#!/bin/bash # # Do install stuff for m68k, including making bootable CDs for bvme6000 # Works with debian-installer # # $1 is the CD number # $2 is the temporary CD build dir . $BASEDIR/tools/boot/$DI_CODENAME/common.sh set -e N=$1 CDDIR=$2 INSTALLDIR=$CDDIR/install # the ! case further down doesn't seem to work. #if [ ! "$DI_WWW_HOME" ];then # DI_WWW_HOME="default" #fi if [ "$DI_WWW_HOME" = "default" ];then DI_WWW_HOME="http://people.debian.org/~smarenka/d-i/images-m68k/daily/" elif [ "$DI_WWW_HOME" = "test" ];then DI_WWW_HOME="http://people.debian.org/~smarenka/d-i/test/cd/" fi if [ ! "$DI_DIST" ]; then DI_DIST="$DI_CODENAME" fi DI_DIR="$MIRROR/dists/$DI_DIST/main/installer-$ARCH/current/images" DI_BOOTLOADER="http://people.debian.org/~smarenka/d-i" cd $CDDIR/.. echo -n "--netatalk -J -hfs -probe -map $BASEDIR/data/hfs.map" \ > $N.mkisofs_opts # Only disk 1 bootable if [ $N != 1 ]; then exit 0 fi echo "DI_WWW_HOME: $DI_WWW_HOME" echo "DI_BOOTLOADER: $DI_BOOTLOADER" echo "DI_DIR: $DI_DIR" install_languages $CDDIR # remove i386 stuff rm -rf $CDDIR/tools cd $INSTALLDIR # This setup is designed to automatically use whatever subarchs are # available to build the cd. if [ ! "$DI_WWW_HOME" ];then if [ ! $DI_DIR ]; then echo "Rats, can't find: $DI_DIR!" fi cp -a $DI_DIR/* . # SUBARCHS=`find "$DI_DIR/*" -type d -print | sed -e 's,.*/,,'` # for subarch in $SUBARCHS; do # echo "subarch: $subarch" # mkdir $subarch # cp -a "$DI_DIR"/$subarch/* $subarch # done # cp "$DI_DIR/cdrom-initrd.gz" root.bin # if [ -f "$DI_DIR/cdrom22-initrd.gz" ]; then # cp "$DI_DIR/cdrom22-initrd.gz" root22.bin # fi # cp "$DI_DIR/MANIFEST" . else wget -q -np -nH --cut-dirs=4 -r -l 3 -R '.gif,.log,stats.txt,index*' "$DI_WWW_HOME" # SUBARCHS=$(wget -q "$DI_WWW_HOME/" -O - | \ # sed -n -e 's/.*>\(.*\)\/<.*/\1/p') # for subarch in $SUBARCHS; do # echo "subarch: $subarch" # mkdir $subarch # cd $subarch # wget -q -np -nd -r -l 1 -R '.gif' "$DI_WWW_HOME/$subarch" # rm index* # cd .. # done # wget -O root.bin "$DI_WWW_HOME/cdrom-initrd.gz" # if ! wget -O root22.bin "$DI_WWW_HOME/cdrom22-initrd.gz" ; then # rm root22.bin # fi # wget -O MANIFEST "$DI_WWW_HOME/MANIFEST" fi SUBARCHS=`grep vmlinu MANIFEST | cut -d'-' -f3 | sort -u | awk '{printf "%s ", $1}'` # grab unpackged stuff if [ -d tools ]; then cd tools fi for subarch in $SUBARCHS; do TARF="bootloaders-$subarch.tar.bz2" if `wget -q -O $TARF "$DI_BOOTLOADER/$TARF"` ; then tar -xjf $TARF fi rm -f $TARF done # amiga specific stuff if [ "" != "`echo $SUBARCHS | grep amiga`" ]; then # Amiboot and dmesg need to be executable chmod a+x amiga/amiboot-5.6 chmod a+x amiga/dmesg # Setup amiga icons cp amiga/amiga.info $CDDIR/install.info if [ -d $INSTALLDIR/tools ]; then cp amiga/amiga.info $INSTALLDIR/tools.info fi mv amiga/amiga.info . fi cd $INSTALLDIR # bvme6000 specific stuff if [ "" != "`echo $SUBARCHS | grep bvme6000`" ]; then mkdir -p $CDDIR/boot1/boot if [ -f bvme6000/cdrom-boot.img.gz ]; then cp bvme6000/cdrom-boot.img.gz $CDDIR/boot1/boot/boot.bin else cp cdrom/bvme6000-boot.img.gz $CDDIR/boot1/boot/boot.bin fi echo -n " -b boot/boot.bin -c boot/boot.catalog boot1" \ >> $N.mkisofs_opts fi ##-----------------------------< end of file >------------------------------##