#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # Now check to see if we've been told to use backports versions of any # of the packages in our list of packages. my $listin = shift; my $listout = shift; my $backports_list = read_env('BACKPORTS', ""); my $codename = read_env('CODENAME', ""); my %backports; sub read_env { my $env_var = shift; my $default = shift; if (exists($ENV{$env_var})) { return $ENV{$env_var}; } # else return $default; } # If not configured to use backports, bail if ($backports_list =~ /^$/) { exit 0; } # Read in the backports list open (BACKPORTS, "< $backports_list") or die "ERROR: Can't read configured backports list file $backports_list: $!\n"; while (defined($_=)) { chomp; # Define to 1 here to say it needs to be included $backports{$_} = 1; } close BACKPORTS; print "Checking for desired backports in $backports_list\n"; open (LISTIN, "< $listin") or die "ERROR: Can't read the current list file $listin: $!\n"; open (LISTOUT, "> $listout") or die "ERROR: Can't write to $listout: $!\n"; # For any packages in out input list that are listed in the backports # file, switch to $pkg/backports while (defined($_=)) { chomp; if (exists $backports{$_}) { delete $backports{$_}; print LISTOUT "$_/$codename-backports\n"; print " Replaced $_ with $_/$codename-backports in $listout\n"; } else { print LISTOUT "$_\n"; } } close LISTIN; # Finally, any further packages in our backports list are explicitly # requested even if they weren't in the original list. Append to the # output file to force inclusion. This is before sort_deps will get # run, so dependencies will get resolved later foreach my $p (keys %backports) { print LISTOUT "$p/$codename-backports\n"; print " Appended $p/$codename-backports\n"; } close LISTOUT; exit 0;