""" * Author: "PepDebian(peppermintosteam@proton.me) * * License: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * this script is for performing actions for the hub * """ import os import subprocess # This will get the logged in user gusr = os.getlogin() spath = "/home/" + gusr + "/.local/share/pmostools/peptools" def osettingsmgr(): """#Settings Manager""" subprocess.Popen("xfce4-settings-manager") def nhnm(): """#Network Manager""" subprocess.Popen("nm-connection-editor") def nhpr(): """#Printers""" subprocess.Popen("system-config-printer") def nhpav(): """#Pulse Audio Volume""" subprocess.Popen("pavucontrol") def ssug(): """#User and Groups""" subprocess.Popen("users-admin") def ssdu(): """#Disk Utilities""" subprocess.Popen("gnome-disks") def sssi(): """#System Information""" cmd = "x-terminal-emulator -e 'bash -c \"neofetch\";bash'" subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) def ssst(): """#Snapstore""" cmd = "[ -e /snap/bin ] && snap-store || x-terminal-emulator -e \"bash -c 'sudo snap install snap-store'\"" subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) def ssfh(): """#Flathub""" os.system('luakit -U https://flathub.org &') def ssss(): """#Snapstore""" os.system('luakit -U https://snapcraft.io/store &') def ssai(): """#App Image""" os.system('luakit -U https://www.appimagehub.com/ &') def ssgn(): """#gnomestore""" subprocess.Popen("gnome-software") def ssgns(): """#gnomestoreweb""" os.system('luakit -U https://apps.gnome.org/ &') def ssspm(): """#Synaptic Package Manage""" subprocess.Popen("synaptic-pkexec") def packages(): """#Installer""" os.system('python3 ' + spath + '/suggested.py')