# Files we don't want from other repositories. .git .gitignore .UpdateIgnore RepoUpdater RepoUpdate.config LICENSE README.md # Files & Directories in the Production Repo that shouldn't be touched. .MiniRepoIgnoreList budgiebuild.sh cinnamonbuild.sh gnomebuild.sh kdebuild.sh lxde32build.sh lxdebuild.sh lxqt32build.sh lxqtbuild.sh xfce32build.sh xfcebuild.sh Budgie Cinnamon Gnome Kde Lxde Lxde32 Lxqt Lxqt32 Mate Xfce Xfce32 Master.UpdateIgnore # Files a directories from the Dev repo to exclude. BldHelper-testing.sh BldHelper-unstable.sh unstablebuild.sh testbuild.sh acortesting acorunstable build