651 lines
24 KiB
651 lines
24 KiB
* Author: "PeppermintOS Team(peppermintosteam@proton.me)
* License: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Set the infrastructure for bubbles to begin the ISO build
* This copies needed config files to the binary and chroot
* locations, based on the build base and architecture
import os
import collections
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import logging
import conf
# Public Variables used in the classes
BSTRING_ISO_CONFIGS = '~/bubbles/iso_configs'
HOME_FOLDER = str(Path(BSTRING_ISO_CONFIGS).expanduser())
WPCHROOT = "/fusato/config/includes.chroot"
WPINSTALLER = "/fusato/config/includes.installer"
BINARYPTH = "/fusato/config/includes.binary"
BOOTSTRAP = "/fusato/config/includes.bootstrap"
FUSATOCONFIG = "/fusato/config"
# Set up the logging format
logger = logging.getLogger()
MSG_COPY = "Copying - "
MSG_FIN = "Finished - "
class Archive:
Copy the multimedia to the ARCHIVES folder Depending on
the architecture it will, copy folders as needed
def __init__(self,sbase,sarch):
logger.info("Copy Archive")
self.sbase = sbase
self.sarch = sarch
src_archive = ('/multimedia/' + self.sbase + self.sarch,)
des_archive =('/archives',)
# Archives Folders.
archive_src_q = collections.deque(src_archive)
archive_des_q = collections.deque(des_archive)
archive_size_q = len(archive_src_q)
for size_length in range(archive_size_q):
source = archive_src_q.popleft()
des = archive_des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY + HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + source,
dirs_exist_ok = True
class ChrootFolders:
Copy all the needed folders to CHROOT Depending on
the architecture it will, copy folders as needed
# It would be better to move the calamares and /opt/pepconf files to a def or other solution since they are not necessary in server builds.
# Mini builds are not affected because the chroot is deleted in the binary phase.
def __init__(self,sbase,sarch):
logger.info("Copy Chroot")
self.sbase = sbase
self.sarch = sarch
src_chroot = ('/osrelease/' + self.sbase + self.sarch,
#'/osrelease/' + self.sbase + self.sarch,
'/grub/'+ self.sbase + self.sarch,
#'/calamares_settings/' + self.sbase + self.sarch +
'/grub/' + self.sbase + '_themes'
des_chroot =('/usr/lib',
# Chroot Folders.
chroot_src_q = collections.deque(src_chroot)
chroot_des_q = collections.deque(des_chroot)
chroot_size_q = len(chroot_src_q)
for size_length in range(chroot_size_q):
source = chroot_src_q.popleft()
des = chroot_des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY + HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + source,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des)
class BinaryFolders:
Copy all the needed folders to BINARY Depending on
the architecture it will, copy folders as needed
def __init__(self, sbase, sarch):
logger.info("Copy Binary")
self.sbase = sbase
self.sarch = sarch
src_binary = ('/splash/' + self.sbase + self.sarch + '/boot',
'/splash/' + self.sbase + self.sarch +'/isolinux',
'/splash/' + self.sbase + '_live-theme',
'/splash/' + self.sbase + '_splash',
'/splash/' + self.sbase + '_splash'
des_binary =('/boot',
# Binary Folders
binary_src_q = collections.deque(src_binary)
binary_des_q = collections.deque(des_binary)
binary_size_q = len(binary_src_q)
for size_length in range(binary_size_q):
source = binary_src_q.popleft()
des = binary_des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY+ HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + source,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + BINARYPTH + des)
class FusatoConfigs:
Copy all the needed files to the hooks folders depending on
the architecture it will, copy folders as needed
def __init__(self,sbase,sarch):
logger.info("Copy Hooks Files")
self.sbase = sbase
self.sarch = sarch
src_fusatoconfig = ('/hooks/normal/'+ self.sbase + self.sarch,)
des_fusatoconfig = ('/hooks/normal/',)
# Fusatoconfig FIles
fusatoconfig_src_q = collections.deque(src_fusatoconfig)
fusatoconfig_des_q = collections.deque(des_fusatoconfig)
fusatoconfig_size_q = len(fusatoconfig_src_q)
for size_length in range(fusatoconfig_size_q):
source = fusatoconfig_src_q.popleft()
des = fusatoconfig_des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY+ HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + source,
dirs_exist_ok = True
class InstallerFiles:
Copy all the needed files to the installer depending on
the architecture it will, copy folders as needed
def __init__(self,sbase,sarch):
logger.info("Copy Installer Files")
self.sbase = sbase
self.sarch = sarch
src_installer = ('/installer/preseed/'+ self.sbase + self.sarch,
'/installer/artwork/' + self.sbase + self.sarch,
'/installer/scripts/'+ self.sbase + self.sarch,
'/installer/grub/'+ self.sbase + self.sarch,
'/installer/sources/'+ self.sbase + self.sarch,
'/installer/sources/'+ self.sbase + self.sarch,
'/osrelease/'+ self.sbase + self.sarch
des_installer =('/',
# installer files
installer_src_q = collections.deque(src_installer)
installer_des_q = collections.deque(des_installer)
installer_size_q = len(installer_src_q)
for size_length in range(installer_size_q):
source = installer_src_q.popleft()
des = installer_des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY+ HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + source,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPINSTALLER + des)
def mini_shared_installer_files():
This function will get the files that are shared commonly amongst
all mini builds,
logger.info("Copy mini installer files")
src_paths = ('/installer/keyrings/',
des_paths =('/preseed/keyrings/',
# copy files to thier INSTALLER Location
for src, des in zip(src_paths, des_paths):
src_path = HOME_FOLDER + src
des_path = HOME_FOLDER + WPINSTALLER + des
if os.path.isdir(src_path): # Verificar se o caminho de origem é um diretório
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src_path):
for file in files:
source_file = os.path.join(root, file)
dest_file = os.path.join(des_path, os.path.relpath(source_file, src_path))
logger.info(f"Copying {source_file} to {dest_file}")
shutil.copy(source_file, dest_file)
logger.info(f"Copy completed: {dest_file}")
logger.info(f"Copying {src_path} to {des_path}")
shutil.copy(src_path, des_path)
logger.info(f"Copy completed: {des_path}")
class ArchitectureFiles:
Copy all the needed files to CHROOT Depending on the
architecture it will, copy files as needed
#another solution is necessary for the calamares files as they are not necessary in the server builds, the mini builds are not affected because the chroot is deleted during the binary phase.
def __init__(self, sbase, sarch):
logger.info("Copy Architecture")
self.sbase = sbase
self.sarch = sarch
calamares_path = '/calamares_settings/'
sources_path = '/sources/'
src_paths = (#calamares_path + self.sbase + self.sarch +
#calamares_path + self.sbase + self.sarch +
#calamares_path + self.sbase + self.sarch +
#calamares_path + self.sbase + self.sarch +
#calamares_path +
sources_path + self.sbase + self.sarch +
des_paths = (#'/etc/calamares/settings.conf',
# copy files to thier CHROOT Location
src_q = collections.deque(src_paths)
des_q = collections.deque(des_paths)
size_q = len(src_q)
for size_length in range(size_q):
source = src_q.popleft()
des = des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY+ HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copy(HOME_FOLDER + source,
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des)
def set_symlinks():
Set the symliknks that are used for all builds.
logger.info("Copy Symlinks")
pep_info = '/usr/share/python-apt/templates/Peppermint.info'
pep_mirror = '/usr/share/python-apt/templates/Peppermint.mirrors'
pep_csv = '/usr/share/distro-info/peppermint.csv'
logger.info("Making - " + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + pep_info)
os.symlink('Debian.info', HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + pep_info)
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + pep_info)
logger.info("Making - " + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + pep_mirror)
os.symlink('Debian.mirrors', HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + pep_mirror)
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + pep_mirror)
logger.info("Making - " + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + pep_csv)
os.symlink('debian.csv', HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + pep_csv)
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + pep_csv)
def shared_folders():
This function will get the files that are shared commonly amongst
all the builds,
logger.info("Copy Shared folders")
src_paths = ('/plymouth/lines',
des_paths =('/usr/share/plymouth/themes/lines',
src_q = collections.deque(src_paths)
des_q = collections.deque(des_paths)
size_q = len(des_q)
for size_length in range(size_q):
source = src_q.popleft()
des = des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY+ HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + source,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des)
def icons_themes():
This function will get the icons and themse that are
for all the builds
logger.info("Copy icons and themes")
src_paths =('/theme/Marwaita Dark Debian/',
'/theme/Marwaita Dark Manjaro/',
'/theme/Marwaita Dark Peppermint/',
'/theme/Marwaita Debian/',
'/theme/Marwaita Manjaro/',
'/theme/Marwaita Peppermint/',
des_paths = ('/usr/share/themes/Marwaita Dark Debian/',
'/usr/share/themes/Marwaita Dark Manjaro/',
'/usr/share/themes/Marwaita Dark Peppermint/',
'/usr/share/themes/Marwaita Debian/',
'/usr/share/themes/Marwaita Manjaro/',
'/usr/share/themes/Marwaita Peppermint/',
src_q = collections.deque(src_paths)
des_q = collections.deque(des_paths)
size_q = len(src_q)
for size_length in range(size_q):
source = src_q.popleft()
des = des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY+ HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + source,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des)
def shared_files():
This silll copy all specific files that a used for all
logger.info("Copy Shared Files")
src_paths = ('/aliases/bash_aliases',
# '/repo_public_key/trusted.gpg',
des_paths = ('/etc/skel/.bash_aliases',
# copy files to thier CHROOT Location
src_q = collections.deque(src_paths)
des_q = collections.deque(des_paths)
size_q = len(src_q)
for size_length in range(size_q):
source = src_q.popleft()
des = des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY+ HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copy(HOME_FOLDER + source,
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des)
def shared_server_files():
This silll copy all specific files that a used for the server
logger.info("Copy Shared Files")
src_paths = ('/server/firewall/public.xml',
des_paths = ('/etc/firewalld/zones',
# copy files to thier CHROOT Location
src_q = collections.deque(src_paths)
des_q = collections.deque(des_paths)
size_q = len(src_q)
for size_length in range(size_q):
source = src_q.popleft()
des = des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY+ HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copy(HOME_FOLDER + source,
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des)
def boostrap_shared():
Copy specific folders in the boostrap location
logger.info("Copy Shared BootStrap")
src_paths = ('/issue',)
des_paths = ('/etc',)
src_q = collections.deque(src_paths)
des_q = collections.deque(des_paths)
size_q = len(src_q)
for size_length in range(size_q):
source = src_q.popleft()
des = des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY+ HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + source,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des)
def xfce_configs():
Copy the xfce files.
logger.info("Copy xfce4 configs")
src_xfce = '/xfce/xfce4'
des_xfce = '/etc/skel/.config/xfce4'
logger.info(MSG_COPY + HOME_FOLDER + src_xfce)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + src_xfce,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des_xfce)
src_thunar = '/xfce/Thunar'
des_thunar = '/etc/skel/.config/Thunar'
logger.info(MSG_COPY+ HOME_FOLDER + src_thunar)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + src_thunar,
HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des_thunar,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des_thunar)
def gnome_flahsbak_configs():
Copy the gnome flashback files
logger.info("Copy Gnome Flashback configs")
src_gnomef = '/gnome-flashback'
des_gnomef = '/etc/skel/'
logger.info("INFO: Copying - " + HOME_FOLDER + src_gnomef)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + src_gnomef,
HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des_gnomef,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des_gnomef)
def open_box_configs():
Copy the openbox files
logger.info("Copy openbox configs")
src_ob = '/openbox'
des_ob = '/etc/skel/'
logger.info("INFO: Copying - " + HOME_FOLDER + src_ob)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + src_ob,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des_ob)
def loaded_configs():
Copy the loaded xfce files
logger.info("Copy loaded xfce configs")
src_loaded = '/loaded/xfce'
des_loaded = '/etc/skel/.config/'
logger.info("INFO: Copying - " + HOME_FOLDER + src_loaded)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + src_loaded,
HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des_loaded,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des_loaded)
def loaded_folders():
This function will get the files that are used by the loaded builds,
logger.info("Copy loaded folders")
src_paths = ('/loaded/application',
des_paths =('/usr/share/applications',
src_q = collections.deque(src_paths)
des_q = collections.deque(des_paths)
size_q = len(des_q)
for size_length in range(size_q):
source = src_q.popleft()
des = des_q.popleft()
logger.info(MSG_COPY+ HOME_FOLDER + source)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + source,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des)
def server_configs():
Copy the server files
logger.info("Copy server configs")
src_server = '/server/configs'
des_server = '/etc/skel/.config/'
logger.info("INFO: Copying - " + HOME_FOLDER + src_server)
shutil.copytree(HOME_FOLDER + src_server,
HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des_server,
dirs_exist_ok = True
logger.info(MSG_FIN + HOME_FOLDER + WPCHROOT + des_server)