update jgmenu settings

This commit is contained in:
manuel 2024-01-09 11:18:46 -01:00
parent 8a3d1904d2
commit d608c279d5
15 changed files with 2 additions and 477 deletions

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
shadow = true;
no-dnd-shadow = true;
no-dock-shadow = true;
clear-shadow = true;
shadow-radius = 7;
shadow-offset-x = -7;
shadow-offset-y = -7;
shadow-opacity = 0.7;
shadow-red = 0.0;
shadow-green = 0.0;
shadow-blue = 0.0;
shadow-exclude = [ "name = 'Notification'", "class_g = 'Conky'", "class_g ?= 'Notify-osd'", "class_g = 'Cairo-clock'" ];
shadow-ignore-shaped = false;
xinerama-shadow-crop = false;
menu-opacity = 1.0;
inactive-opacity = 1.0;
active-opacity = 1.0;
frame-opacity = 1.0;
inactive-opacity-override = false;
alpha-step = 0.06;
inactive-dim = 0.0;
blur-kern = "3x3box";
blur-background-exclude = [ "window_type = 'dock'", "window_type = 'desktop'" ];
fading = true;
fade-in-step = 1.0;
fade-out-step = 1.0;
fade-exclude = [ ];
backend = "xrender";
mark-wmwin-focused = true;
mark-ovredir-focused = true;
detect-rounded-corners = true;
detect-client-opacity = true;
refresh-rate = 0;
vsync = "none";
dbe = false;
paint-on-overlay = true;
focus-exclude = [ "class_g = 'Cairo-clock'" ];
detect-transient = true;
detect-client-leader = true;
invert-color-include = [ ];
glx-copy-from-front = false;
glx-swap-method = "undefined";
wintypes :
tooltip :
fade = true;
shadow = false;
opacity = 0.75;
focus = true;
blur-background-fixed = true;

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
# verbosity = 0
# stay_alive = 1
# persistent = 0
# hide_on_startup = 0
# csv_cmd = apps
# tint2_look = 0
# position_mode = fixed
# edge_snap_x = 30
# terminal_exec = x-terminal-emulator
# terminal_args = -e
# monitor = 0
# hover_delay = 100
# hide_back_items = 1
# columns = 1
# tabs = 120
# menu_margin_x = 0
# menu_margin_y = 0
# menu_width = 200
# menu_height_min = 0
# menu_height_max = 0
# menu_height_mode = static
# menu_padding_top = 5
# menu_padding_right = 5
# menu_padding_bottom = 5
# menu_padding_left = 5
# menu_radius = 1
# menu_border = 0
# menu_halign = left
# menu_valign = bottom
# menu_gradient_pos = none
# sub_spacing = 1
# sub_padding_top = auto
# sub_padding_right = auto
# sub_padding_bottom = auto
# sub_padding_left = auto
# sub_hover_action = 1
# item_margin_x = 3
# item_margin_y = 3
# item_height = 25
# item_padding_x = 4
# item_radius = 1
# item_border = 0
# item_halign = left
# sep_height = 5
# sep_halign = left
# sep_markup =
# font =
# font_fallback = xtg
# icon_size = 22
# icon_text_spacing = 10
# icon_norm_alpha = 100
# icon_sel_alpha = 100
# icon_theme =
# icon_theme_fallback = xtg
# arrow_string = ▸
# arrow_width = 15
# color_menu_bg = #000000 100
# color_menu_bg_to = #000000 100
# color_menu_border = #eeeeee 8
# color_norm_bg = #000000 00
# color_norm_fg = #eeeeee 100
# color_sel_bg = #ffffff 20
# color_sel_fg = #eeeeee 100
# color_sel_border = #eeeeee 8
# color_sep_fg = #ffffff 20
# color_scroll_ind = #eeeeee 40
# color_title_fg = #eeeeee 50
# color_title_bg = #000000 0
# color_title_border = #000000 0
# csv_name_format = %n (%g)
# csv_single_window = 0
# csv_no_dirs = 0
# csv_i18n =
# csv_no_duplicates = 0

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
exit to prompt,openbox --exit,system-log-out
Suspend,systemctl -i suspend,system-log-out
Reboot,systemctl -i reboot,system-reboot
Poweroff,systemctl -i poweroff,system-shutdown
1 ^sep()
2 Exit,^checkout(exit),system-shutdown
3 ^tag(exit)
4 exit to prompt,openbox --exit,system-log-out
5 Suspend,systemctl -i suspend,system-log-out
6 Reboot,systemctl -i reboot,system-reboot
7 Poweroff,systemctl -i poweroff,system-shutdown

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
# verbosity = 0
# stay_alive = 1
# persistent = 0
# hide_on_startup = 0
# csv_cmd = apps
# tint2_look = 0
# position_mode = fixed
# edge_snap_x = 30
# terminal_exec = x-terminal-emulator
# terminal_args = -e
# monitor = 0
# hover_delay = 100
# hide_back_items = 1
# columns = 1
# tabs = 120
# menu_margin_x = 0
# menu_margin_y = 0
# menu_width = 200
# menu_height_min = 0
# menu_height_max = 0
# menu_height_mode = static
# menu_padding_top = 5
# menu_padding_right = 5
# menu_padding_bottom = 5
# menu_padding_left = 5
# menu_radius = 1
# menu_border = 0
# menu_halign = left
# menu_valign = bottom
# menu_gradient_pos = none
# sub_spacing = 1
# sub_padding_top = auto
# sub_padding_right = auto
# sub_padding_bottom = auto
# sub_padding_left = auto
# sub_hover_action = 1
# item_margin_x = 3
# item_margin_y = 3
# item_height = 25
# item_padding_x = 4
# item_radius = 1
# item_border = 0
# item_halign = left
# sep_height = 5
# sep_halign = left
# sep_markup =
# font =
# font_fallback = xtg
# icon_size = 22
# icon_text_spacing = 10
# icon_norm_alpha = 100
# icon_sel_alpha = 100
# icon_theme =
# icon_theme_fallback = xtg
# arrow_string = ▸
# arrow_width = 15
# color_menu_bg = #000000 100
# color_menu_bg_to = #000000 100
# color_menu_border = #eeeeee 8
# color_norm_bg = #000000 00
# color_norm_fg = #eeeeee 100
# color_sel_bg = #ffffff 20
# color_sel_fg = #eeeeee 100
# color_sel_border = #eeeeee 8
# color_sep_fg = #ffffff 20
# color_scroll_ind = #eeeeee 40
# color_title_fg = #eeeeee 50
# color_title_bg = #000000 0
# color_title_border = #000000 0
# csv_name_format = %n (%g)
# csv_single_window = 0
# csv_no_dirs = 0
# csv_i18n =
# csv_no_duplicates = 0

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
exit to prompt,openbox --exit,system-log-out
Suspend,systemctl -i suspend,system-log-out
Reboot,systemctl -i reboot,system-reboot
Poweroff,systemctl -i poweroff,system-shutdown
1 ^sep()
2 Exit,^checkout(exit),system-shutdown
3 ^tag(exit)
4 exit to prompt,openbox --exit,system-log-out
5 Suspend,systemctl -i suspend,system-log-out
6 Reboot,systemctl -i reboot,system-reboot
7 Poweroff,systemctl -i poweroff,system-shutdown

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
# verbosity = 0
# stay_alive = 1
# persistent = 0
# hide_on_startup = 0
# csv_cmd = apps
# tint2_look = 0
# position_mode = fixed
# edge_snap_x = 30
# terminal_exec = x-terminal-emulator
# terminal_args = -e
# monitor = 0
# hover_delay = 100
# hide_back_items = 1
# columns = 1
# tabs = 120
# menu_margin_x = 0
# menu_margin_y = 0
# menu_width = 200
# menu_height_min = 0
# menu_height_max = 0
# menu_height_mode = static
# menu_padding_top = 5
# menu_padding_right = 5
# menu_padding_bottom = 5
# menu_padding_left = 5
# menu_radius = 1
menu_border = 0
# menu_halign = left
# menu_valign = bottom
# menu_gradient_pos = none
# sub_spacing = 1
# sub_padding_top = auto
# sub_padding_right = auto
# sub_padding_bottom = auto
# sub_padding_left = auto
# sub_hover_action = 1
# item_margin_x = 3
# item_margin_y = 3
# item_height = 25
# item_padding_x = 4
# item_radius = 1
# item_border = 0
# item_halign = left
# sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
# font =
# font_fallback = xtg
# icon_size = 22
# icon_text_spacing = 10
# icon_norm_alpha = 100
# icon_sel_alpha = 100
# icon_theme =
# icon_theme_fallback = xtg
# arrow_string = ▸
# arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #444444 100
# color_menu_bg_to = #000000 100
color_menu_border = #444444 100
# color_norm_bg = #000000 00
color_norm_fg = #eeeeee 100
color_sel_bg = #f06860 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #f06860 100
color_sep_fg = #262626 100
# color_scroll_ind = #eeeeee 40
color_title_fg = #eeeeee 100
color_title_bg = #444444 100
color_title_border = #444444 100
# csv_name_format = %n (%g)
# csv_single_window = 0
# csv_no_dirs = 0
# csv_i18n =
# csv_no_duplicates = 0

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
exit to prompt,openbox --exit,system-log-out
Suspend,systemctl -i suspend,system-log-out
Reboot,systemctl -i reboot,system-reboot
Poweroff,systemctl -i poweroff,system-shutdown
1 ^sep()
2 Exit,^checkout(exit),system-shutdown
3 ^tag(exit)
4 exit to prompt,openbox --exit,system-log-out
5 Suspend,systemctl -i suspend,system-log-out
6 Reboot,systemctl -i reboot,system-reboot
7 Poweroff,systemctl -i poweroff,system-shutdown

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
# verbosity = 0
# stay_alive = 1
# persistent = 0
# hide_on_startup = 0
# csv_cmd = apps
# tint2_look = 0
# position_mode = fixed
# edge_snap_x = 30
# terminal_exec = x-terminal-emulator
# terminal_args = -e
# monitor = 0
# hover_delay = 100
# hide_back_items = 1
# columns = 1
# tabs = 120
# menu_margin_x = 0
# menu_margin_y = 0
# menu_width = 200
# menu_height_min = 0
# menu_height_max = 0
# menu_height_mode = static
# menu_padding_top = 5
# menu_padding_right = 5
# menu_padding_bottom = 5
# menu_padding_left = 5
# menu_radius = 1
menu_border = 0
# menu_halign = left
# menu_valign = bottom
# menu_gradient_pos = none
# sub_spacing = 1
# sub_padding_top = auto
# sub_padding_right = auto
# sub_padding_bottom = auto
# sub_padding_left = auto
# sub_hover_action = 1
# item_margin_x = 3
# item_margin_y = 3
# item_height = 25
# item_padding_x = 4
# item_radius = 1
# item_border = 0
# item_halign = left
# sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
# font =
# font_fallback = xtg
# icon_size = 22
# icon_text_spacing = 10
# icon_norm_alpha = 100
# icon_sel_alpha = 100
# icon_theme =
# icon_theme_fallback = xtg
# arrow_string = ▸
# arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #444444 100
# color_menu_bg_to = #000000 100
color_menu_border = #444444 100
# color_norm_bg = #000000 00
color_norm_fg = #eeeeee 100
color_sel_bg = #f06860 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #f06860 100
color_sep_fg = #262626 100
# color_scroll_ind = #eeeeee 40
color_title_fg = #eeeeee 100
color_title_bg = #444444 100
color_title_border = #444444 100
# csv_name_format = %n (%g)
# csv_single_window = 0
# csv_no_dirs = 0
# csv_i18n =
# csv_no_duplicates = 0

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
File manager,pcmanfm,system-file-manager
1 Terminal,x-terminal-emulator,utilities-terminal
2 Browser,firefox,firefox
3 File manager,pcmanfm,system-file-manager
4 ^sep()

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
exit to prompt,openbox --exit,system-log-out
Suspend,systemctl -i suspend,system-log-out
Reboot,systemctl -i reboot,system-reboot
Poweroff,systemctl -i poweroff,system-shutdown
1 ^sep()
2 Exit,^checkout(exit),system-shutdown
3 ^tag(exit)
4 exit to prompt,openbox --exit,system-log-out
5 Suspend,systemctl -i suspend,system-log-out
6 Reboot,systemctl -i reboot,system-reboot
7 Poweroff,systemctl -i poweroff,system-shutdown

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
# verbosity = 0
# stay_alive = 1
# persistent = 0
# hide_on_startup = 0
# csv_cmd = apps
# tint2_look = 0
# position_mode = fixed
# edge_snap_x = 30
# terminal_exec = x-terminal-emulator
# terminal_args = -e
# monitor = 0
# hover_delay = 100
# hide_back_items = 1
# columns = 1
# tabs = 120
# menu_margin_x = 0
# menu_margin_y = 0
menu_width = 110
# menu_height_min = 0
# menu_height_max = 0
# menu_height_mode = static
# menu_padding_top = 5
# menu_padding_right = 5
# menu_padding_bottom = 5
# menu_padding_left = 5
# menu_radius = 1
menu_border = 0
# menu_halign = left
# menu_valign = bottom
# menu_gradient_pos = none
# sub_spacing = 1
# sub_padding_top = auto
# sub_padding_right = auto
# sub_padding_bottom = auto
# sub_padding_left = auto
# sub_hover_action = 1
# item_margin_x = 3
# item_margin_y = 3
# item_height = 25
# item_padding_x = 4
# item_radius = 1
# item_border = 0
# item_halign = left
# sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
# font =
# font_fallback = xtg
# icon_size= 22
# icon_text_spacing = 10
# icon_norm_alpha = 100
# icon_sel_alpha = 100
# icon_theme =
# icon_theme_fallback = xtg
# arrow_string = ▸
# arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #444444 100
# color_menu_bg_to = #000000 100
color_menu_border = #444444 100
# color_norm_bg = #000000 00
color_norm_fg = #eeeeee 100
color_sel_bg = #f06860 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #f06860 100
color_sep_fg = #262626 100
# color_scroll_ind = #eeeeee 40
color_title_fg = #eeeeee 100
color_title_bg = #444444 100
color_title_border = #444444 100
# csv_name_format = %n (%g)
# csv_single_window = 0
# csv_no_dirs = 0
# csv_i18n =
# csv_no_duplicates = 0

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
File manager,pcmanfm,system-file-manager
1 Terminal,x-terminal-emulator,utilities-terminal
2 Browser,firefox,firefox
3 File manager,pcmanfm,system-file-manager
4 ^sep()

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
<!-- /usr/share/icons/breeze-dark/actions/22/system-search.svg -->
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 22 22">
<defs id="defs3051">
<style type="text/css" id="current-color-scheme">
.ColorScheme-Text {
d="M 9 3 C 5.6759952 3 3 5.6759952 3 9 C 3 12.324005 5.6759952 15 9 15 C 10.481205 15 11.830584 14.465318 12.875 13.582031 L 18.292969 19 L 19 18.292969 L 13.582031 12.875 C 14.465318 11.830584 15 10.481205 15 9 C 15 5.6759952 12.324005 3 9 3 z M 9 4 C 11.770005 4 14 6.2299952 14 9 C 14 11.770005 11.770005 14 9 14 C 6.2299952 14 4 11.770005 4 9 C 4 6.2299952 6.2299952 4 9 4 z "


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 774 B

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# tabs = 120
# menu_margin_x = 0
# menu_margin_y = 0
menu_width = 110
# menu_width = 200
# menu_height_min = 0
# menu_height_max = 0
# menu_height_mode = static
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
# font =
# font_fallback = xtg
# icon_size= 22
# icon_size = 22
# icon_text_spacing = 10
# icon_norm_alpha = 100
# icon_sel_alpha = 100

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
File manager,pcmanfm,system-file-manager

1 Terminal,x-terminal-emulator,utilities-terminal
2 File manager,pcmanfm,system-file-manager
3 ^sep()