This commit is contained in:
Tommy McGee 2023-07-11 15:48:53 +09:00
parent bd5e63d040
commit cc1e91f1fd
133557 changed files with 795045 additions and 2 deletions

Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 PeppemrintOS Team (
# This Make file is used to execute the different parts if the bubble system
# by running for example deb64 will chain execute copy_fls, copy_flders and
# inflate to build an ISO . To begin a fresh skeleton, you need to run only
# fresh...after that. As build sare release for publication you can run nightly
# or release to move the files to your web server location the
# run the build you need.
# None of these steps need to run as root all this can be ran ad a normal user
PY_PATH = ~/bubbles/python_modules
python3 ${PY_PATH}/
python3 ${PY_PATH}/
python3 ${PY_PATH}/
python3 ${PY_PATH}/
python3 ${PY_PATH}/
python3 ${PY_PATH}/
python3 ${PY_PATH}/
python3 ${PY_PATH}/
# run this to start with a blank shell for
# config folders/
python3 ${PY_PATH}/

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@ -1,3 +1,82 @@
# bubbles
# Bubbles
Bubbles is a ISO build for debian based operating systems, written in python
Bubbles is an ISO builder for debian based operating systems, written in python.
This application uses [GNU make](
to bring all the modules together as a semi-automated build system.
It does use the debian live build tools to build and create the ISO.
Requirements needed to use Bubbles:
- debian live-build tools
- python3
- gnu make
**Usage** - The Peppermint ISO collection consists of 32/64, ARM and Systemd/NonSystemd ISOs.
## Understand the folder structure
Every piece of the ISO broken down in to a modular structure i.e. the folder
structure you see in the **iso_configs**. Some folders are shared common files that all ISOs will
use other folders are broken down by specific architecture. This makes it easier
to scale and mainatain as things change over time.
Here here is grouping break-down of the folders
### Shared Folders
- aliases
- application
- database
- desktop_base
- font
- gksudo
- grub
- hooks
- icons
- issue
- lightdm
- menu
- packages
- PepProPixMaps
- PepProTools
- plymouth
- polkit
- profile
- theme
- user_config
- wallpaper
- xfce
### Architecture Specific
- info
- multimedia
- sources
- splash
- os-release
- calamares_settings
- os-release
- sources
- splash
Each folder in this area has subfolders broken down by:
- Debian 32/64/arm
- Devuan 32/64/arm
As you have a need to maintain seperate configuration files for each build
this is where you place your files.
*For example:*
If you have Calamares Settings configuration files ONLY for the Devuan 32 bit
ISO, then you put those files in the /calamares_settings/dev_32/ directory.
At this point what you need to do is add all your configuration settings in the
folders listed above.
When you have done that make sure you are in the bubbles directory.
Then in temerinal run for example ```make deb64``` to build the 64 bit iso.
if you want to run other builds you would use the make command with one of the
following deb32, dev64, dev32, debarm or devarm.

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iso_configs/PepProTools/hub Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
python3 ~/.local/share/pmostools/peptools/

iso_configs/PepProTools/kumo Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
python3 ~/.local/share/pmostools/peptools/

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
python3 ~/.local/share/pmostools/peptools/

iso_configs/PepProTools/xDaily Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
[ "$USER" != "root" ] &&
echo -e "\t$PROGNAME must be run as root. \n\tOr with \`sudo $PROGNAME\` ." && exit
### Our options are going to be
# = "full output to the terminal, no stopping."
# -i = "interactive"
# -q = "interactive but suppressed output"
for i in _quiet _interactive ; do unset -v $i ; done
while getopts 'iq' OPTION; do
case "$OPTION" in
echo -e " Entering interactive mode\n"
echo -e " Entering interactive mode, without verbose output.\n"
echo "Usage: $(basename ${PROGNAME}) [-i = interactive] [-q = suppressed ouput]"
return 1
[ "$(which nala)" ] && PkgMgr="nala" || PkgMgr="apt"
see_it() {
[ "$_interactive" = "yes" ] && ( read -n1 -p " $_msg ? \"Y/n\" " answ
[ -z $answ ] || [ "$answ" = "y" ] || [ "$answ" = "Y" ] && echo &&
do_it &&
echo -e " $_msg - Completed.\n" ||
echo -e "\r $_msg - Skipped.\n" )
no_see() {
[ "$_quiet" = "yes" ] && ( read -n1 -p " $_msg ? \"Y/n\" " answ
[ -z $answ ] || [ "$answ" = "y" ] || [ "$answ" = "Y" ] && echo &&
do_it > /dev/null &&
echo -e " $_msg - Completed.\n" ||
echo -e "\r $_msg - Skipped.\n" )
run_it() {
[ "$_interactive" != "yes" ] && [ "$_quiet" != "yes" ] && (
echo -e "\n $_msg ." &&
do_it &&
echo -e " $_msg - Completed." )
# Begin xDaily command functions
_update() {
_msg="Check apt repositories for Updates"
do_it() {
[ "$_quiet" != "yes" ] &&
$PkgMgr update ||
$PkgMgr update 2>&1 >/dev/null
_upgradable() {
_msg="See upgradable packages"
do_it() {
[ "$_quiet" != "yes" ] &&
$PkgMgr list --upgradable ||
$PkgMgr list --upgradable 2>&1 >/dev/null
# no_see
# run_it
_upgrade() {
_msg="Install available updated packages"
do_it() {
[ "$_quiet" != "yes" ] &&
$PkgMgr upgrade ||
$PkgMgr upgrade 2>&1 >/dev/null
_apt_clean() {
_msg="Remove unneccessary packages from APT cache"
do_it() {
[ "$_quiet" != "yes" ] &&
$PkgMgr clean ||
$PkgMgr clean 2>&1 >/dev/null
_autoclean () {
_msg="Remove unavailable entries from APT cache"
do_it() {
[ "$_quiet" != "yes" ] &&
$PkgMgr autoclean ||
$PkgMgr autoclean 2>&1 >/dev/null
_autoremove() {
_msg="Remove old dependencies not required by the system"
do_it() {
[ "$_quiet" != "yes" ] &&
$PkgMgr autoremove ||
$PkgMgr autoremove 2>&1 >/dev/null
_clear_thumbnails() {
_msg="Clear browser thumbnail caches"
do_it() {
for i in ".thumbnails" ".cache/thumbnails" ; do
for j in "*/*.png" "*/*/*.png" ; do
[ "$_quiet" != "yes" ] &&
rm -v /home/${SUDO_USER}/${i}/${j} 2>/dev/null ||
rm /home/${SUDO_USER}/${i}/${j} 2>/dev/null
done ; true
_clear_recents() {
_msg="Clear the \"Recently Used\" list in FireFox"
do_it() {
dd bs=1 count=1 status=none if=/dev/null of=/home/${SUDO_USER}/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
chown ${SUDO_USER} /home/${SUDO_USER}/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
_rbranding() {
_msg="Reconfirm Peppermint Branding in os-release"
do_it() {
diff -q /opt/pepconf/os-release /usr/lib/os-release || cp /opt/pepconf/os-release /usr/lib/os-release
diff -q /opt/pepconf/os-release /etc/os-release || cp /opt/pepconf/os-release /etc/os-release
_ssd_trimfs() {
_msg="For SSDs: trim eligible ext2/3/4 filesystems"
do_it() {
for mnt in $(grep -E "(ext2|ext3|ext4)" /etc/mtab | cut -f2 -d" ")
do fstrim ${mnt} &>/dev/null &&
echo -e " Completed fstrim for \"${mnt}\"" ||
echo -e " No fstrim required for \"${mnt}\""
_udcache() {
_msg="Caching icons at /usr/share/icons/"
do_it() { update-icon-caches /usr/share/icons/* ;}
if [ "$PkgMgr" = "apt" ]; then _autoclean ; fi
[ "$_interactive" = "yes" ] &&
read -n1 -p " Press any key to continue ... " answ

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.5 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
alias ISO-datestamps='echo -en "\n Searching for files ...\r"; for i in /dev/sd[a-z] $(du -ahx ~/ 2>&1 | grep -v "\.iso". | grep "\.iso"| cut -f2) $(du -ahx / 2>&1 | grep -v "\.iso". | grep "\.iso"| cut -f2); do string=$(sudo hexdump -Cs 33598 -n16 $i | head -1 | cut -f2 -d"|" | cut -c"1-14"); [ "$string" != "" ] && echo " $string $i" ; done | sort -u'
alias date_of_iso='for i in ./*.iso ./*/*.iso /dev/sd[a-z]; do echo " $(sudo hexdump -C -s33598 -n16 $i 2>/dev/null |head -1 | cut -f2 -d"|" | cut -c-14) $i" ; done | sort'
alias cgrep='grep --color=always'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias less='less -g'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias locate='du -ah / 2>&1 | grep '
alias snipe='du -ah ./ 2>&1 | grep '
alias pep-writer='write-out-iso'
alias plot-boot='systemd-analyze plot > /tmp/boot_plot.svg ; x-www-browser file:///tmp/boot_plot.svg &'
alias timed='clear; neofetch; systemd-analyze'
alias update-aliases='echo -en "\n\tUpdating aliases:\t"; for i in $(alias | grep "alias ". | cut -f1 -d= | cut -f2 -d" "); do echo -en "$i\t"; done ;echo; alias | tee ~/.bash_aliases > /dev/null'
alias vi='busybox vi'
alias vicr='for i in ./* ; do [ -f $i ] && vi -R "$i" ; done'
alias view='vi -R'
alias write-out-iso='
iso=" "
dev=" "
line1="${green}Type or copy-n-paste a file name from above.${sysc}"
line2="${green}Type the full path to your USB device. ${yellow}(/dev/sdX)${sysc}"
line3="The block device ${yellow}${dev}${sysc} was found and seems Ok to use."
_abort="${green}To abort this now, press ${white}Ctrl+C${sysc} ."
_anykey="Hit any key"
_coward="Cowardly refusing to write to"
_empty="${red}This field cannot be empty${sysc}"
_cancel="to cancel"
_continue="to continue"
_knownISO="to enter the full path to the ${white}ISO${sysc}."
_laststep="${aqua}This is the final step.${sysc}"
_missing="File not found."
_mounted="${red}The location is mounted.${sysc}"
_noblock="is not a block device."
_nochecks="No checks were done to determine this is an ISO image."
_noDEV="The location ${white}${dev}${sysc} does not exist yet, Plug in a USB ?"
_noISO="No ISO found in this directory."
_notlisted="Check your file name or the location and retry."
_passwd="${white}To write to a USB, your password may be required.${sysc}"
_re_enter="to Re-Enter the location"
_restart1="To start over, Press ${white}Ctrl+C${sysc},"
_restart2="then move to a folder with the ISO."
_retry="to retry"
_search="Searching ${blue}${PWD}${sysc} for ISOs ."
_write="${green}Hit ${white}ANY${green} key to write the file to"
echo -en "\n\t${_passwd}\n\t"
sudo clear || echo -e "\tFailed password."
until [ ! -z "${iso}" ] && [ -e "${iso}" ] && ! (mount | grep -q "${iso}")
do clear
echo -e "\n ${_search}\n"
for i in ./*.iso ./*/*.iso ; do ls $i 2>/dev/null ; done | /bin/grep "\.iso" &&
echo -en "\n\t${line1}\n\n" || (
echo -en "\n\t${_noISO} \n\n ${_restart1} ${_restart2}\n\n Or ${_anykey} ${_knownISO}"
read -n1 -p " " pause && echo )
read -p " Path to ISO = " iso
[ -z "${iso}" ] && (echo -en "\n${_empty}." ; read -n1 -p " ${_anykey} ${_continue}. " back) && continue
[ ! -e "${iso}" ] && (echo -en "\n${_missing}." ; read -n1 -p " ${_anykey} ${_retry}. " back) && continue
( mount | grep -q "${iso}" ) && (echo -en "\n${_mounted}" ; read -n1 -p " ${_anykey} ${_retry}. " back) && continue
until [ ! -z $dev ] && [ -b $dev ] && ! (mount | grep -q $dev) && [ $dev != "/dev/sda" ] && [ $dev != "/dev/nvme01" ]
do clear
echo -e "\n\t ${green}Choose a block device to write the ISO to.${sysc}"
echo -e "\n ${white}ISO${sysc} -----> ${white}$iso${sysc}\n "
# echo -e "\n$($lsblk_cmd)\n" ; read -p "$line2 " dev
echo -e "\n$($lsblk_cmd)\n" | grep -Ew "(PATH|/dev/sd[a-z])"; echo -en "\n $line2 "; read dev
[ -z $dev ] && (echo -en "${_empty}."; read -n1 -p " ${_anykey} ${_continue}. " back) && continue
[ ! -e $dev ] && (echo -en "${_noDEV}\n\n"; read -n1 -p " ${_anykey} ${_retry}. " back) && continue
[ ! -b $dev ] && (echo -en "${dev} ${_noblock}"; read -n1 -p " ${_anykey} ${_retry}. " back) && continue
(mount | grep -q "$dev") && (echo -en "\n${_mounted}"; read -n1 -p " ${_anykey} ${_retry}. " back) && continue
[ $dev = "/dev/sda" ] && (echo -en "${_coward} ${dev} ."; read -n1 -p " ${_anykey} ${_retry}. " back) && continue
[ $dev = "/dev/nvme01" ] && (echo -en "${_coward} ${dev} ."; read -n1 -p " ${_anykey} ${_retry}. " back) && continue
echo -e "\n\t\t${_laststep}\n"
# echo -e " \t${_anykey} ${_continue}.\n"
echo -e " ${white}ISO${sysc} -----> ${white}${iso}${sysc} "
# echo -e " Device --> ${dev}\n "
# echo -e "$($lsblk_cmd ${dev})" | grep -Ew "(PATH|/dev/sd[a-z])"
echo -en " ${white}Device${sysc} --> "
($lsblk_cmd ${dev}) | /bin/grep -w ${dev}
echo -e "\n\tThe file ${white}$iso${sysc} exists."
echo -e "\t(${_nochecks})"
echo -e "\tThe block device ${yellow}${dev}${sysc} was found and seems Ok to use.\n\n"
echo -e "\t${_abort}"
echo -en "\t${_write} ${yellow}$dev${sysc} . "
read -n1 go
echo -e "\n ${aqua}Writing ${white}${iso}${aqua} to ${yellow}$dev${aqua} ...${sysc}"
sudo dd bs=4M oflag=direct status=progress if="${iso}" of=${dev}'

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Install Peppermint
Name[bg]=Инсталиране на Peppermint
Name[es]=Instale Peppermint
Name[fr]= Installer Peppermint
Name[hu]=Telepítse a Peppermint
Name[it]=Installare Peppermint
Name[ja]= Peppermint
Name[pt]=Instalar Peppermint
Name[pt_BR]=Instalar Peppermint
Name[ru]=Установить Peppermint
Comment=Calamares Installer for Peppermint Live

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Peppermint Hub
Comment=Use the Hub to configure your system

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Welcome to Peppermint
Name[en_US]=Welcome to Peppermint

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=GDebi Package Installer
Name[ar]=مثبت الحزم GDebi
Name[ast]=Instalador de Paquetes GDebi
Name[bg]=Инсталатор на пакет
Name[bs]=GDebi Paketni Instaler
Name[ca]=Instal·lador de paquets GDebi
Name[ca@valencia]=Instal·lador de paquets GDebi
Name[cs]=Instalátor balíků GDebi
Name[da]=GDebi pakkeinstalleringsprogram
Name[el]=Εγκατάσταση πακέτων GDebi
Name[en_AU]=GDebi Package Installer
Name[en_CA]=GDebi Package Installer
Name[en_GB]=GDebi Package Installer
Name[eo]=Instalilo de GDebi-pakaĵoj
Name[es]=Instalador de paquetes GDebi
Name[et]=GDebi Paketipaigaldus
Name[eu]=GDebi pakete-instalatzailea
Name[fo]=GDebi Pakka innleggjari
Name[fr]=Installateur de paquets GDebi
Name[gl]=Instalador de paquetes GDebi
Name[he]=מתקין החבילות GDebi
Name[hu]=GDebi csomagtelepítő
Name[id]=Pemasang Paket GDebi
Name[it]=Installatore pacchetto GDebi
Name[lt]=GDebi paketų diegyklė
Name[ms]=Pemasang Pakej GDebi
Name[nb]=GDebi pakkeinstallerer
Name[nl]=GDebi pakketinstalleerder
Name[oc]=Installador de paquets GDebi
Name[pl]=Instalator pakietów GDebi
Name[pt]=Instalador de Pacotes
Name[pt_BR]=Instalador de pacotes GDebi
Name[ro]=GDebi instalator de pachete
Name[ru]=Программа установки пакетов GDebi
Name[sk]=Inštalátor balíkov GDebi
Name[sl]=Namestilnik paketov GDebi
Name[sr]=ГДеби Инсталер пакета
Name[sv]=Paketinstalleraren GDebi
Name[tr]=GDebi Paket Kurucu
Name[uk]=Встановлювач пакунків GDebi
Name[ur]=جی ڈیبی پیکج انسٹالر
GenericName=Package Installer
GenericName[ar]=مثبت الحزم
GenericName[ast]=Instalador de paquetes
GenericName[bg]=Инсталатор на пакети
GenericName[bs]=Paketni instaler
GenericName[ca]=Instal·lador de paquets
GenericName[ca@valencia]=Instal·lador de paquets
GenericName[cs]=Instalátor balíků
GenericName[el]=Εγκατάσταση πακέτων
GenericName[en_AU]=Package Installer
GenericName[en_CA]=Package Installer
GenericName[en_GB]=Package Installer
GenericName[eo]=Instalilo de pakaĵoj
GenericName[es]=Instalador de paquetes
GenericName[et]=Paketti paigaldus
GenericName[fr]=Installateur de paquets
GenericName[gl]=Instalador de paquetes
GenericName[he]=מתקין החבילות
GenericName[hr]=Paketni instaler
GenericName[id]=Pemasang Paket
GenericName[it]=Installatore pacchetto
GenericName[ku]=Sazgera Paketan
GenericName[lt]=Paketų diegyklė
GenericName[ms]=Pemasang Pakej
GenericName[oc]=Installador de paquets
GenericName[pl]=Instalator pakietów
GenericName[pt]=Instalador de Pacotes
GenericName[pt_BR]=Instalador de Pacotes
GenericName[ro]=Instalator pachete
GenericName[ru]=Программа установки пакетов
GenericName[sk]=Inštalátor balíkov
GenericName[sl]=Namestilnik paketov
GenericName[sr]=Инсталер пакета
GenericName[tr]=Paket Kurucu
GenericName[uk]=Встановлювач пакунків
GenericName[ur]=پیکج تنصیب کار
Comment=Install and view software packages
Comment[ar]=تثبيت و عرض حزم البرامج
Comment[ast]=Instalar y ver paquetes de software
Comment[bg]=Инсталиране и преглед на пакети
Comment[bs]=Instaliraj i vidi softverski paket
Comment[ca]=Instal·la i visualitza paquets de programari
Comment[ca@valencia]=Instal·la i visualitza paquets de programari
Comment[cs]=Instalovat a prohlížet balíky
Comment[da]=Installer og vis softwarepakker
Comment[de]=Software-Pakete installieren und betrachten
Comment[el]=Εγκαταστήστε και εμφανίστε πακέτα λογισμικού
Comment[en_AU]=Install and view software packages
Comment[en_CA]=Install and view software packages
Comment[en_GB]=Install and view software packages
Comment[eo]=Instali kaj vidi pakaĵojn de programaroj
Comment[es]=Instala y muestra paquetes de software
Comment[eu]=Instalatu eta ikusi software paketeak
Comment[fi]=Asenna ja tarkastele ohjelmapaketteja
Comment[fo]=Legg inn og vís ritbúnaðarpakkar
Comment[fr]=Installer et lister les paquets logiciels
Comment[gl]=Instalar e ver paquetes de software
Comment[he]=התקנה וצפייה של חבילות תכנה
Comment[hr]=Instaliraj i pregledaj pakete
Comment[hu]=Szoftvercsomagok telepítése és megjelenítése
Comment[id]=Pasang dan tinjau paket-paket piranti lunak
Comment[it]=Installa e visualizza pacchetti software
Comment[ku]=Paketên nivîsbariyê saz bike û lê binêre
Comment[lt]=Įdiegti ir peržiūrėti programinės įrangos paketus
Comment[ms]=Pasang dan papar pakej perisian
Comment[nb]=Installer og vis programvarepakker
Comment[nl]=Programmapakketten installeren en bekijken
Comment[oc]=Installar e far la lista dels paquets logicials
Comment[pl]=Instaluje i wyświetla informacje o pakietach oprogramowania
Comment[pt]=Instalar e ver pacotes de software
Comment[pt_BR]=Instalar e visualizar pacotes de programa
Comment[ro]=Instalare şi vizualizare pachete software
Comment[ru]=Программа установки и просмотра пакетов программ
Comment[sk]=Inštalácia a zobrazenie balíkov softvéru
Comment[sl]=Nameščanje in ogled paketov programske opreme
Comment[sr]=Инсталирајте и погледајте софтверске пакете
Comment[sv]=Installera och visa programpaket
Comment[te]= ి ి
Comment[tr]=Yazılım paketlerini kur ve izle
Comment[uk]=Встановити та оглянути програмні пакунки
Comment[ur]=اردو ترجمہ از محمد علی مکی
Exec=sh -c "gdebi-gtk %f"

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Simple SSB Launcher

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Comment[ar]=بسيط بغباء.
Comment[bg]=Пределно прост.
Comment[bs]=Glupavo jednostavan.
Comment[ca]=Estúpidament simple.
Comment[cs]=Stupidně jednoduchý.
Comment[da]=Super simpel.
Comment[de]=Lächerlich einfach.
Comment[el]=Βλακωδώς απλό.
Comment[en_AU]=Stupidly simple.
Comment[en_CA]=Stupidly simple.
Comment[en_GB]=Stupidly simple.
Comment[eo]=Stulte simple.
Comment[es]=Estúpidamente simple.
Comment[et]=Hämmastavalt lihtne.
Comment[eu]=Erraza baino errazagoa.
Comment[fi]=Todella yksinkertainen.
Comment[fr]=Stupidement simple.
Comment[ga]=Simplíocht shimplí.
Comment[gd]=Cho furasta 's a ghabhas.
Comment[gl]=Estupidamente simple.
Comment[he]=טפשי עד כמה שזה פשוט
Comment[hr]=Neviđeno jednostavan
Comment[hu]=Nagyszerűen egyszerű.
Comment[id]=Begitu sederhana.
Comment[it]=Stupidamente semplice.
Comment[ko]= .
Comment[lt]=Kvailai paprastas.
Comment[lv]=Muļķīgi vienkārši.
Comment[ms]=Ringkas la sangat.
Comment[nb]=Uforstandig enkelt.
Comment[nl]=Belachelijk eenvoudig.
Comment[pl]=Idiotycznie prosty.
Comment[pt]=Estupidamente simples.
Comment[pt_BR]=Estupidamente simples.
Comment[ro]=Stupid de simplu.
Comment[ru]=До безумного прост.
Comment[sk]=Primitívne jednoduchý.
Comment[sl]=Bedasto preprost.
Comment[sma]=dle dan aelhkies.
Comment[sr]=Шашаво једноставно.
Comment[sr@latin]=Glupavo jenostavan.
Comment[sv]=Galet enkelt.
Comment[ta]=ி ி
Comment[te]= ి.
Comment[tr]=Son derece basit.
Comment[uk]=Просто легкий.
Comment[uz]=Ahmoqona darajada sodda.
Comment[vi]=Cc kì đơn gin.
Comment=Stupidly simple.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Welcome to Peppermint
Name[en_US]=Welcome to Peppermint

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Creates an "Install Peppermint" icon on the live session tested with:
# Xfce, LXDE, LXqt, Gnome, KDE, Mate, Cinnamon
# We query xdg-user-dir because the Desktop directory has different
# names for different languages
DESKTOP=$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)
# Create ~/Desktop just in case this runs before the xdg folder
# creation script.
mkdir -p $DESKTOP
# Among the Peppermint desktop environments, LXDE is the only one
# that behaves completely different.
if [ -f /usr/bin/lxsession ]; then
echo "[Desktop Entry]" > $DESKTOP/Install-peppermint.desktop
echo "Type=Link" >> $DESKTOP/Install-peppermint.desktop
echo "Name=Install Peppermint" >> $DESKTOP/Install-peppermint.desktop
echo "Icon=install-debian" >> $DESKTOP/Install-peppermint.desktop
echo "URL=/usr/share/applications/install-peppermint.desktop" \
>> $DESKTOP/Install-peppermint.desktop
chmod +x $DESKTOP/Install-peppermint.desktop
f=$DESKTOP/Install-peppermint.desktop; gio set -t string $f metadata::xfce-exe-checksum "$(sha256sum $f | awk '{print $1}')"
cp /usr/share/applications/Install-peppermint.desktop $DESKTOP
# Xfce needs this executable otherwise it complains, everything
# else doesn't seem to care either way.
chmod +x $DESKTOP/Install-peppermint.desktop
f=$DESKTOP/Install-peppermint.desktop; gio set -t string $f metadata::xfce-exe-checksum "$(sha256sum $f | awk '{print $1}')"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
componentName: peppermint
welcomeStyleCalamares: false
welcomeExpandingLogo: true
windowExpanding: normal
windowSize: 700,450
windowPlacement: center
productName: Peppermint
shortProductName: Peppermint
version: 00
shortVersion: 00
versionedName: Peppermint
shortVersionedName: Peppermint
bootloaderEntryName: Peppermint
productLogo: "pep-logo.png"
productIcon: "pep-logo.png"
productWelcome: "welcome.png"
slideshow: "show.qml"
sidebarBackground: "#C0C0C0"
sidebarText: "#000000"
sidebarTextSelect: "#ffffff"
sidebarTextHighlight: "#f62817"

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 15 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
/* === This file is part of Calamares - <> ===
* Copyright 2015, Teo Mrnjavac <>
* Copyright 2018-2019, Jonathan Carter <>
* Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any later version.
* Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Calamares. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.0;
import calamares.slideshow 1.0;
id: presentation
Timer {
interval: 20000
running: true
repeat: true
onTriggered: presentation.goToNextSlide()
Slide {
Image {
id: background5
source: "s5.png"
width: 2000; height: 2000
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
anchors.centerIn: parent

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@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
/*########Current Calamares Styles##########*/
/* These "Q's" are master styles for overall colours */
#mainApp {background-color: #C0C0C0;
font-family: Cantarell;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000000
/* Set the entire Font and Background color */
QWidget { color: #000000 ;
background-color: #C0C0C0;
font-family: Cantarell;
font: 14px; }
#globalStorageTab { background-color: #C0C0C0 }
/* Set Drop Down Font and Background color */
QComboBox { font: 14px ;
color: #000000 ;
background-color: #ffffff ;
padding: 2px ;
border-radius: 10px
#languageWidget { font: 14px ;
color: #111111 ;
background-color: #ffffff ;
text-align: center ;
border-radius: 6px
/* Set the inline Text box edit Font and Background color */
QLineEdit { font: 14px;
color: #111111;
background-color: #ffffff;
border-color: #000000
/* Set List box Font and Background color */
QListView { font: 14px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #ffffff;
alternate-background-color: #C0C0C0;
padding: 2px;
border-radius: 4px
#layoutSelector {}
/* Set the TreeView Font and Background color */
QTreeView { color: #000000;
background-color: #ffffff;
border-radius: 14px
/* Set buttons Font and Background color */
QPushButton { font: 14px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #C0C0C0;
border-color: #000000;
border-width: 10px;}
#view-button-back { font: 14px;
background-color: #C0C0C0
#view-button-back:hover { font: 14px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #ffffff;
border-color: #000000
#view-button-next { font: 14px;
background-color: #C0C0C0;
border-color: #000000
#view-button-next:hover { font: 14px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #ffffff;
border-color: #000000
#view-button-cancel { font: 14px;
background-color: #C0C0C0;
border-color: #000000
#view-button-cancel:hover { font: 14px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #ffffff;
border-color: #000000;
#view-button-install { font: 14px;
color: #C0C0C0;
border-color: #000000
#view-button-done { font: 14px;
color: #000000;
border-color: #000000
/* Set the color in the keyboard selection */
#layoutSelector { selection-background-color: #F62817 }
#variantSelector { selection-background-color: #F62817 }
/* Set the CheckBox size and Background color */
QCheckBox { color: #000000;
background-color: #C0C0C0;
border-width: 2px;
border-color: #000000
m_encryptCheckBox { font: 14px;
color: #F62817;
background-color: #C0C0C0;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 6px
checkBoxDoAutoLogin { font: 14px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #C0C0C0;
padding: 4px
restartCheckBox { font: 14px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #C0C0C0;
border-color: #000000;
border-radius: 8px;
height: 16px;
width: 100px;
padding: 4px
#QCheckBox#restartCheckBox::indicator:checked { image: url(/usr/share/pixmaps/ckm.png) }
/* Set the color when selected */
QRadioButton { color: #000000;
background-color: #C0C0C0;
padding: 4px;
border-radius: 4px
QComboBoxPrivateContainer { background-color: #ffffff }
QComboBoxListView { background-color: #ffffff }
qt_scrollarea_hcontainer { background-color: #ffffff }
qt_scrollarea_vcontainer { background-color: #ffffff }
QRadioButton::indicator { width: 18px ; height: 18px }
QRadioButton::indicator::checked { image: url(/usr/share/pixmaps/peppermint.png) }
QRadioButton::indicator::checked:hover { image: url(/usr/share/pixmaps/peppermint-fm-20.png) }
QRadioButton::indicator::unchecked:hover { image: url(/usr/share/pixmaps/peppermint-inst.png) }
/* Set the tip Font and Background color */
QToolTip { font: 14px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #ffffff;
padding: 4px;
border-radius: 4px
/* Set the Progress Bar alignment and load color */
QProgressBar { text-align: center }
QProgressBar::chunk { background-color: #F62817 }
#debugButton {font: }
#sidebarMenuApp{ background-color: #C0C0C0 }
#tabWidget { background-color: #C0C0C0 }

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
CHROOT=$(mount | grep proc | grep calamares | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e "s#/proc##g")
# Install luks utilities if needed.
# Also, set secure permissions for the initramfs if we're configuring
# full-disk-encryption. The initramfs is re-generated later in the
# installation process so we only set the permissions snippet without
# regenerating the initramfs right now:
if [ "$(mount | grep $CHROOT" " | cut -c -16)" = "/dev/mapper/luks" ]; then
echo "UMASK=0077" > $CHROOT/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/initramfs-permissions
chroot $CHROOT apt-get -y install cryptsetup-initramfs cryptsetup keyutils
echo "Running bootloader-config..."
if [ -d /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ]; then
echo " * Installing grub-efi (uefi)..."
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive chroot $CHROOT apt-get -y install grub-efi-ia32
echo " * install grub... (bios)"
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive chroot $CHROOT apt-get -y install grub-pc
# Re-enable os-prober:
sed -i "s/#GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false/# OS_PROBER re-enabled by Debian Calamares installation:\nGRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false/g" $CHROOT/etc/default/grub
chroot $CHROOT /usr/sbin/update-grub

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Bootloader configuration. The bootloader is installed to allow
# the system to start (and pick one of the installed operating
# systems to run).
# Define which bootloader you want to use for EFI installations
# Possible options are 'grub', 'sb-shim' and 'systemd-boot'.
efiBootLoader: "grub"
# systemd-boot configuration files settings, set kernel and initramfs file names
# and amount of time before default selection boots
kernel: "/vmlinuz-linux"
img: "/initramfs-linux.img"
fallback: "/initramfs-linux-fallback.img"
timeout: "10"
# Optionally set the menu entry name and kernel name to use in systemd-boot.
# If not specified here, these settings will be taken from branding.desc.
# bootloaderEntryName: "Generic GNU/Linux"
# kernelLine: ", with Stable-Kernel"
# fallbackKernelLine: ", with Stable-Kernel (fallback initramfs)"
# GRUB 2 binary names and boot directory
# Some distributions (e.g. Fedora) use grub2-* (resp. /boot/grub2/) names.
# These names are also used when using sb-shim, since that needs some
# GRUB functionality (notably grub-probe) to work. As needed, you may use
# complete paths like `/usr/bin/efibootmgr` for the executables.
grubInstall: "grub-install"
grubMkconfig: "grub-mkconfig"
grubCfg: "/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
grubProbe: "grub-probe"
efiBootMgr: "efibootmgr"
# Optionally set the bootloader ID to use for EFI. This is passed to
# grub-install --bootloader-id.
# If not set here, the value from bootloaderEntryName from branding.desc
# is used, with problematic characters (space and slash) replaced.
# The ID is also used as a directory name within the EFI environment,
# and the bootloader is copied from /boot/efi/EFI/<dirname>/ . When
# setting the option here, keep in mind that the name is sanitized
# (problematic characters, see above, are replaced).
efiBootloaderId: "debian"
# Optionally install a copy of the GRUB EFI bootloader as the EFI
# fallback loader (either bootia32.efi or bootx64.efi depending on
# the system). This may be needed on certain systems (Intel DH87MC
# seems to be the only one). If you set this to false, take care
# to add another module to optionally install the fallback on those
# boards that need it.
installEFIFallback: true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Configure one or more display managers (e.g. SDDM)
# with a "best effort" approach.
#The DM module attempts to set up all the DMs found in this list, in that precise order.
#It also sets up autologin, if the feature is enabled in globalstorage.
#The displaymanagers list can also be set in globalstorage, and in that case it overrides anything set up here.
- slim
- sddm
- lightdm
- gdm
- mdm
- lxdm
- kdm
#Enable the following settings to force a desktop environment in your displaymanager configuration file:
# executable: "startkde"
# desktopFile: "plasma"
#If true, try to ensure that the user, group, /var directory etc. for the
#display manager are set up correctly. This is normally done by the distribution
#packages, and best left to them. Therefore, it is disabled by default.
basicSetup: false
#If true, setup autologin for openSUSE. This only makes sense on openSUSE
#derivatives or other systems where /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager exists.
sysconfigSetup: false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
restartNowEnabled: true
restartNowChecked: true
restartNowCommand: "systemctl -i reboot"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
default: defaults,noatime
btrfs: defaults,noatime,space_cache,autodefrag
ext4: discard
jfs: discard
xfs: discard
swap: discard
btrfs: discard,compress=lzo
crypttabOptions: luks,keyscript=/bin/cat

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# These settings are used to set your default system time zone.
# Time zones are usually located under /usr/share/zoneinfo and
# provided by the 'tzdata' package of your Distribution.
# Distributions using systemd can list available
# time zones by using the timedatectl command.
# timedatectl list-timezones
# The starting timezone (e.g. the pin-on-the-map) when entering
# the locale page can be set through keys *region* and *zone*.
# If either is not set, defaults to America/New_York.
# Note that useSystemTimezone and GeoIP settings can change the
# starting time zone.
region: "America"
zone: "New_York"
# Instead of using *region* and *zone* specified above,
# you can use the system's notion of the timezone, instead.
# This can help if your system is automatically configured with
# a sensible TZ rather than chasing a fixed default.
# The default is false.
# useSystemTimezone: true
# Should changing the system location (e.g. clicking around on the timezone
# map) immediately reflect the changed timezone in the live system?
# By default, installers (with a target system) do, and setup (e.g. OEM
# configuration) does not, but you can switch it on here (or off, if
# you think it's annoying in the installer).
# Note that not all systems support live adjustment.
# adjustLiveTimezone: true
# System locales are detected in the following order:
# - /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED
# - localeGenPath (defaults to /etc/locale.gen if not set)
# - `locale -a` output
# Enable only when your Distribution is using a
# custom path for locale.gen
localeGenPath: "/etc/locale.gen"
# GeoIP based Language settings: Leave commented out to disable GeoIP.
# GeoIP needs a working Internet connection.
# This can be managed from `welcome.conf` by adding
# internet to the list of required conditions. (The welcome
# module can also do its own GeoIP lookups, independently
# of the lookup done here. The lookup in the welcome module
# is used to establish language; this one is for timezone).
# The configuration is in three parts:
# - a *style*, which can be "json" or "xml" depending on the
# kind of data returned by the service, and
# - a *url* where the data is retrieved, and
# - an optional *selector*
# to pick the right field out of the returned data (e.g. field
# name in JSON or element name in XML).
# The default selector (when the setting is blank) is picked to
# work with existing JSON providers (which use "time_zone") and
# Ubiquity's XML providers (which use "TimeZone").
# If the service configured via *url* uses
# a different attribute name (e.g. "timezone") in JSON or a
# different element tag (e.g. "<Time_Zone>") in XML, set the
# selector to the name or tag to be used.
# In JSON:
# - if the string contains "." characters, this is used as a
# multi-level selector, e.g. "a.b" will select the timezone
# from data "{a: {b: "Europe/Amsterdam" } }".
# - each part of the string split by "." characters is used as
# a key into the JSON data.
# In XML:
# - all elements with the named tag (e.g. all TimeZone) elements
# from the document are checked; the first one with non-empty
# text value is used.
# Special case:
# - the *style* "fixed" is also supported. This ignores the data
# returned from the URL (but the URL must still be valid!)
# and just returns the value of the *selector*.
# An HTTP(S) request is made to *url*. The request should return
# valid data in a suitable format, depending on *style*;
# generally this includes a string value with the timezone
# in <region>/<zone> format. For services that return data which
# does not follow the conventions of "suitable data" described
# below, *selector* may be used to pick different data.
# Suitable JSON data looks like
# ```
# {"time_zone":"America/New_York"}
# ```
# Suitable XML data looks like
# ```
# <Response><TimeZone>Europe/Brussels</TimeZone></Response>
# ```
# To accommodate providers of GeoIP timezone data with peculiar timezone
# naming conventions, the following cleanups are performed automatically:
# - backslashes are removed
# - spaces are replaced with _
# To disable GeoIP checking, either comment-out the entire geoip section,
# or set the *style* key to an unsupported format (e.g. `none`).
# Also, note the analogous feature in src/modules/welcome/welcome.conf.
style: "json"
url: ""
selector: "" # leave blank for the default
# For testing purposes, you could use *fixed* style, to see how Calamares
# behaves in a particular zone:
# geoip:
# style: "fixed"
# url: "" # Still needs to be valid!
# selector: "America/Vancouver" # this is the selected zone

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Writes a keyfile configuration with LUKS settings to the given path
# Path of the configuration file to write (in the target system)
#configFilePath: /cryptroot/crypttab
configFilePath: /etc/crypttab

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Writes an openswap configuration with LUKS settings to the given path
# Path of the configuration file to write (in the target system)
configFilePath: /etc/openswap.conf

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Whether to create /etc/machine-id for systemd.
systemd: true
# Whether to create /var/lib/dbus/machine-id for D-Bus.
dbus: true
# Whether /var/lib/dbus/machine-id should be a symlink to /etc/machine-id
# (ignored if dbus is false, or if there is no /etc/machine-id to point to).
symlink: true
# Whether to copy entropy from the host
#entropy-copy: true
# Which files to write (paths in the target)
# - /var/lib/urandom/random-seed
# - /var/lib/systemd/random-seed

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Mount filesystems in the target (generally, before treating the
# target as a usable chroot / "live" system). Filesystems are
# automatically mounted from the partitioning module. Filesystems
# listed here are **extra**. The filesystems listed in *extraMounts*
# are mounted in all target systems. The filesystems listed in
# *extraMountsEfi* are mounted in the target system **only** if
# the host machine uses UEFI.
# Extra filesystems to mount. The key's value is a list of entries; each
# entry has four keys:
# - device The device node to mount
# - fs The filesystem type to use
# - mountPoint Where to mount the filesystem
# - options (optional) Extra options to pass to mount(8)
- device: proc
fs: proc
mountPoint: /proc
- device: sys
fs: sysfs
mountPoint: /sys
- device: /dev
mountPoint: /dev
options: bind
- device: tmpfs
fs: tmpfs
mountPoint: /run
- device: /run/udev
mountPoint: /run/udev
options: bind
- device: efivarfs
fs: efivarfs
mountPoint: /sys/firmware/efi/efivars

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# This is the URL that is retrieved to get the netinstall groups-and-packages
# data (which should be in the format described in netinstall.yaml), e.g.:
# groupsUrl:
# or it can be a locally installed file:
# groupsUrl: file:///usr/share/calamares/netinstall.yaml
# Note that the contents of the groups file is the **important**
# part of the configuration of this module. It specifies what
# the user may select and what commands are to be run.
# The format of the groups file is documented in ``.
# As a special case, setting *groupsUrl* to the literal string
# `local` means that the data is obtained from **this** config
# file, under the key *groups*.
groupsUrl: file:///etc/calamares/modules/netinstall-packages.yaml
# If the installation can proceed without netinstall (e.g. the Live CD
# can create a working installed system, but netinstall is preferred
# to bring it up-to-date or extend functionality) leave this set to
# false (the default). If set to true, the netinstall data is required.
# This only has an effect if the netinstall data cannot be retrieved,
# or is corrupt: having "required" set, means the install cannot proceed.
required: false
# To support multiple instances of this module,
# some strings are configurable and translatable here.
# - *sidebar* This is the name of the module in the progress-tree / sidebar
# in Calamares.
# - *title* This is displayed above the list of packages.
# If no *sidebar* values are provided, defaults to "Package selection"
# and existing translations. If no *title* values are provided, no string
# is displayed.
# The following strings are already known to Calamares and can be
# listed here in *untranslated* form (e.g. as value of *sidebar*)
# without bothering with the translations: they are picked up from
# the regular translation framework:
# - "Package selection"
# - "Office software"
# - "Office package"
# - "Browser software"
# - "Browser package"
# - "Web browser"
sidebar: "Packages"
sidebar[nl]: "Package selection"
sidebar[pt]: "Seleção de pacotes"
sidebar[ja]: "パッケージの選択"
title: "Packages"
title[nl]: "Package selection"
title[pt]: "Seleção de pacotes"
title[ja]: "パッケージの選択"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
backend: apt
- remove:
# Remove the Live Boot Stuff
- 'live-boot'
- 'live-boot-doc'
- 'live-config'
- 'live-config-doc'
- 'live-config-systemd'
- 'live-config-systemd'
- 'live-tools'
# - 'live-task-localisation'
# - 'live-task-recommended'
#This one we don't need the users can decide their own installer
- 'calamares-settings-debian'
- 'calamares'
# This section add any other software you want to remove.
# - 'gparted'
# - 'bleachbit'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
efiSystemPartition: "/boot/efi"
- none # Create no swap, use no swap
- small # Up to 4GB
- suspend # At least main memory size
- file # To swap file instead of partition
alwaysShowPartitionLabels: true
initialPartitioningChoice: erase
initialSwapChoice: none
defaultFileSystemType: "ext4"
availableFileSystemTypes: ["ext4","f2fs","xfs"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
dontChroot: false
timeout: 999
- "-rm @@ROOT@@/usr/share/applications/Install-peppermint.desktop"

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- source: "/run/live/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs"
sourcefs: "squashfs"
destination: ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
userGroup: users
- cdrom
- floppy
- sudo
- audio
- dip
- video
- plugdev
- netdev
- lpadmin
- scanner
- bluetooth
- sambashare
autologinGroup: autologin
sudoersGroup: sudo
setRootPassword: false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
showSupportUrl: false
showKnownIssuesUrl: false
showReleaseNotesUrl: false
requiredStorage: 10
requiredRam: 1.0
- storage
- ram
- power
- root
- internet
- storage
- ram
- root

View File

@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
- name: " Developers Choice "
description: " A much smaller subset of packages than listed below"
- epiphany-browser
- falkon
- firefox-esr
- chromium
- konqueror
- luakit
- midori
- qutebrowser
- torbrowser-launcher
- transmission
- youtube-dl
- arandr
- atril
- dconf-editor
- gpicview
- mate-calc
- parole
- pmount
- flatpak
- gnome-software
- snapd
- immutable: true
- name: "Xfce4 Goodies selections"
description: "The full package or choice of Xfce4 Goodies Packages"
- name: "Xfce4 Goodies - Pack"
description: "A META package to install everything XFCE4 from Debian Stable repositories"
- xfce4-goodies
- name: "Xfce4 Goodies - Components"
description: "Individual applications to add to the packages already installed"
- xfce4-battery-plugin
- xfce4-clipman-plugin
- xfce4-cpufreq-plugin
- xfce4-cpugraph-plugin
- xfce4-datetime-plugin
- xfce4-dict
- xfce4-diskperf-plugin
- xfce4-fsguard-plugin
- xfce4-genmon-plugin
- xfce4-indicator-plugin
- xfce4-mailwatch-plugin
- xfce4-mpc-plugin
- xfce4-netload-plugin
- xfce4-notifyd
- xfce4-places-plugin
- xfce4-power-manager
- xfce4-screenshooter
- xfce4-sensors-plugin
- xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin
- xfce4-systemload-plugin
- xfce4-taskmanager
- xfce4-terminal
- xfce4-timer-plugin
- xfce4-verve-plugin
- xfce4-wavelan-plugin
- xfce4-weather-plugin
- xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin
- xfce4-xkb-plugin
- gigolo
- mousepad
- parole
- ristretto
- thunar-archive-plugin
- thunar-media-tags-plugin
- xfburn
- name: "Internet Applications"
description: "Web Browsers, E-Mail, Social Clients, DownLoaders and tools"
- name: "Web Browsers"
description: "A Collection Of Browsers for the internet or local LAN"
- name: "Chromium Web Browser"
description: "Googles Open Source web browser and content viewer"
- chromium
- name: "chromium-Language Pack"
description: "Language Pack For chromium"
- chromium-l10n
- elinks
- epiphany-browser
- falkon
- name: "Firefox-ESR"
description: "Extended Service Release of FireFox from Debian Stable"
- firefox-esr
- name: "Firefox-esr Language Packs"
description: "Language Packs For Firefox-esr"
- firefox-esr-l10n-ach
- firefox-esr-l10n-af
- firefox-esr-l10n-all
- firefox-esr-l10n-an
- firefox-esr-l10n-ar
- firefox-esr-l10n-ast
- firefox-esr-l10n-az
- firefox-esr-l10n-be
- firefox-esr-l10n-bg
- firefox-esr-l10n-bn
- firefox-esr-l10n-br
- firefox-esr-l10n-bs
- firefox-esr-l10n-ca
- firefox-esr-l10n-cak
- firefox-esr-l10n-cs
- firefox-esr-l10n-cy
- firefox-esr-l10n-da
- firefox-esr-l10n-de
- firefox-esr-l10n-dsb
- firefox-esr-l10n-el
- firefox-esr-l10n-en-ca
- firefox-esr-l10n-en-gb
- firefox-esr-l10n-eo
- firefox-esr-l10n-es-ar
- firefox-esr-l10n-es-cl
- firefox-esr-l10n-es-es
- firefox-esr-l10n-es-mx
- firefox-esr-l10n-et
- firefox-esr-l10n-eu
- firefox-esr-l10n-fa
- firefox-esr-l10n-ff
- firefox-esr-l10n-fi
- firefox-esr-l10n-fr
- firefox-esr-l10n-fy-nl
- firefox-esr-l10n-ga-ie
- firefox-esr-l10n-gd
- firefox-esr-l10n-gl
- firefox-esr-l10n-gn
- firefox-esr-l10n-gu-in
- firefox-esr-l10n-hr
- firefox-esr-l10n-hsb
- firefox-esr-l10n-hu
- firefox-esr-l10n-hy-am
- firefox-esr-l10n-ia
- firefox-esr-l10n-id
- firefox-esr-l10n-is
- firefox-esr-l10n-it
- firefox-esr-l10n-ja
- firefox-esr-l10n-ka
- firefox-esr-l10n-kab
- firefox-esr-l10n-kk
- firefox-esr-l10n-km
- firefox-esr-l10n-kn
- firefox-esr-l10n-ko
- firefox-esr-l10n-ia
- firefox-esr-l10n-id
- firefox-esr-l10n-is
- firefox-esr-l10n-it
- firefox-esr-l10n-ja
- firefox-esr-l10n-ka
- firefox-esr-l10n-kab
- firefox-esr-l10n-kk
- firefox-esr-l10n-km
- firefox-esr-l10n-kn
- firefox-esr-l10n-ko
- firefox-esr-l10n-lt
- firefox-esr-l10n-lv
- firefox-esr-l10n-mk
- firefox-esr-l10n-mr
- firefox-esr-l10n-ms
- firefox-esr-l10n-my
- firefox-esr-l10n-nb-no
- firefox-esr-l10n-ne-np
- firefox-esr-l10n-nl
- firefox-esr-l10n-nn-no
- firefox-esr-l10n-oc
- firefox-esr-l10n-pa-in
- firefox-esr-l10n-pl
- firefox-esr-l10n-pt-br
- firefox-esr-l10n-pt-pt
- firefox-esr-l10n-rm
- firefox-esr-l10n-ro
- firefox-esr-l10n-ru
- firefox-esr-l10n-si
- firefox-esr-l10n-sk
- firefox-esr-l10n-sl
- firefox-esr-l10n-son
- firefox-esr-l10n-sq
- firefox-esr-l10n-sr
- firefox-esr-l10n-sv-se
- firefox-esr-l10n-ta
- firefox-esr-l10n-te
- firefox-esr-l10n-th
- firefox-esr-l10n-tr
- firefox-esr-l10n-uk
- firefox-esr-l10n-ur
- firefox-esr-l10n-uz
- firefox-esr-l10n-vi
- firefox-esr-l10n-xh
- firefox-esr-l10n-zh-cn
- firefox-esr-l10n-zh-tw
- links
- links2
- midori
- torbrowser-launcher
- name: "E-mail Clients"
description: "Various Email Clients"
- alpine
- claws-mail
- evolution
- geary
- kmail
- name: "Thunderbird E-Mail client"
description: "A cross platform standalone mail/news reader supporting POP/POP3 and IMAP protocols"
- thunderbird
- name: "Thunderbird Language Packs"
description: "Language Packs and text direction converter"
- thunderbird-bidiui
- thunderbird-l10n-all
- thunderbird-l10n-ar
- thunderbird-l10n-ast
- thunderbird-l10n-be
- thunderbird-l10n-bg
- thunderbird-l10n-br
- thunderbird-l10n-ca
- thunderbird-l10n-cs
- thunderbird-l10n-cy
- thunderbird-l10n-da
- thunderbird-l10n-de
- thunderbird-l10n-dsb
- thunderbird-l10n-el
- thunderbird-l10n-en-gb
- thunderbird-l10n-es-ar
- thunderbird-l10n-es-es
- thunderbird-l10n-et
- thunderbird-l10n-eu
- thunderbird-l10n-fi
- thunderbird-l10n-fr
- thunderbird-l10n-fy-nl
- thunderbird-l10n-ga-ie
- thunderbird-l10n-gd
- thunderbird-l10n-gl
- thunderbird-l10n-he
- thunderbird-bidiui
- thunderbird-l10n-hr
- thunderbird-l10n-hsb
- thunderbird-l10n-hu
- thunderbird-l10n-hy-am
- thunderbird-l10n-id
- thunderbird-l10n-is
- thunderbird-l10n-it
- thunderbird-l10n-ja
- thunderbird-l10n-kab
- thunderbird-l10n-kk
- thunderbird-l10n-ko
- thunderbird-l10n-lt
- thunderbird-l10n-ms
- thunderbird-l10n-nl
- thunderbird-l10n-pl
- thunderbird-l10n-pt-br
- thunderbird-l10n-pt-pt
- thunderbird-l10n-rm
- thunderbird-l10n-ro
- thunderbird-l10n-ru
- thunderbird-l10n-si
- thunderbird-l10n-sq
- thunderbird-l10n-sr
- thunderbird-l10n-sv-se
- thunderbird-l10n-tr
- thunderbird-l10n-uk
- thunderbird-l10n-vi
- thunderbird-l10n-zh-tw
- name: "Thunderbird Add-Ons"
description: "Additional desktop enhancements for Thundebird Mail"
- birdtray
- lightning
- thunderbird-bidiui
- name: "Social Clients / Chat Software"
description: "Social Video & Chat Clients"
- finch
- hexchat
- hexchat-plugins
- jami
- mumble
- pidgin
- psi
- tkabber
- name: "Download Managers"
description: "Various Download & Torrent Managers"
- deluge
- filezilla
- ktorrent
- qbittorrent
- transmission-gtk
- name: "Networking Tools"
description: "Various Network and Networking tools and utilities"
- ufw
- gufw
- iptraf-ng
- samba
- wireshark
- name: "Office Suites"
description: "Select from the suite or components, plus add-ons"
- name: "LibreOffice - Suites"
description: "Selection of Suites, components, Language Packs and add-ons"
- libreoffice
- libreoffice-gnome
- libreoffice-gtk3
- name: "LibreOffice - Comopnents"
description: "Individual packages of utilities from the LibreOffice Suite"
- name: "LibreOffice-Base"
description: "Component used to connect to and utilize DataBase connections"
- libreoffice-base
- libreoffice-report-builder
- libreoffice-calc
- libreoffice-draw
- libreoffice-impress
- libreoffice-math
- libreoffice-writer
- name: "LibreOffice - Language Packs"
description: "Language Packs For LibreOffice"
- libreoffice-l10n-af
- libreoffice-l10n-am
- libreoffice-l10n-ar
- libreoffice-l10n-as
- libreoffice-l10n-ast
- libreoffice-l10n-be
- libreoffice-l10n-bg
- libreoffice-l10n-bn
- libreoffice-l10n-br
- libreoffice-l10n-bs
- libreoffice-l10n-ca
- libreoffice-l10n-cs
- libreoffice-l10n-cy
- libreoffice-l10n-da
- libreoffice-l10n-de
- libreoffice-l10n-dz
- libreoffice-l10n-el
- libreoffice-l10n-en-gb
- libreoffice-l10n-en-za
- libreoffice-l10n-eo
- libreoffice-l10n-es
- libreoffice-l10n-et
- libreoffice-l10n-eu
- libreoffice-l10n-fa
- libreoffice-l10n-fi
- libreoffice-l10n-fr
- libreoffice-l10n-ga
- libreoffice-l10n-gd
- libreoffice-l10n-gl
- libreoffice-l10n-gu
- libreoffice-l10n-gug
- libreoffice-l10n-he
- libreoffice-l10n-hi
- libreoffice-l10n-hr
- libreoffice-l10n-hu
- libreoffice-l10n-id
- libreoffice-l10n-in
- libreoffice-l10n-is
- libreoffice-l10n-it
- libreoffice-l10n-ja
- libreoffice-l10n-ka
- libreoffice-l10n-kk
- libreoffice-l10n-km
- libreoffice-l10n-kmr
- libreoffice-l10n-kn
- libreoffice-l10n-ko
- libreoffice-l10n-lt
- libreoffice-l10n-lv
- libreoffice-l10n-mk
- libreoffice-l10n-mn
- libreoffice-l10n-mr
- libreoffice-l10n-nb
- libreoffice-l10n-ne
- libreoffice-l10n-nl
- libreoffice-l10n-nn
- libreoffice-l10n-nr
- libreoffice-l10n-nso
- libreoffice-l10n-oc
- libreoffice-l10n-om
- libreoffice-l10n-or
- libreoffice-l10n-pa-in
- libreoffice-l10n-pl
- libreoffice-l10n-pt
- libreoffice-l10n-pt-br
- libreoffice-l10n-ro
- libreoffice-l10n-ru
- libreoffice-l10n-rw
- libreoffice-l10n-si
- libreoffice-l10n-sk
- libreoffice-l10n-sl
- libreoffice-l10n-sr
- libreoffice-l10n-ss
- libreoffice-l10n-st
- libreoffice-l10n-sv
- libreoffice-l10n-szl
- libreoffice-l10n-ta
- libreoffice-l10n-te
- libreoffice-l10n-tg
- libreoffice-l10n-th
- libreoffice-l10n-tn
- libreoffice-l10n-tr
- libreoffice-l10n-ts
- libreoffice-l10n-ug
- libreoffice-l10n-uk
- libreoffice-l10n-uz
- libreoffice-l10n-ve
- libreoffice-l10n-vi
- libreoffice-l10n-xh
- libreoffice-l10n-za
- libreoffice-l10n-zh-cn
- libreoffice-l10n-zh-tw
- libreoffice-l10n-zu
- name: "LibreOffice - Add-Ons"
description: "Individual packages of apps and utilities for the LibreOffice Suite"
- hunspell
- name: Hunspell Dictionaries
description: "Spell checking and Dictionaries for various languages"
- hunspell-af
- hunspell-an
- hunspell-ar
- hunspell-be
- hunspell-bg
- hunspell-bn
- hunspell-bo
- hunspell-br
- hunspell-bs
- hunspell-ca
- hunspell-cs
- hunspell-da
- hunspell-de-at
- hunspell-de-at-frami
- hunspell-de-ch
- hunspell-de-ch-frami
- hunspell-de-de
- hunspell-de-de-frami
- hunspell-de-med
- hunspell-dz
- hunspell-el
- hunspell-en-au
- hunspell-en-ca
- hunspell-en-gb
- hunspell-en-med
- hunspell-en-us
- hunspell-en-za
- hunspell-es
- hunspell-eu
- hunspell-fr
- hunspell-fr-classical
- hunspell-fr-comprehensive
- hunspell-fr-revised
- hunspell-gd
- hunspell-gl
- hunspell-gl-es
- hunspell-gu
- hunspell-gug
- hunspell-he
- hunspell-hi
- hunspell-hr
- hunspell-hu
- hunspell-id
- hunspell-is
- hunspell-it
- hunspell-kk
- hunspell-kmr
- hunspell-ko
- hunspell-lo
- hunspell-lt
- hunspell-lv
- hunspell-ml
- hunspell-mn
- hunspell-ne
- hunspell-nl
- hunspell-no
- hunspell-oc
- hunspell-pl
- hunspell-pt-br
- hunspell-pt-pt
- hunspell-ro
- hunspell-ru
- hunspell-si
- hunspell-sk
- hunspell-sl
- hunspell-sr
- hunspell-sv
- hunspell-sv-se
- hunspell-sw
- hunspell-te
- hunspell-th
- hunspell-tools
- hunspell-tr
- hunspell-uk
- hunspell-uz
- hunspell-vi
- bluez
- cups
- cups-bsd
- ghostscript
- libpaper-utils
- libsane
- libxrender1
- libgl1
- openclipart-libreoffice
- pstoedit
- simple-scan
- unixodbc
- name: "Printing Support"
description: "Add Printer Support"
- cups
- cups-bsd
- name: "Foomatic Print Drivers"
description: "Foomatic based Printer Drivers"
- foomatic-db
- foomatic-db-engine
- foomatic-filters
- foomatic-filters-beh
- foomatic-db-compressed-ppds
- openprinting-ppds
- name: "Brother Printer"
description: "Brother based Printer Drivers"
- printer-driver-brlaser
- printer-driver-ptouch
- name: "Canon LBP laser printers"
description: "Canon LBP laser printers Drivers"
- printer-driver-cjet
- name: "Epson Utilities"
description: "Epson based Printer Drivers"
- escputil
- ink
- mtink
- printer-driver-escpr
- sane-airscan
- name: "Fuji Xerox printers"
description: "Fuji Xerox printers Drivers"
- printer-driver-fujixerox
- name: "HP Printer Support"
description: "Packages and drivers for HP Printers and Printer/Scanner Combos"
- name: "HP Color LaserJet 35xx/36xx"
description: "HP Color LaserJet 35xx/36xx Drivers"
- printer-driver-pxljr
- name: "HP-GDI printers"
description: "HP-GDI printers Drivers"
- printer-driver-pnm2ppa
- name: "HP Printer/Scanner"
description: "Install HP Printer/Scanner"
- hplip
- hplip-gui
- xsane
- name: "Kodak ESP AiO Color"
description: " Kodak ESP AiO color inkjet Series Drivers "
- printer-driver-c2esp
- name: "Konica/Minolta PagePro"
description: "Konica/Minolta PagePro 1[234]xxW Drivers"
- printer-driver-min12xxw
- name: "Lexmark 2050 Color Jetprinter "
description: "Lexmark 2050 Color Jetprinter Drivers"
- printer-driver-c2050
- name: "Minolta magicolor 2300W/2400W color laser"
description: "Minolta magicolor 2300W/2400W color laser Drivers"
- printer-driver-m2300w
- name: "OKI Data printers"
description: "OKI Data printers Drivers"
- printer-driver-oki
- name: "Ricoh Aficio SP 1000s/SP 1100s"
description: "Ricoh Aficio SP 1000s/SP 1100s Drivers"
- printer-driver-sag-gdi
- name: "Samsung and Xerox SPL2 and SPLc laser printers"
description: "Samsung and Xerox SPL2 and SPLc laser printers Drivers"
- printer-driver-splix
- name: "ZjStream-based printers"
description: "ZjStream-based printers"
- printer-driver-foo2zjs
- simple-scan
- name: "A/V Players & Tools"
description: "Wide Selection of A/V Players. Editors and Codecs"
- name: "A/V Codecs"
description: "Selection of Audio and Video Codecs"
- faac
- faad
- ffmpeg
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
- gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio
- sox
- lame
- twolame
- w32codecs
- w64codecs
- name: "Audio Players"
description: "Selection of Audio Players"
- audacious
- audacious-plugins
- clementine
- elisa
- lollypop
- sayonara
- vlc
- name: "Audio Editors"
description: "Selection of Audio Editors"
- ardour
- audacity
- kwave
- lmms
- name: "Audio Converters"
description: "Few good Audio Converters"
- lame
- soundconverter
- name: "Other Audio Tools"
description: "Various Other Audio Tools"
- easytag
- picard
- rhythmbox
- tangerine
- name: "Video Players"
description: "Selection of Video Players"
- celluloid
- dragonplayer
- haruna
- mplayer-gui
- mpv
- parole
- smplayer
- vlc
- xine-ui
- name: "Video Editors"
description: "Selection of Video Capture & Editors"
- kazam
- kdenlive
- obs-studio
- openshot-qt
- pitivi
- shotcut
- simplescreenrecorder
- vokoscreen-ng
- name: "Video Converters"
description: "Selection of Video Converters"
- ffmpeg
- mkvtoolnix
- mkvtoolnix-gui
- mystiq
- name: "Other Video Tools"
description: "Various other Video Tools"
- cheese
- guvcview
- mediainfo-gui
- name: "Graphics Studio"
description: "Image creation and manipulation suites and applications"
- blender
- darktable
- digikam
- flameshot
- gimp
- krita
- imagemagick
- inkscape
- showfoto
- name: "Utilities"
description: "Various Useful GUI and CLI/TUI Utilities"
- name: "Archive Applications"
description: "Selection of Arching Utilities and Extractors"
- p7zip-full
- p7zip-rar
- rar
- unrar
- zip
- unzip
- xarchiver
- name: "Disk & USB Tools"
description: "Drive Manipulation Tools"
- brasero
- k3b
- gnome-disk-utility
- gnome-multi-writer
- gparted
- timeshift
- name: "FingerPrint Driver"
description: "FingerPrint Drivers"
- fprintd
- name: "Package Managers"
description: "Additional Package Managers"
- gnome-software
- gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
- gnome-software-plugin-snap
- name: "Password Managers"
description: "Securely Store & Manage Passwords"
- keepassxc
- lastpass-cli
- name: "Resource Monitors"
description: "HTOP, BTOP & Others"
- btop
- htop
- nvtop
- name: "System Applications"
description: "Selection of Useful and sometimes required applications"
- apt-config-auto-update
- aptitude
- gnome-firmware
- gnome-packagekit
- gvfs-backends
- lightdm-settings
- slick-greeter
- name: "System Utilities"
description: "Misc other System Tools"
- barrier
- caffeine
- solaar
- timeshift
- name: "Terminal Emulators"
description: "Extra Terminal Emulators"
- cool-retro-term
- gnome-terminal
- guake
- mate-terminal
- mlterm
- terminus
- terminator
- xfce4-terminal
- name: "Linux Driver Modules"
description: "A shortlist of avalaible useful drivers"
- name: "Processor Microcode"
description: "Select based on your CPU"
- amd64-microcode
- intel-microcode
- name: "Broadcom WiFi"
description: "Broadcom WiFi Drivers"
- b43-fwcutter
- broadcom-sta-common
- broadcom-sta-dkms
- broadcom-sta-source
- firmware-b43-installer
- firmware-b43legacy-installer
- firmware-bnx2
- firmware-bnx2x
- firmware-brcm80211
- name: "Nvidia Drivers and Support"
description: "Support apps and drivers for Nvidia hardware"
- name: "NVidia GPUs"
description: "Select Your NVidia GPU Drivers"
- nvidia-driver
- nvidia-legacy-390xx-driver
- name: "NVidia NVENC Suport"
description: "Install NVidia NVENC Suport"
- libnvidia-encode1
- libnvidia-legacy-390xx-encode1
- name: "Optimus Manager"
description: "Enable Intel/nVidia GPU Switching"
- primus
- primus-nvidia
- bbswitch-dkms
- bumblebee
- bumblebee-nvidia
- name: "Nvidia Installer Cleanup"
description: " * Use of Nvidia-Installers is prevented, with this package installed *"
- nvidia-installer-cleanup
- name: "Wine All in One"
description: "Windows Compatibility Layer"
- wine
- winetricks

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# Configuration file for Calamares
# Syntax is YAML 1.2
# "local" is LIBDIR/calamares/modules with settings in SHARE/calamares/modules
modules-search: [ local, /usr/lib/calamares/modules ]
# YAML: list of maps of string:string key-value pairs.
#- id: packages
# module: netinstall
# config: netinstall-packages.conf
#- id: system
# module: netinstall
# config: netinstall-system.conf
#- id: pkgs
# module: netinstall
# config: netinstall-pkgs.conf
# Phase 1 - prepare.
# View modules are shown as UI pages, jobs from job modules
# are executed immediately in the background.
# Jobs should be executed sparingly (if at all) in this phase.
- show:
- welcome
- locale
- keyboard
- partition
# - netinstall@packages
- users
- summary
# Phase 2 - install.
# View modules are not shown. Only the view modules shown
# in the previous phase are allowed, their names should be
# added here as placeholders to specify the order in which
# view module jobs should be enqueued. Job modules are
# also allowed.
- exec:
- partition
- mount
- unpackfs
- sources-media
- machineid
- fstab
- locale
- keyboard
- localecfg
- users
- displaymanager
- networkcfg
- hwclock
- services-systemd
- bootloader-config
- grubcfg
- bootloader
- packages
- luksbootkeyfile
- luksopenswaphookcfg
- plymouthcfg
- initramfscfg
- initramfs
- sources-media-unmount
- sources-final
- shellprocess
- umount
# Phase 3 - postinstall.
# View modules are shown as UI pages, jobs from job modules are
# executed immediately in the background.
# Jobs should be executed sparingly (if at all) in this phase.
- show:
- finished
# A branding component is a directory, either in
# SHARE/calamares/branding or in /etc/calamares/branding
# (the latter takes precedence). The directory must contain a
# YAML file branding.desc which may reference additional resources
# (such as images) as paths relative to the current directory.
# Only the name of the branding component (directory) should be
# specified here, Calamares then takes care of finding it and
# loading the contents.
branding: peppermint
# If this is set to true, Calamares will show an "Are you sure?" prompt right
# before each execution phase, i.e. at points of no return. If this is set to
# false, no prompt is shown. Default is false.
# YAML: boolean.
prompt-install: false
# If this is set to true, Calamares will execute all target environment
# commands in the current environment, without chroot. This setting should
# only be used when setting up Calamares as a post-install configuration tool,
# as opposed to a full operating system installer.
# Some official Calamares modules are not expected to function with this
# setting. (e.g. partitioning seems like a bad idea, since that is expected to
# have been done already)
# Default is false (for a normal installer).
# YAML: boolean.
dont-chroot: false

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Wrapper for running calamares on Peppermint live media
# Stale file left behind by live-build that messes with partitioning
sudo mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig.calamares
# Access control to run calamares as root for xwayland
xhost +si:localuser:root
pkexec calamares
#pkexec calamares --debug | sudo tee /var/log/Calamares-Install.log
xhost -si:localuser:root
# Restore stale fstab, for what it's worth
sudo mv /etc/fstab.orig.calamares /etc/fstab

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Writes the final sources.list file
CHROOT=$(mount | grep proc | grep calamares | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e "s#/proc##g")
cat << EOF > $CHROOT/etc/apt/sources.list
# This system was installed using PeppermintOS removable media
# (e.g. netinst, live or single CD). The matching "deb cdrom"
# entries were removed at the end of the installation process.
# For information about how to configure apt package sources,
# see the sources.list(5) manual.
# Main Repo - main contrib non-free
deb bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
#deb-src bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
# Security Repo - main contrib non-free
deb bookworm-security main contrib non-free
#deb-src bookworm-security main contrib non-free
# Updates Repo - main contrib non-free
deb bookworm-updates main contrib non-free
#deb-src bookworm-updates main
# Proposed Updates Repo - main contrib non-free
#deb bookworm-proposed-updates main contrib non-free
#deb-src bookworm-proposed-updates main contrib non-free
# bookworm-backports, previously on
deb bookworm-backports main contrib non-free
#deb-src bookworm-backports main contrib non-free
exit 0

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
CHROOT=$(mount | grep proc | grep calamares | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e "s#/proc##g")
# Install luks utilities if needed.
# Also, set secure permissions for the initramfs if we're configuring
# full-disk-encryption. The initramfs is re-generated later in the
# installation process so we only set the permissions snippet without
# regenerating the initramfs right now:
if [ "$(mount | grep $CHROOT" " | cut -c -16)" = "/dev/mapper/luks" ]; then
echo "UMASK=0077" > $CHROOT/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/initramfs-permissions
chroot $CHROOT apt-get -y install cryptsetup-initramfs cryptsetup keyutils
echo "Running bootloader-config..."
if [ -d /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ]; then
echo " * Installing grub-efi (uefi)..."
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive chroot $CHROOT apt-get -y install grub-efi-amd64
echo " * install grub... (bios)"
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive chroot $CHROOT apt-get -y install grub-pc
# Re-enable os-prober:
sed -i "s/#GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false/# OS_PROBER re-enabled by Debian Calamares installation:\nGRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false/g" $CHROOT/etc/default/grub
chroot $CHROOT /usr/sbin/update-grub

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Bootloader configuration. The bootloader is installed to allow
# the system to start (and pick one of the installed operating
# systems to run).
# Define which bootloader you want to use for EFI installations
# Possible options are 'grub', 'sb-shim' and 'systemd-boot'.
efiBootLoader: "grub"
# systemd-boot configuration files settings, set kernel and initramfs file names
# and amount of time before default selection boots
kernel: "/vmlinuz-linux"
img: "/initramfs-linux.img"
fallback: "/initramfs-linux-fallback.img"
timeout: "10"
# Optionally set the menu entry name and kernel name to use in systemd-boot.
# If not specified here, these settings will be taken from branding.desc.
# bootloaderEntryName: "Generic GNU/Linux"
# kernelLine: ", with Stable-Kernel"
# fallbackKernelLine: ", with Stable-Kernel (fallback initramfs)"
# GRUB 2 binary names and boot directory
# Some distributions (e.g. Fedora) use grub2-* (resp. /boot/grub2/) names.
# These names are also used when using sb-shim, since that needs some
# GRUB functionality (notably grub-probe) to work. As needed, you may use
# complete paths like `/usr/bin/efibootmgr` for the executables.
grubInstall: "grub-install"
grubMkconfig: "grub-mkconfig"
grubCfg: "/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
grubProbe: "grub-probe"
efiBootMgr: "efibootmgr"
# Optionally set the bootloader ID to use for EFI. This is passed to
# grub-install --bootloader-id.
# If not set here, the value from bootloaderEntryName from branding.desc
# is used, with problematic characters (space and slash) replaced.
# The ID is also used as a directory name within the EFI environment,
# and the bootloader is copied from /boot/efi/EFI/<dirname>/ . When
# setting the option here, keep in mind that the name is sanitized
# (problematic characters, see above, are replaced).
efiBootloaderId: "debian"
# Optionally install a copy of the GRUB EFI bootloader as the EFI
# fallback loader (either bootia32.efi or bootx64.efi depending on
# the system). This may be needed on certain systems (Intel DH87MC
# seems to be the only one). If you set this to false, take care
# to add another module to optionally install the fallback on those
# boards that need it.
installEFIFallback: true

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Configure one or more display managers (e.g. SDDM)
# with a "best effort" approach.
#The DM module attempts to set up all the DMs found in this list, in that precise order.
#It also sets up autologin, if the feature is enabled in globalstorage.
#The displaymanagers list can also be set in globalstorage, and in that case it overrides anything set up here.
- slim
- sddm
- lightdm
- gdm
- mdm
- lxdm
- kdm
#Enable the following settings to force a desktop environment in your displaymanager configuration file:
# executable: "startkde"
# desktopFile: "plasma"
#If true, try to ensure that the user, group, /var directory etc. for the
#display manager are set up correctly. This is normally done by the distribution
#packages, and best left to them. Therefore, it is disabled by default.
basicSetup: false
#If true, setup autologin for openSUSE. This only makes sense on openSUSE
#derivatives or other systems where /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager exists.
sysconfigSetup: false

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
restartNowEnabled: true
restartNowChecked: true
restartNowCommand: "systemctl -i reboot"

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
default: defaults,noatime
btrfs: defaults,noatime,space_cache,autodefrag
ext4: discard
jfs: discard
xfs: discard
swap: discard
btrfs: discard,compress=lzo
crypttabOptions: luks,keyscript=/bin/cat

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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# These settings are used to set your default system time zone.
# Time zones are usually located under /usr/share/zoneinfo and
# provided by the 'tzdata' package of your Distribution.
# Distributions using systemd can list available
# time zones by using the timedatectl command.
# timedatectl list-timezones
# The starting timezone (e.g. the pin-on-the-map) when entering
# the locale page can be set through keys *region* and *zone*.
# If either is not set, defaults to America/New_York.
# Note that useSystemTimezone and GeoIP settings can change the
# starting time zone.
region: "America"
zone: "New_York"
# Instead of using *region* and *zone* specified above,
# you can use the system's notion of the timezone, instead.
# This can help if your system is automatically configured with
# a sensible TZ rather than chasing a fixed default.
# The default is false.
# useSystemTimezone: true
# Should changing the system location (e.g. clicking around on the timezone
# map) immediately reflect the changed timezone in the live system?
# By default, installers (with a target system) do, and setup (e.g. OEM
# configuration) does not, but you can switch it on here (or off, if
# you think it's annoying in the installer).
# Note that not all systems support live adjustment.
# adjustLiveTimezone: true
# System locales are detected in the following order:
# - /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED
# - localeGenPath (defaults to /etc/locale.gen if not set)
# - `locale -a` output
# Enable only when your Distribution is using a
# custom path for locale.gen
localeGenPath: "/etc/locale.gen"
# GeoIP based Language settings: Leave commented out to disable GeoIP.
# GeoIP needs a working Internet connection.
# This can be managed from `welcome.conf` by adding
# internet to the list of required conditions. (The welcome
# module can also do its own GeoIP lookups, independently
# of the lookup done here. The lookup in the welcome module
# is used to establish language; this one is for timezone).
# The configuration is in three parts:
# - a *style*, which can be "json" or "xml" depending on the
# kind of data returned by the service, and
# - a *url* where the data is retrieved, and
# - an optional *selector*
# to pick the right field out of the returned data (e.g. field
# name in JSON or element name in XML).
# The default selector (when the setting is blank) is picked to
# work with existing JSON providers (which use "time_zone") and
# Ubiquity's XML providers (which use "TimeZone").
# If the service configured via *url* uses
# a different attribute name (e.g. "timezone") in JSON or a
# different element tag (e.g. "<Time_Zone>") in XML, set the
# selector to the name or tag to be used.
# In JSON:
# - if the string contains "." characters, this is used as a
# multi-level selector, e.g. "a.b" will select the timezone
# from data "{a: {b: "Europe/Amsterdam" } }".
# - each part of the string split by "." characters is used as
# a key into the JSON data.
# In XML:
# - all elements with the named tag (e.g. all TimeZone) elements
# from the document are checked; the first one with non-empty
# text value is used.
# Special case:
# - the *style* "fixed" is also supported. This ignores the data
# returned from the URL (but the URL must still be valid!)
# and just returns the value of the *selector*.
# An HTTP(S) request is made to *url*. The request should return
# valid data in a suitable format, depending on *style*;
# generally this includes a string value with the timezone
# in <region>/<zone> format. For services that return data which
# does not follow the conventions of "suitable data" described
# below, *selector* may be used to pick different data.
# Suitable JSON data looks like
# ```
# {"time_zone":"America/New_York"}
# ```
# Suitable XML data looks like
# ```
# <Response><TimeZone>Europe/Brussels</TimeZone></Response>
# ```
# To accommodate providers of GeoIP timezone data with peculiar timezone
# naming conventions, the following cleanups are performed automatically:
# - backslashes are removed
# - spaces are replaced with _
# To disable GeoIP checking, either comment-out the entire geoip section,
# or set the *style* key to an unsupported format (e.g. `none`).
# Also, note the analogous feature in src/modules/welcome/welcome.conf.
style: "json"
url: ""
selector: "" # leave blank for the default
# For testing purposes, you could use *fixed* style, to see how Calamares
# behaves in a particular zone:
# geoip:
# style: "fixed"
# url: "" # Still needs to be valid!
# selector: "America/Vancouver" # this is the selected zone

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Writes a keyfile configuration with LUKS settings to the given path
# Path of the configuration file to write (in the target system)
#configFilePath: /cryptroot/crypttab
configFilePath: /etc/crypttab

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Writes an openswap configuration with LUKS settings to the given path
# Path of the configuration file to write (in the target system)
configFilePath: /etc/openswap.conf

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Whether to create /etc/machine-id for systemd.
systemd: true
# Whether to create /var/lib/dbus/machine-id for D-Bus.
dbus: true
# Whether /var/lib/dbus/machine-id should be a symlink to /etc/machine-id
# (ignored if dbus is false, or if there is no /etc/machine-id to point to).
symlink: true
# Whether to copy entropy from the host
#entropy-copy: true
# Which files to write (paths in the target)
# - /var/lib/urandom/random-seed
# - /var/lib/systemd/random-seed

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Mount filesystems in the target (generally, before treating the
# target as a usable chroot / "live" system). Filesystems are
# automatically mounted from the partitioning module. Filesystems
# listed here are **extra**. The filesystems listed in *extraMounts*
# are mounted in all target systems. The filesystems listed in
# *extraMountsEfi* are mounted in the target system **only** if
# the host machine uses UEFI.
# Extra filesystems to mount. The key's value is a list of entries; each
# entry has four keys:
# - device The device node to mount
# - fs The filesystem type to use
# - mountPoint Where to mount the filesystem
# - options (optional) Extra options to pass to mount(8)
- device: proc
fs: proc
mountPoint: /proc
- device: sys
fs: sysfs
mountPoint: /sys
- device: /dev
mountPoint: /dev
options: bind
- device: tmpfs
fs: tmpfs
mountPoint: /run
- device: /run/udev
mountPoint: /run/udev
options: bind
- device: efivarfs
fs: efivarfs
mountPoint: /sys/firmware/efi/efivars

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# This is the URL that is retrieved to get the netinstall groups-and-packages
# data (which should be in the format described in netinstall.yaml), e.g.:
# groupsUrl:
# or it can be a locally installed file:
# groupsUrl: file:///usr/share/calamares/netinstall.yaml
# Note that the contents of the groups file is the **important**
# part of the configuration of this module. It specifies what
# the user may select and what commands are to be run.
# The format of the groups file is documented in ``.
# As a special case, setting *groupsUrl* to the literal string
# `local` means that the data is obtained from **this** config
# file, under the key *groups*.
groupsUrl: file:///etc/calamares/modules/netinstall-packages.yaml
# If the installation can proceed without netinstall (e.g. the Live CD
# can create a working installed system, but netinstall is preferred
# to bring it up-to-date or extend functionality) leave this set to
# false (the default). If set to true, the netinstall data is required.
# This only has an effect if the netinstall data cannot be retrieved,
# or is corrupt: having "required" set, means the install cannot proceed.
required: false
# To support multiple instances of this module,
# some strings are configurable and translatable here.
# - *sidebar* This is the name of the module in the progress-tree / sidebar
# in Calamares.
# - *title* This is displayed above the list of packages.
# If no *sidebar* values are provided, defaults to "Package selection"
# and existing translations. If no *title* values are provided, no string
# is displayed.
# The following strings are already known to Calamares and can be
# listed here in *untranslated* form (e.g. as value of *sidebar*)
# without bothering with the translations: they are picked up from
# the regular translation framework:
# - "Package selection"
# - "Office software"
# - "Office package"
# - "Browser software"
# - "Browser package"
# - "Web browser"
sidebar: "Packages"
sidebar[nl]: "Package selection"
sidebar[pt]: "Seleção de pacotes"
sidebar[ja]: "パッケージの選択"
title: "Packages"
title[nl]: "Package selection"
title[pt]: "Seleção de pacotes"
title[ja]: "パッケージの選択"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
backend: apt
- remove:
# We need to keep this as refracta uses these to build he live CD's
- 'live-boot'
- 'live-boot-doc'
- 'live-config'
- 'live-config-doc'
- 'live-config-systemd'
- 'live-config-systemd'
- 'live-tools'
# - 'live-task-localisation'
# - 'live-task-recommended'
#This one we don't need the users can decide thier own installer
- 'calamares-settings-debian'
- 'calamares'
# This section add any other software you want to remove.
# - 'gparted'
# - 'bleachbit'
# - 'termit'

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More