
705 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 1999 Raphaël Hertzog <>
# See the README file for the license
# This script takes 2 arguments on input :
# - a filename listing all the packages to include
# - a size-limit for each CD
use strict;
my $list = shift;
my $deflimit = $ENV{'SIZELIMIT'} || shift || 639631360;
my $limit = $ENV{'SIZELIMIT1'} || $deflimit;
my $nonfree = $ENV{'NONFREE'} || 0;
my $extranonfree = $ENV{'EXTRANONFREE'} || 0;
my $nonus = $ENV{'NONUS'} || 0;
my $forcenonusoncd1 = $ENV{'FORCENONUSONCD1'} || 0;
my $local = $ENV{'LOCAL'} || 0;
my $complete = $ENV{'COMPLETE'} || 0;
my $exclude = "$list.exclude";
my $norecommends = $ENV{'NORECOMMENDS'} || 0;
my $nosuggests = $ENV{'NOSUGGESTS'} || 1;
my $maxcds = $ENV{'MAXCDS'} || 0;
my $apt = "$ENV{'BASEDIR'}/tools/apt-selection";
my $adir = "$ENV{'APTTMP'}/$ENV{'CODENAME'}-$ENV{'ARCH'}";
my $dir = "$ENV{'TDIR'}/$ENV{'CODENAME'}-$ENV{'ARCH'}";
my $verbose = $ENV{'VERBOSE'} || 0;
$| = 1; # Autoflush for debugging
open(LOG, ">$dir/log.list2cds") || die "Can't write in $dir/log.list2cds !\n";
sub msg {
my $level = shift;
if ($verbose >= $level) {
print @_;
print LOG @_;
my %included;
my %excluded;
my %packages;
msg(0, "======================================================================
Here are the settings you've chosen for making the list:
List of prefered packages: $list
Exclude file: $exclude
msg(0, "Complete selected packages with all the rest: "); msg(0, yesno($complete)."\n");
msg(0, "Include non-free packages: "); msg(0, yesno($nonfree)."\n");
msg(0, "Include non-US packages: "); msg(0, yesno($nonus)."\n");
msg(0, "======================================================================
# Get the information on all packages
my $oldrs = $/;
$/ = '';
open(AVAIL, "$apt cache dumpavail |") || die "Can't fork : $!\n";
my ($p, $re);
while (defined($_=<AVAIL>)) {
next if not m/^Package: (\S+)\s*$/m;
$p = $1;
$included{$p} = 0;
$packages{$p}{"Package"} = $p;
foreach $re (qw(Version Priority Section Filename Size MD5sum)) {
(m/^$re: (\S+)\s*$/m and $packages{$p}{$re} = $1)
|| msg(1, "Header field '$re' missing for package '$p'.\n");
$packages{$p}{"Depends"} = [];
$packages{$p}{"Suggests"} = [];
$packages{$p}{"Recommends"} = [];
$packages{$p}{"IsUdeb"} = ($packages{$p}{"Filename"} =~ /.udeb$/) ? 1 : 0;
close AVAIL or die "apt-cache failed : $@ ($!)\n";
$/ = $oldrs;
# Get the list of excluded packages
%excluded = %included;
my $count_excl = 0;
if (-e $exclude) {
open (EXCL, "< $exclude") || die "Can't open $exclude : $!\n";
while (defined($_=<EXCL>)) {
next if m/^\s*$/;
if (not exists $packages{$_}) {
msg(1, "INIT: Package '$_' is in excluded but " .
"doesn't exist. Ignored.\n");
$excluded{$_} = 'user choice';
close EXCL;
# Now exclude more packages because of the non-free and non-us rules
if (not $nonfree) {
foreach (grep { $packages{$_}{"Section"} =~ /non-free/ }
(keys %packages)) {
$excluded{$_} = 'nonfree';
if (not $nonus) {
foreach (grep { $packages{$_}{"Section"} =~ /non-US/ }
(keys %packages)) {
$excluded{$_} = 'nonus';
msg(0, "Statistics:
Number of packages: @{ [scalar(keys %packages)] }
Number of excluded: $count_excl of @{ [scalar(keys %excluded)] }
open(STATS, "> $dir/stats.excluded")
|| die "Can't write in stats.excluded: $!\n";
foreach (keys %excluded) {
print STATS "$_ => $excluded{$_}\n";
close (STATS);
# Browse the list of packages to include
my ($total_size, $cd_size, $size, $cd) = (0, 0, 0, 1);
my %cds;
# Generate a dependency tree for each package
msg(0, "-- Generating dependencies tree with apt-cache depends...\n");
my (@list) = keys %packages;
while (@list) {
my (@pkg) = splice(@list,0,200);
$ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C'; # Required since apt is now translated
open (APT, "$apt cache depends @pkg |") || die "Can't fork : $!\n";
my (@res) = (<APT>);
close APT or die "« apt-cache depends » failed ... \n" .
"you must have apt >= !\n";
# Getting rid of conflicts/replaces/provides
my $i = 0;
my $nb_lines = scalar @res;
push @res, ""; # Avoid warnings ...
while ($i < $nb_lines) {
if ($res[$i] !~ m/^(\S+)\s*$/) {
msg(0, "UNEXPECTED: Line `$res[$i]' while parsing " .
"end of deptree from '$p'\n");
$p = $1; $i++;
msg(2, " Dependency tree of `$p' ...\n");
read_depends (\$i, \@res, $p);
msg(0, "-- Adding standard, required, important and base packages \n" .
" on the first CD ...\n");
# Automatically include packages listed in the status file
open(STATUS, "< $adir/status") || die "Can't open status file : $!\n";
while (defined($_ = <STATUS>)) {
next if not m/^Package: (\S+)/;
$p = $1;
if (not exists $packages{$p}) {
msg(1, "WARNING: Package `$p' is listed in the status file "
. "but doesn't exist ! (ignored) \n",
" TIP: Try to generate the status file with " .
"make (correct)status (after a make distclean)...\n");
next if $excluded{$p};
add_package($p, ! $norecommends, ! $nosuggests);
close STATUS;
msg(0, " Standard system already takes $cd_size bytes on the first CD.\n");
# Now start to look for packages wanted by the user ...
msg(0, "-- Starting to add packages to the CDs ...\n");
open (LIST, "< $list") || die "Can't open $list : $!\n";
while (defined($_=<LIST>)) {
next if m/^\s*$/;
if (not exists $packages{$_}) {
msg(1, "WARNING: '$_' does not appear to be available ... " .
next if $excluded{$_};
if ($included{$_}) {
msg(3, "$_ has already been included.\n");
# This is because udebs tend to have bad dependencies but work
# nevertheless ... this may be removed once the udebs have a
# better depencency system
if ($packages{$_}{"IsUdeb"}) {
add_to_cd($cd, $packages{$_}{"Size"}, [$_]);
} else {
add_package ($_, ! $norecommends, ! $nosuggests);
close LIST;
# All requested packages have been included
# But we'll continue to add if $complete was requested
if ($complete) {
msg(0, "-- Now we'll add all the packages not yet included ...\n");
# Try to sort them by section even if packages from
# other sections will get in through dependencies
# With some luck, most of them will already be here
foreach my $p (sort { ($packages{$a}{"Section"} cmp $packages{$b}{"Section"})
|| ($a cmp $b) }
grep { not ($included{$_} or $excluded{$_}) } keys %packages) {
add_package ($p, 0, 0);
msg(0, "CD $cd will only be filled with $cd_size bytes ...\n");
# Now select the non-free packages for an extra CD
if ($extranonfree and (! $nonfree))
my ($p, @toinclude);
# Finally accept non-free packages ...
foreach $p (grep { $excluded{$_} eq "nonfree" } (keys %excluded))
$excluded{$p} = 0;
push @toinclude, $p;
# Start a new CD
$cd_size = 0;
$limit = $ENV{"SIZELIMIT$cd"} || $deflimit;
msg(0, "Limit for non-free CD $cd is $limit.\n");
# Include non-free packages
foreach $p (@toinclude)
add_package($p, 1, 1);
# If a contrib package was listed in the list of packages to
# include and if COMPLETE=0 there's a chance that the package
# will not get included in any CD ... so I'm checking the complete
# list again
open (LIST, "< $list") || die "Can't open $list : $!\n";
while (defined($_=<LIST>)) {
next if m/^\s*$/;
next if $included{$_};
next if $excluded{$_};
if (not exists $packages{$_}) {
msg(1, "WARNING: '$_' does not appear to be available ... " .
add_package ($_, 1, 1);
close LIST;
# Try to include other packages that could not be included
# before (because they depends on excluded non-free packages)
if ($complete)
foreach $p (sort { ($packages{$a}{"Section"}
cmp $packages{$b}{"Section"}) || ($a cmp $b) }
grep { not ($included{$_} or $excluded{$_}) }
keys %packages)
add_package ($p, 0, 0);
msg(0, "CD $cd will only be filled with $cd_size bytes ...\n");
# Remove old files
foreach (glob("$dir/*.packages")) {
unlink $_;
# Now write the lists down
my $numcds=0;
foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %cds) {
if ($maxcds && $numcds+1 > $maxcds) {
msg(0, "Stopping at CD $numcds\n");
my $count = 0;
open(CDLIST, "> $dir/$_.packages")
|| die "Can't write in $dir/$_.packages: $!\n";
foreach (@{$cds{$_}}) {
print CDLIST "$_\n";
close CDLIST;
msg(0, "CD $_ will have $count packages.\n");
close LOG;
sub read_depends {
my $i = shift; # Ref
my $lines = shift; # Ref
my $pkg = shift; # string
my $types = "(?:Pre)?Depends|Suggests|Recommends|Replaces|Conflicts";
my (@dep, @rec, @sug);
my ($type, $or, $elt);
while ($lines->[$$i] =~ m/^\s([\s\|])($types):/) {
$type = $2; $or = $1;
# Get rid of replaces and conflicts ...
if (($type eq "Replaces") or ($type eq "Conflicts")) {
while ($lines->[$$i] =~ m/^\s{4}/) {
# Check the kind of depends : or, virtual, normal
if ($or eq '|') {
$elt = read_ordepends ($i, $lines);
} elsif ($lines->[$$i] =~ m/^\s\s$type: <([^>]+)>/) {
$elt = read_virtualdepends ($i, $lines);
} elsif ($lines->[$$i] =~ m/^\s\s$type: (\S+)/) {
$elt = $1; $$i++;
# Special case for packages providing not
# truely virtual packages
if ($lines->[$$i] =~ m/^\s{4}/) {
$elt = [ $elt ];
while ($lines->[$$i] =~ m/\s{4}(\S+)/) {
push @{$elt}, $1;
} else {
msg(0, "ERROR: Unknown depends line : $lines->[$$i]\n");
foreach ($$i - 3 .. $$i + 3) {
msg(0, " ", $lines->[$_]);
$type =~ s/^Pre//; # PreDepends are like Depends for me
next if dep_satisfied($elt);
push @{$packages{$pkg}{$type}}, $elt;
sub dep_satisfied {
my $p = shift;
if (ref $p) {
foreach (@{$p}) {
return 1 if $included{$_};
} else {
return $included{$p};
return 0;
sub read_ordepends {
my $i = shift;
my $lines = shift;
my @or = ();
my ($val,$dep, $last) = ('','',0);
while ($lines->[$$i]
=~ m/^\s([\s\|])((?:Pre)?Depends|Suggests|Recommends): (\S+)/) {
$val = $3;
$last = 1 if $1 ne '|'; #Stop when no more '|'
if ($val =~ m/^<.*>$/) {
$dep = read_virtualdepends ($i, $lines);
if (ref $dep) {
push @or, @{$dep};
} else {
push @or, $dep;
} else {
push @or, $val; $$i++;
# Hack for packages providing not a truely
# virtual package
while ($lines->[$$i] =~ m/^\s{4}(\S+)/) {
push @or, $1;
last if $last;
return \@or;
sub read_virtualdepends {
my $i = shift;
my $lines = shift;
my $virtual;
my @or = ();
#Check for the lines with <>
if ($lines->[$$i]
=~ m/^\s[\s\|]((?:Pre)?Depends|Recommends|Suggests): <([^>]+)>/) {
$virtual = $2;
# Now look at the alternatives on the following lines
while ($lines->[$$i] =~ m/^\s{4}(\S+)/) {
push @or, $1;
if (@or) {
return \@or;
} else {
return $virtual;
sub add_package {
my $p = shift;
my $add_rec = shift; # Do we look for recommends
my $add_sug = shift; # Do we look for suggests
msg(2, "+ Trying to add $p...\n");
if ($included{$p}) {
msg(2, " Already included ...\n");
# Get all dependencies (not yet included) of each package
my (@dep) = (get_missing ($p));
# Stop here if apt failed
if (not scalar(@dep)) {
msg(2, "Can't add $p ... dependency problem.\n");
msg(3, " \@dep before checklist = @dep\n");
# Check if all packages are allowed (fail if one cannot)
if (not check_list (\@dep, 1)) {
msg(2, "Can't add $p ... one of the package needed has " .
"been refused.\n");
msg(3, " \@dep after checklist = @dep\n");
if ($add_rec) {
#TODO: Look for recommends (not yet included !!)
add_recommends (\@dep);
# Check again but doesn't fail if one of the package cannot be
# installed, just ignore it (it will be removed from @dep)
if (not check_list (\@dep, 0)) {
msg(0, "UNEXPECTED: It shouldn't fail here !\n");
msg(3, " \@dep after checklist2 = @dep\n");
if ($add_sug) {
#TODO: Look for suggests (not yet included !!)
add_suggests (\@dep);
# Check again but doesn't fail if one of the package cannot be
# installed, just ignore it (it will be removed from @dep)
if (not check_list (\@dep, 0)) {
msg(0, "UNEXPECTED: It shouldn't fail here !\n");
msg(3, " \@dep after checklist3 = @dep\n");
# All packages are ok, now check for the size issue
$size = get_size (\@dep);
# Creation of a new CD when needed
if ($cd_size + $size > $limit) {
my $try_size = $cd_size + $size;
msg(0, "CD $cd filled with $cd_size bytes ... ",
"(limit was $limit, would have taken $try_size)\n");
$cd_size = 0;
# New limit
$limit = $ENV{"SIZELIMIT$cd"} || $deflimit;
msg(2, "Limit for CD $cd is $limit.\n");
# Unexclude packages
unexclude ($cd);
add_to_cd ($cd, $size, \@dep);
sub accepted {
my $p = shift;
return not $excluded{$p} if (exists $excluded{$p});
# Return false for a non-existant package ...
msg(1, "WARNING: $p cannot be accepted, it doesn't exist ...\n");
return 0;
sub add_suggests {
my $list = shift;
my $p; # = shift;
my @copy = @{$list}; # A copy is needed since I'll modify the array
foreach $p (@copy) {
add_missing($list, $packages{$p}{"Suggests"});
sub add_recommends {
my $list = shift;
my $p; # = shift;
my @copy = @{$list}; # A copy is needed since I'll modify the array
foreach $p (@copy) {
add_missing($list, $packages{$p}{"Recommends"});
sub get_missing {
my $p = shift;
my @list = ($p);
if (not add_missing (\@list, $packages{$p}{"Depends"})) {
return ();
return (@list);
# Recursive function adding to the
sub add_missing {
my $list = shift;
my $new = shift;
my @backup = @{$list};
my $ok = 1;
# Check all dependencies
foreach (@{$new}) {
next if dep_satisfied ($_);
# If it's an OR
if (ref) {
my $or_ok = 0;
# Loop over each package in the OR
foreach my $pkg (@{$_}) {
next if not accepted ($pkg);
# If the package is already included
# then don't worry
if ($included{$pkg}) {
$or_ok = 1;
# Check we don't already have the package
if (is_in ($pkg, $list)) {
$or_ok = 1;
# Otherwise try to add it
} else {
#Instead of doing a bad choice I'm
#including all packages that do
#fit to the needs
push (@{$list}, $pkg);
if (add_missing ($list,
$or_ok = 1;
} else {
pop @{$list};
$ok &&= $or_ok;
# Else it's a simple dependency
} else {
if (not exists $packages{$_}) {
msg(1, "$_ doesn't exist...\n");
$ok = 0;
next if $included{$_}; # Already included, don't worry
next if is_in ($_, $list);
push @{$list}, $_;
if (not add_missing ($list, $packages{$_}{"Depends"})) {
pop @{$list};
$ok = 0;
# If a problem has come up, then restore the original list
if (not $ok) {
@{$list} = @backup;
return $ok;
# Check if $value is in @{$array}
sub is_in {
my $value = shift;
my $array = shift;
foreach my $key (@{$array}) {
return 1 if ($key eq $value);
return 0;
# The size of a group of packages
sub get_size {
my $arrayref = shift;
my $size = 0;
foreach (@{$arrayref}) {
$size += $packages{$_}{"Size"};
return $size;
# Check a list of packages
sub check_list {
my $ref = shift;
my $fail = shift;
my $ok = 1;
my @to_remove = ();
foreach (@{$ref}) {
if (not exists $excluded{$_}) {
msg(1," $_ has been refused because it doesn't exist ...\n");
$ok = 0;
push @to_remove, $_;
if (not accepted($_)) {
msg(1," $_ has been refused because of $excluded{$_} ...\n");
$ok = 0;
push @to_remove, $_;
if ($included{$_}) {
" $_ has already been included in CD $included{$_}.\n");
push @to_remove, $_;
foreach my $removed (@to_remove) {
msg(2, " Removing $removed ...\n");
@{$ref} = grep { $_ ne $removed } @{$ref};
return ($fail ? $ok : 1);
# Add packages to the current CD number $cd
sub add_to_cd {
my $cd = shift;
my $size = shift;
my $ref = shift;
msg(2, " \$cd_size = $cd_size, \$size = $size\n");
$cd_size += $size;
$total_size += $size;
foreach my $pkg (@{$ref}) {
$included{$pkg} = $cd;
$cds{$cd} = [] if not ref $cds{$cd};
msg(2, " Adding @{$ref} to CD $cd ...\n");
push(@{$cds{$cd}}, @{$ref});
# Unexclude packages before given CD is started
sub unexclude {
my $cd = shift;
my $unexclude = $ENV{"UNEXCLUDE$cd"} || "$list.unexclude$cd";
if (-e $unexclude) {
open (UNEXCL, "< $unexclude") || die "Can't open $unexclude : $!\n";
while (defined($_=<UNEXCL>)) {
if (not exists $packages{$_}) {
msg(1, "Package '$_' is in unexcluded but " .
"doesn't exist. Ignored.\n");
$excluded{$_} = 0;
msg(1, "Unexcluding package '$_'\n");
close UNEXCL;
sub yesno {
my $in = shift;
return $in ? "yes" : "no";