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1999-11-11 16:10:37 -01:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 1999 Rapha<68>l Hertzog <>
# See the README file for the license.
# This script will dispatch the source packages on different CD.
# It will include all the sources corresponding to the binary
# packages that are included in the binary CDs.
# In general, I'll follow the same rules than list2cds ...
use strict;
my $deflimit = shift || $ENV{'SRCSIZELIMIT'} || $ENV{'SIZELIMIT'} || 629145600;
my $limit = $ENV{'SRCSIZELIMIT1'} || $deflimit;
my $nonfree = $ENV{'NONFREE'};
my $nonus = $ENV{'NONUS'} || 0;
my $complete = $ENV{'COMPLETE'} || 0;
my $local = $ENV{'LOCAL'} || 0;
1999-11-11 16:10:37 -01:00
my $bdir = "$ENV{'TDIR'}/$ENV{'CODENAME'}-$ENV{'ARCH'}";
my $sdir = "$ENV{'TDIR'}/$ENV{'CODENAME'}-src";
my $verbose = $ENV{'VERBOSE'} || 0;
my $mirror = $ENV{'MIRROR'};
my $codename = $ENV{'CODENAME'};
$| = 1;
open(LOG, ">$sdir/log.cds2src") || die "Can't write in $sdir/log.cds2src !\n";
sub msg {
my $level= shift;
if ($verbose >= $level) {
print @_;
print LOG @_;
my %bin2src;
my %sources;
my %included;
# Get the information from the good Sources.gz files
my @SOURCES = ("$mirror/dists/$codename/main/source/Sources.gz",
if ($nonus and ($codename ne "slink")) {
push @SOURCES,
if ($nonfree) {
push @SOURCES, "$mirror/dists/$codename/non-free/source/Sources.gz";
if ($nonus and ($codename ne "slink")) {
push @SOURCES,
# Slink special case
if ($nonus and ($codename eq "slink")) {
push @SOURCES, "$nonus/dists/$codename/non-US/source/Sources.gz";
if ($local and -e "$mirror/dists/$codename/local/source/Sources.gz")
push @SOURCES, "$mirror/dists/$codename/local/source/Sources.gz";
1999-11-11 16:10:37 -01:00
foreach (@SOURCES) {
die "File `$_' cannot be found ..." if not -f;
my $oldrs = $/;
$/ = '';
my ($re, $p, $bin, $file, $size);
open (SOURCES, "zcat @SOURCES |") || die "Can't fork: $!\n";
while (defined($_ = <SOURCES>)) {
# General information about the source package
next if not m/^Package: (\S+)\s*$/m;
$p = $1;
$included{$p} = 0;
$sources{$p}{"Package"} = $p;
foreach $re (qw/Binary Version Section Directory/) {
(m/^$re: (.*?)\s*$/m and $sources{$p}{$re} = $1)
|| msg(1, "Header field '$re' missing for source '$p'\n");
foreach $bin (split (/,\s+/, $sources{$p}{"Binary"})) {
$bin2src{$bin} = $p;
$sources{$p}{"Files"} = [];
# Get the file list with the size
if (not m/^Files:\s*\n/mgc) {
msg(0,"ERROR: Cannot found Files field ...\n");
while (m/\G^\s+([\da-fA-F]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s*\n/mgc) {
$file = $3; $size = $2;
$file = "$sources{$p}{'Directory'}/$file";
push @{$sources{$p}{"Files"}}, [ $file, $size ];
if (not @{$sources{$p}{"Files"}}) {
msg(0, "ERROR: Source package $p has no files ...\n");
$/ = $oldrs;
# Get the list of included packages
my @list = ();
my $i = 1;
while (-e "$bdir/$i.packages") {
open (LIST, "< $bdir/$i.packages") || die "Can't open $file ...\n";
while (defined($_ = <LIST>)) {
push @list, $_;
close LIST;
msg(0, "ERROR: No source packages for the CD !\n") if not @list;
# Calculate what files go on which CD
my (%cds);
my ($cd, $cd_size, $total_size, $src) = (1, 0, 0);
foreach $p (@list) {
if (not exists $bin2src{$p}) {
msg(1, "WARNING: Package `$p' has no sources ... (ignored)\n");
$src = $bin2src{$p};
if (not exists $included{$src}) {
msg(0, "ERROR: Source `$src' does not exist ... (ignored)\n");
next if $included{$src};
add_src ($src);
if ($complete) {
msg(0, "Now we'll add the sources not yet included ...\n");
foreach $p (sort { ($sources{$a}{"Section"} cmp $sources{$b}{"Section"})
|| ($a cmp $b) }
grep { not $included{$_} } keys %sources)
add_src ($p);
# Now write the lists down
foreach (keys %cds) {
my $count = 0;
open(CDLIST, "> $sdir/$_.sources")
|| die "Can't write in $sdir/$_.sources: $!\n";
foreach (@{$cds{$_}}) {
print CDLIST "$_\n";
close CDLIST;
msg(0, "CD $_ will have $count files from source packages.\n");
close LOG;
sub add_src {
my $src = shift;
my @files = ();
$size = 0;
msg(2, "+ Trying to add $src ...\n");
foreach (@{$sources{$src}{"Files"}}) {
$size += $_->[1];
push @files, $_->[0];
if ($cd_size + $size > $limit) {
msg(0, "Source CD $cd filled with $cd_size bytes ...",
" (limit was $limit)\n");
$cd_size = 0;
# New limit
$limit = $ENV{"SRCSIZELIMIT$cd"} || $deflimit;
msg(1, "Limit for CD $cd is $limit\n");
$cd_size += $size;
$total_size += $size;
add_to_cd ($cd, \@files);
$included{$src} = $cd;
sub add_to_cd {
my $cd = shift;
my $tab = shift;
$cds{$cd} = [] if not ref $cds{$cd};
msg(1, "Adding to CD $cd : @{$tab}\n");
push (@{$cds{$cd}}, @{$tab});