "timezone") in JSON or a
# different element tag (e.g. "<Time_Zone>") in XML, set the
# selector to the name or tag to be used.
# In JSON:
# - if the string contains "." characters, this is used as a
# multi-level selector, e.g. "a.b" will select the timezone
# from data "{a: {b: "Europe/Amsterdam" } }".
# - each part of the string split by "." characters is used as
# a key into the JSON data.
# In XML:
# - all elements with the named tag (e.g. all TimeZone) elements
# from the document are checked; the first one with non-empty
# text value is used.
# Special case:
# - the *style* "fixed" is also supported. This ignores the data
# returned from the URL (but the URL must still be valid!)
# and just returns the value of the *selector*.
# An HTTP(S) request is made to *url*. The request should return
# valid data in a suitable format, depending on *style*;
# generally this includes a string value with the timezone
# in <region>/<zone> format. For services that return data which
# does not follow the conventions of "suitable data" described
# below, *selector* may be used to pick different data.
# Suitable JSON data looks like
# ```
# {"time_zone":"America/New_York"}
# ```
# Suitable XML data looks like
# ```
# <Response><TimeZone>Europe/Brussels</TimeZone></Response>
# ```
# To accommodate providers of GeoIP timezone data with peculiar timezone
# naming conventions, the following cleanups are performed automatically:
# - backslashes are removed
# - spaces are replaced with _
# To disable GeoIP checking, either comment-out the entire geoip section,
# or set the *style* key to an unsupported format (e.g. `none`).
# Also, note the analogous feature in src/modules/welcome/welcome.conf.
style: "json"
url: ""
selector: "" # leave blank for the default
url: ""
selector: "timezone"
# For testing purposes, you could use *fixed* style, to see how Calamares
# behaves in a particular zone:
# geoip:
# style: "fixed"
# url: "" # Still needs to be valid!
# selector: "America/Vancouver" # this is the selected zone

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# Writes a keyfile configuration with LUKS settings to the given path
# Path of the configuration file to write (in the target system)
#configFilePath: /cryptroot/crypttab
configFilePath: /etc/crypttab

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# Whether to create /etc/machine-id for systemd.
systemd: true
systemd: false
# Whether to create /var/lib/dbus/machine-id for D-Bus.
dbus: true
# Whether /var/lib/dbus/machine-id should be a symlink to /etc/machine-id
# (ignored if dbus is false, or if there is no /etc/machine-id to point to).
symlink: true
# Whether to copy entropy from the host
#entropy-copy: true
entropy-copy: true
# Which files to write (paths in the target)
# - /var/lib/urandom/random-seed
# - /var/lib/systemd/random-seed
- /var/lib/urandom/random-seed
- /var/lib/systemd/random-seed

View File

@ -1,18 +1,10 @@
# Mount filesystems in the target (generally, before treating the
# target as a usable chroot / "live" system). Filesystems are
# automatically mounted from the partitioning module. Filesystems
# listed here are **extra**. The filesystems listed in *extraMounts*
# are mounted in all target systems. The filesystems listed in
# *extraMountsEfi* are mounted in the target system **only** if
# the host machine uses UEFI.
# Extra filesystems to mount. The key's value is a list of entries; each
# entry has four keys:
# - device The device node to mount
# - fs The filesystem type to use
# - mountPoint Where to mount the filesystem
# - options (optional) Extra options to pass to mount(8)
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Mount filesystems in the target (generally, before treating the
# target as a usable chroot / "live" system).
- device: proc
fs: proc
@ -34,3 +26,13 @@ extraMountsEfi:
- device: efivarfs
fs: efivarfs
mountPoint: /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
- mountPoint: /
subvolume: /@
- mountPoint: /home
subvolume: /@home
- mountPoint: /var/cache
subvolume: /@cache
- mountPoint: /var/log
subvolume: /@log

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Configuration file for opendmcryptcfg module
configFilePath: /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ backend: apt
- remove:
# We need to keep this as refracta uses these to build he live CD's
- 'live-boot'
- 'live-boot-doc'
- 'live-config'
@ -10,13 +9,7 @@ operations:
- 'live-config-systemd'
- 'live-config-systemd'
- 'live-tools'
# - 'live-task-localisation'
# - 'live-task-recommended'
#This one we don't need the users can decide thier own installer
- 'live-task-localisation'
- 'live-task-recommended'
- 'calamares-settings-debian'
- 'calamares'
# This section add any other software you want to remove.
# - 'gparted'
# - 'bleachbit'
# - 'termit'

View File

@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
efiSystemPartition: "/boot/efi"
efiSystemPartitionSize: 300M
efiSystemPartitionName: EFI
- none # Create no swap, use no swap
- small # Up to 4GB
- suspend # At least main memory size
- file # To swap file instead of partition
swapPartitionName: SWAP
drawNestedPartitions: false
alwaysShowPartitionLabels: true
allowManualPartitioning: true
initialPartitioningChoice: erase
initialSwapChoice: none
defaultFileSystemType: "ext4"
availableFileSystemTypes: ["ext4","f2fs","xfs"]
availableFileSystemTypes: ["ext4","btrfs", "f2fs","xfs"]

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
dontChroot: false
timeout: 999
- "-rm @@ROOT@@/usr/share/applications/Install-peppermint.desktop"

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ defaultGroups:
- lpadmin
- scanner
- bluetooth
- sambashare
autologinGroup: autologin
sudoersGroup: sudo
setRootPassword: false

View File

@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ requirements:
- ram
- power
- root
- internet
- storage
- ram
- root

View File

@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
- name: " Developers Choice "
description: " A much smaller subset of packages than listed below"
- epiphany-browser
- falkon
- firefox-esr
- chromium
- konqueror
- luakit
- midori
- qutebrowser
- torbrowser-launcher
- transmission
- youtube-dl
- arandr
- atril
- dconf-editor
- gpicview
- mate-calc
- parole
- pmount
- flatpak
- gnome-software
- snapd
- immutable: true
- name: "Xfce4 Goodies selections"
description: "The full package or choice of Xfce4 Goodies Packages"
- name: "Xfce4 Goodies - Pack"
description: "A META package to install everything XFCE4 from Debian Stable repositories"
- xfce4-goodies
- name: "Xfce4 Goodies - Components"
description: "Individual applications to add to the packages already installed"
- xfce4-battery-plugin
- xfce4-clipman-plugin
- xfce4-cpufreq-plugin
- xfce4-cpugraph-plugin
- xfce4-datetime-plugin
- xfce4-dict
- xfce4-diskperf-plugin
- xfce4-fsguard-plugin
- xfce4-genmon-plugin
- xfce4-indicator-plugin
- xfce4-mailwatch-plugin
- xfce4-mpc-plugin
- xfce4-netload-plugin
- xfce4-notifyd
- xfce4-places-plugin
- xfce4-power-manager
- xfce4-screenshooter
- xfce4-sensors-plugin
- xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin
- xfce4-systemload-plugin
- xfce4-taskmanager
- xfce4-terminal
- xfce4-timer-plugin
- xfce4-verve-plugin
- xfce4-wavelan-plugin
- xfce4-weather-plugin
- xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin
- xfce4-xkb-plugin
- gigolo
- mousepad
- parole
- ristretto
- thunar-archive-plugin
- thunar-media-tags-plugin
- xfburn
- name: "Internet Applications"
description: "Web Browsers, E-Mail, Social Clients, DownLoaders and tools"
- name: "Web Browsers"
description: "A Collection Of Browsers for the internet or local LAN"
- name: "Chromium Web Browser"
description: "Googles Open Source web browser and content viewer"
- chromium
- name: "chromium-Language Pack"
description: "Language Pack For chromium"
- chromium-l10n
- elinks
- epiphany-browser
- falkon
- name: "Firefox-ESR"
description: "Extended Service Release of FireFox from Debian Stable"
- firefox-esr
- name: "Firefox-esr Language Packs"
description: "Language Packs For Firefox-esr"
- firefox-esr-l10n-ach
- firefox-esr-l10n-af
- firefox-esr-l10n-all
- firefox-esr-l10n-an
- firefox-esr-l10n-ar
- firefox-esr-l10n-ast
- firefox-esr-l10n-az
- firefox-esr-l10n-be
- firefox-esr-l10n-bg
- firefox-esr-l10n-bn
- firefox-esr-l10n-br
- firefox-esr-l10n-bs
- firefox-esr-l10n-ca
- firefox-esr-l10n-cak
- firefox-esr-l10n-cs
- firefox-esr-l10n-cy
- firefox-esr-l10n-da
- firefox-esr-l10n-de
- firefox-esr-l10n-dsb
- firefox-esr-l10n-el
- firefox-esr-l10n-en-ca
- firefox-esr-l10n-en-gb
- firefox-esr-l10n-eo
- firefox-esr-l10n-es-ar
- firefox-esr-l10n-es-cl
- firefox-esr-l10n-es-es
- firefox-esr-l10n-es-mx
- firefox-esr-l10n-et
- firefox-esr-l10n-eu
- firefox-esr-l10n-fa
- firefox-esr-l10n-ff
- firefox-esr-l10n-fi
- firefox-esr-l10n-fr
- firefox-esr-l10n-fy-nl
- firefox-esr-l10n-ga-ie
- firefox-esr-l10n-gd
- firefox-esr-l10n-gl
- firefox-esr-l10n-gn
- firefox-esr-l10n-gu-in
- firefox-esr-l10n-hr
- firefox-esr-l10n-hsb
- firefox-esr-l10n-hu
- firefox-esr-l10n-hy-am
- firefox-esr-l10n-ia
- firefox-esr-l10n-id
- firefox-esr-l10n-is
- firefox-esr-l10n-it
- firefox-esr-l10n-ja
- firefox-esr-l10n-ka
- firefox-esr-l10n-kab
- firefox-esr-l10n-kk
- firefox-esr-l10n-km
- firefox-esr-l10n-kn
- firefox-esr-l10n-ko
- firefox-esr-l10n-ia
- firefox-esr-l10n-id
- firefox-esr-l10n-is
- firefox-esr-l10n-it
- firefox-esr-l10n-ja
- firefox-esr-l10n-ka
- firefox-esr-l10n-kab
- firefox-esr-l10n-kk
- firefox-esr-l10n-km
- firefox-esr-l10n-kn
- firefox-esr-l10n-ko
- firefox-esr-l10n-lt
- firefox-esr-l10n-lv
- firefox-esr-l10n-mk
- firefox-esr-l10n-mr
- firefox-esr-l10n-ms
- firefox-esr-l10n-my
- firefox-esr-l10n-nb-no
- firefox-esr-l10n-ne-np
- firefox-esr-l10n-nl
- firefox-esr-l10n-nn-no
- firefox-esr-l10n-oc
- firefox-esr-l10n-pa-in
- firefox-esr-l10n-pl
- firefox-esr-l10n-pt-br
- firefox-esr-l10n-pt-pt
- firefox-esr-l10n-rm
- firefox-esr-l10n-ro
- firefox-esr-l10n-ru
- firefox-esr-l10n-si
- firefox-esr-l10n-sk
- firefox-esr-l10n-sl
- firefox-esr-l10n-son
- firefox-esr-l10n-sq
- firefox-esr-l10n-sr
- firefox-esr-l10n-sv-se
- firefox-esr-l10n-ta
- firefox-esr-l10n-te
- firefox-esr-l10n-th
- firefox-esr-l10n-tr
- firefox-esr-l10n-uk
- firefox-esr-l10n-ur
- firefox-esr-l10n-uz
- firefox-esr-l10n-vi
- firefox-esr-l10n-xh
- firefox-esr-l10n-zh-cn
- firefox-esr-l10n-zh-tw
- links
- links2
- midori
- torbrowser-launcher
- name: "E-mail Clients"
description: "Various Email Clients"
- alpine
- claws-mail
- evolution
- geary
- kmail
- name: "Thunderbird E-Mail client"
description: "A cross platform standalone mail/news reader supporting POP/POP3 and IMAP protocols"
- thunderbird
- name: "Thunderbird Language Packs"
description: "Language Packs and text direction converter"
- thunderbird-bidiui
- thunderbird-l10n-all
- thunderbird-l10n-ar
- thunderbird-l10n-ast
- thunderbird-l10n-be
- thunderbird-l10n-bg
- thunderbird-l10n-br
- thunderbird-l10n-ca
- thunderbird-l10n-cs
- thunderbird-l10n-cy
- thunderbird-l10n-da
- thunderbird-l10n-de
- thunderbird-l10n-dsb
- thunderbird-l10n-el
- thunderbird-l10n-en-gb
- thunderbird-l10n-es-ar
- thunderbird-l10n-es-es
- thunderbird-l10n-et
- thunderbird-l10n-eu
- thunderbird-l10n-fi
- thunderbird-l10n-fr
- thunderbird-l10n-fy-nl
- thunderbird-l10n-ga-ie
- thunderbird-l10n-gd
- thunderbird-l10n-gl
- thunderbird-l10n-he
- thunderbird-bidiui
- thunderbird-l10n-hr
- thunderbird-l10n-hsb
- thunderbird-l10n-hu
- thunderbird-l10n-hy-am
- thunderbird-l10n-id
- thunderbird-l10n-is
- thunderbird-l10n-it
- thunderbird-l10n-ja
- thunderbird-l10n-kab
- thunderbird-l10n-kk
- thunderbird-l10n-ko
- thunderbird-l10n-lt
- thunderbird-l10n-ms
- thunderbird-l10n-nl
- thunderbird-l10n-pl
- thunderbird-l10n-pt-br
- thunderbird-l10n-pt-pt
- thunderbird-l10n-rm
- thunderbird-l10n-ro
- thunderbird-l10n-ru
- thunderbird-l10n-si
- thunderbird-l10n-sq
- thunderbird-l10n-sr
- thunderbird-l10n-sv-se
- thunderbird-l10n-tr
- thunderbird-l10n-uk
- thunderbird-l10n-vi
- thunderbird-l10n-zh-tw
- name: "Thunderbird Add-Ons"
description: "Additional desktop enhancements for Thundebird Mail"
- birdtray
- lightning
- thunderbird-bidiui
- name: "Social Clients / Chat Software"
description: "Social Video & Chat Clients"
- finch
- hexchat
- hexchat-plugins
- jami
- mumble
- pidgin
- psi
- tkabber
- name: "Download Managers"
description: "Various Download & Torrent Managers"
- deluge
- filezilla
- ktorrent
- qbittorrent
- transmission-gtk
- name: "Networking Tools"
description: "Various Network and Networking tools and utilities"
- ufw
- gufw
- iptraf-ng
- samba
- wireshark
- name: "Office Suites"
description: "Select from the suite or components, plus add-ons"
- name: "LibreOffice - Suites"
description: "Selection of Suites, components, Language Packs and add-ons"
- libreoffice
- libreoffice-gnome
- libreoffice-gtk3
- name: "LibreOffice - Comopnents"
description: "Individual packages of utilities from the LibreOffice Suite"
- name: "LibreOffice-Base"
description: "Component used to connect to and utilize DataBase connections"
- libreoffice-base
- libreoffice-report-builder
- libreoffice-calc
- libreoffice-draw
- libreoffice-impress
- libreoffice-math
- libreoffice-writer
- name: "LibreOffice - Language Packs"
description: "Language Packs For LibreOffice"
- libreoffice-l10n-af
- libreoffice-l10n-am
- libreoffice-l10n-ar
- libreoffice-l10n-as
- libreoffice-l10n-ast
- libreoffice-l10n-be
- libreoffice-l10n-bg
- libreoffice-l10n-bn
- libreoffice-l10n-br
- libreoffice-l10n-bs
- libreoffice-l10n-ca
- libreoffice-l10n-cs
- libreoffice-l10n-cy
- libreoffice-l10n-da
- libreoffice-l10n-de
- libreoffice-l10n-dz
- libreoffice-l10n-el
- libreoffice-l10n-en-gb
- libreoffice-l10n-en-za
- libreoffice-l10n-eo
- libreoffice-l10n-es
- libreoffice-l10n-et
- libreoffice-l10n-eu
- libreoffice-l10n-fa
- libreoffice-l10n-fi
- libreoffice-l10n-fr
- libreoffice-l10n-ga
- libreoffice-l10n-gd
- libreoffice-l10n-gl
- libreoffice-l10n-gu
- libreoffice-l10n-gug
- libreoffice-l10n-he
- libreoffice-l10n-hi
- libreoffice-l10n-hr
- libreoffice-l10n-hu
- libreoffice-l10n-id
- libreoffice-l10n-in
- libreoffice-l10n-is
- libreoffice-l10n-it
- libreoffice-l10n-ja
- libreoffice-l10n-ka
- libreoffice-l10n-kk
- libreoffice-l10n-km
- libreoffice-l10n-kmr
- libreoffice-l10n-kn
- libreoffice-l10n-ko
- libreoffice-l10n-lt
- libreoffice-l10n-lv
- libreoffice-l10n-mk
- libreoffice-l10n-mn
- libreoffice-l10n-mr
- libreoffice-l10n-nb
- libreoffice-l10n-ne
- libreoffice-l10n-nl
- libreoffice-l10n-nn
- libreoffice-l10n-nr
- libreoffice-l10n-nso
- libreoffice-l10n-oc
- libreoffice-l10n-om
- libreoffice-l10n-or
- libreoffice-l10n-pa-in
- libreoffice-l10n-pl
- libreoffice-l10n-pt
- libreoffice-l10n-pt-br
- libreoffice-l10n-ro
- libreoffice-l10n-ru
- libreoffice-l10n-rw
- libreoffice-l10n-si
- libreoffice-l10n-sk
- libreoffice-l10n-sl
- libreoffice-l10n-sr
- libreoffice-l10n-ss
- libreoffice-l10n-st
- libreoffice-l10n-sv
- libreoffice-l10n-szl
- libreoffice-l10n-ta
- libreoffice-l10n-te
- libreoffice-l10n-tg
- libreoffice-l10n-th
- libreoffice-l10n-tn
- libreoffice-l10n-tr
- libreoffice-l10n-ts
- libreoffice-l10n-ug
- libreoffice-l10n-uk
- libreoffice-l10n-uz
- libreoffice-l10n-ve
- libreoffice-l10n-vi
- libreoffice-l10n-xh
- libreoffice-l10n-za
- libreoffice-l10n-zh-cn
- libreoffice-l10n-zh-tw
- libreoffice-l10n-zu
- name: "LibreOffice - Add-Ons"
description: "Individual packages of apps and utilities for the LibreOffice Suite"
- hunspell
- name: Hunspell Dictionaries
description: "Spell checking and Dictionaries for various languages"
- hunspell-af
- hunspell-an
- hunspell-ar
- hunspell-be
- hunspell-bg
- hunspell-bn
- hunspell-bo
- hunspell-br
- hunspell-bs
- hunspell-ca
- hunspell-cs
- hunspell-da
- hunspell-de-at
- hunspell-de-at-frami
- hunspell-de-ch
- hunspell-de-ch-frami
- hunspell-de-de
- hunspell-de-de-frami
- hunspell-de-med
- hunspell-dz
- hunspell-el
- hunspell-en-au
- hunspell-en-ca
- hunspell-en-gb
- hunspell-en-med
- hunspell-en-us
- hunspell-en-za
- hunspell-es
- hunspell-eu
- hunspell-fr
- hunspell-fr-classical
- hunspell-fr-comprehensive
- hunspell-fr-revised
- hunspell-gd
- hunspell-gl
- hunspell-gl-es
- hunspell-gu
- hunspell-gug
- hunspell-he
- hunspell-hi
- hunspell-hr
- hunspell-hu
- hunspell-id
- hunspell-is
- hunspell-it
- hunspell-kk
- hunspell-kmr
- hunspell-ko
- hunspell-lo
- hunspell-lt
- hunspell-lv
- hunspell-ml
- hunspell-mn
- hunspell-ne
- hunspell-nl
- hunspell-no
- hunspell-oc
- hunspell-pl
- hunspell-pt-br
- hunspell-pt-pt
- hunspell-ro
- hunspell-ru
- hunspell-si
- hunspell-sk
- hunspell-sl
- hunspell-sr
- hunspell-sv
- hunspell-sv-se
- hunspell-sw
- hunspell-te
- hunspell-th
- hunspell-tools
- hunspell-tr
- hunspell-uk
- hunspell-uz
- hunspell-vi
- bluez
- cups
- cups-bsd
- ghostscript
- libpaper-utils
- libsane
- libxrender1
- libgl1
- openclipart-libreoffice
- pstoedit
- simple-scan
- unixodbc
- name: "Printing Support"
description: "Add Printer Support"
- cups
- cups-bsd
- name: "Foomatic Print Drivers"
description: "Foomatic based Printer Drivers"
- foomatic-db
- foomatic-db-engine
- foomatic-filters
- foomatic-filters-beh
- foomatic-db-compressed-ppds
- openprinting-ppds
- name: "Brother Printer"
description: "Brother based Printer Drivers"
- printer-driver-brlaser
- printer-driver-ptouch
- name: "Canon LBP laser printers"
description: "Canon LBP laser printers Drivers"
- printer-driver-cjet
- name: "Epson Utilities"
description: "Epson based Printer Drivers"
- escputil
- ink
- mtink
- printer-driver-escpr
- sane-airscan
- name: "Fuji Xerox printers"
description: "Fuji Xerox printers Drivers"
- printer-driver-fujixerox
- name: "HP Printer Support"
description: "Packages and drivers for HP Printers and Printer/Scanner Combos"
- name: "HP Color LaserJet 35xx/36xx"
description: "HP Color LaserJet 35xx/36xx Drivers"
- printer-driver-pxljr
- name: "HP-GDI printers"
description: "HP-GDI printers Drivers"
- printer-driver-pnm2ppa
- name: "HP Printer/Scanner"
description: "Install HP Printer/Scanner"
- hplip
- hplip-gui
- xsane
- name: "Kodak ESP AiO Color"
description: " Kodak ESP AiO color inkjet Series Drivers "
- printer-driver-c2esp
- name: "Konica/Minolta PagePro"
description: "Konica/Minolta PagePro 1[234]xxW Drivers"
- printer-driver-min12xxw
- name: "Lexmark 2050 Color Jetprinter "
description: "Lexmark 2050 Color Jetprinter Drivers"
- printer-driver-c2050
- name: "Minolta magicolor 2300W/2400W color laser"
description: "Minolta magicolor 2300W/2400W color laser Drivers"
- printer-driver-m2300w
- name: "OKI Data printers"
description: "OKI Data printers Drivers"
- printer-driver-oki
- name: "Ricoh Aficio SP 1000s/SP 1100s"
description: "Ricoh Aficio SP 1000s/SP 1100s Drivers"
- printer-driver-sag-gdi
- name: "Samsung and Xerox SPL2 and SPLc laser printers"
description: "Samsung and Xerox SPL2 and SPLc laser printers Drivers"
- printer-driver-splix
- name: "ZjStream-based printers"
description: "ZjStream-based printers"
- printer-driver-foo2zjs
- simple-scan
- name: "A/V Players & Tools"
description: "Wide Selection of A/V Players. Editors and Codecs"
- name: "A/V Codecs"
description: "Selection of Audio and Video Codecs"
- faac
- faad
- ffmpeg
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
- gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio
- sox
- lame
- twolame
- w32codecs
- w64codecs
- name: "Audio Players"
description: "Selection of Audio Players"
- audacious
- audacious-plugins
- clementine
- elisa
- lollypop
- sayonara
- vlc
- name: "Audio Editors"
description: "Selection of Audio Editors"
- ardour
- audacity
- kwave
- lmms
- name: "Audio Converters"
description: "Few good Audio Converters"
- lame
- soundconverter
- name: "Other Audio Tools"
description: "Various Other Audio Tools"
- easytag
- picard
- rhythmbox
- tangerine
- name: "Video Players"
description: "Selection of Video Players"
- celluloid
- dragonplayer
- haruna
- mplayer-gui
- mpv
- parole
- smplayer
- vlc
- xine-ui
- name: "Video Editors"
description: "Selection of Video Capture & Editors"
- kazam
- kdenlive
- obs-studio
- openshot-qt
- pitivi
- shotcut
- simplescreenrecorder
- vokoscreen-ng
- name: "Video Converters"
description: "Selection of Video Converters"
- ffmpeg
- mkvtoolnix
- mkvtoolnix-gui
- mystiq
- name: "Other Video Tools"
description: "Various other Video Tools"
- cheese
- guvcview
- mediainfo-gui
- name: "Graphics Studio"
description: "Image creation and manipulation suites and applications"
- blender
- darktable
- digikam
- flameshot
- gimp
- krita
- imagemagick
- inkscape
- showfoto
- name: "Utilities"
description: "Various Useful GUI and CLI/TUI Utilities"
- name: "Archive Applications"
description: "Selection of Arching Utilities and Extractors"
- p7zip-full
- p7zip-rar
- rar
- unrar
- zip
- unzip
- xarchiver
- name: "Disk & USB Tools"
description: "Drive Manipulation Tools"
- brasero
- k3b
- gnome-disk-utility
- gnome-multi-writer
- gparted
- timeshift
- name: "FingerPrint Driver"
description: "FingerPrint Drivers"
- fprintd
- name: "Package Managers"
description: "Additional Package Managers"
- gnome-software
- gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
- gnome-software-plugin-snap
- name: "Password Managers"
description: "Securely Store & Manage Passwords"
- keepassxc
- lastpass-cli
- name: "Resource Monitors"
description: "HTOP, BTOP & Others"
- btop
- htop
- nvtop
- name: "System Applications"
description: "Selection of Useful and sometimes required applications"
- apt-config-auto-update
- aptitude
- gnome-firmware
- gnome-packagekit
- gvfs-backends
- lightdm-settings
- slick-greeter
- name: "System Utilities"
description: "Misc other System Tools"
- barrier
- caffeine
- solaar
- timeshift
- name: "Terminal Emulators"
description: "Extra Terminal Emulators"
- cool-retro-term
- gnome-terminal
- guake
- mate-terminal
- mlterm
- terminus
- terminator
- xfce4-terminal
- name: "Linux Driver Modules"
description: "A shortlist of avalaible useful drivers"
- name: "Processor Microcode"
description: "Select based on your CPU"
- amd64-microcode
- intel-microcode
- name: "Broadcom WiFi"
description: "Broadcom WiFi Drivers"
- b43-fwcutter
- broadcom-sta-common
- broadcom-sta-dkms
- broadcom-sta-source
- firmware-b43-installer
- firmware-b43legacy-installer
- firmware-bnx2
- firmware-bnx2x
- firmware-brcm80211
- name: "Nvidia Drivers and Support"
description: "Support apps and drivers for Nvidia hardware"
- name: "NVidia GPUs"
description: "Select Your NVidia GPU Drivers"
- nvidia-driver
- nvidia-legacy-390xx-driver
- name: "NVidia NVENC Suport"
description: "Install NVidia NVENC Suport"
- libnvidia-encode1
- libnvidia-legacy-390xx-encode1
- name: "Optimus Manager"
description: "Enable Intel/nVidia GPU Switching"
- primus
- primus-nvidia
- bbswitch-dkms
- bumblebee
- bumblebee-nvidia
- name: "Nvidia Installer Cleanup"
description: " * Use of Nvidia-Installers is prevented, with this package installed *"
- nvidia-installer-cleanup
- name: "Wine All in One"
description: "Windows Compatibility Layer"
- wine
- winetricks

View File

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ modules-search: [ local, /usr/lib/calamares/modules ]
# YAML: list of maps of string:string key-value pairs.
#- id: packages
# module: netinstall
# config: netinstall-packages.conf
- id: packages
module: netinstall
config: netinstall-packages.conf
#- id: system
# module: netinstall
# config: netinstall-system.conf
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ sequence:
- locale
- keyboard
- partition
# - netinstall@packages
- netinstall@packages
- users
- summary
@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ sequence:
- initramfs
- sources-media-unmount
- sources-final
- grub-defaults
- update-system
- shellprocess
- umount