1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
%!slice -o (I386uUNDEFuNOT_*)\NOT_I386:master.i386 -o (SPARCuUNDEFuNOT_*)\NOT_SPARC:master.sparc -o (ALPHAuUNDEFuNOT_*)\NOT_ALPHA:master.alpha -o (M68KuUNDEFuNOT_*)\NOT_M68K:master.m68k -o (ARMuUNDEFuNOT_*)\NOT_ARM:master.arm -o (POWERPCuUNDEFuNOT_*)\NOT_POWERPC:master.powerpc
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
# Do not touch the above line, except to add a new architecture.
# "master" file. See README for explanations.
# More or less maintained by Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer@debian.org>
# $Id$
# You can have system-dependent parts with the slices of slice(1) (Debian
# package "slice". See examples hereunder, starting with [. Or see slice
# documentation, "man slice" or http://www.engelschall.com/sw/slice/.
--- Tasks:
Admin: Administration tools (incl. Basic)
Backup: Floppy tape backup tools (incl. Basic)
Basic: Basic tools
C: C/C++/ObjC development (incl. Basic, Standard, Devel)
Chinese: Chinese-speaking environment (incl. Basic)
Database: PostgreSQL database (incl. Basic)
Debian: Debian development (incl. Basic)
Devel: Development environment (incl. Basic)
Dialup: Dialup utilities (incl. Basic)
Dns: DNS server (incl. Basic)
Doc: General documentation (incl. Basic)
Fortran: Fortran development (incl. Basic, Devel)
Ftp: FTP server (incl. Basic)
Games: Games (incl. Basic, X_sel)
Graphics: Graphics tools (incl. Basic, X_sel)
Gui_devel: GUI development (incl. Basic, Standard, Devel, C)
High_rel: Reliability/security monitoring tools
Lisp: Lisp development (incl. Basic, Devel)
Mail: Mailing list server (incl. Basic)
Net_comp: Internet Tools (incl. Basic)
Net_sel: Selected Internet tools (incl. Basic)
Netadm: Network administration (incl. Basic)
Netbckup: Network backup server (incl. Basic)
Newbie: New user documentation (Linux Gazette; incl. Basic)
News: News server (incl. Basic)
Nis: NIS server (incl. Basic)
Perl_devel: Perl development (incl. Basic, Devel)
Plot: Plotutils for data (incl. Basic)
Pop: POP mail server (incl. Basic)
Prod: Personal productivity (incl. Basic)
Python: Python environment (incl. Basic, Devel)
Samba: Samba SMB server (incl. Basic)
Scheme: Scheme development (incl. Basic, Devel)
Science: Science, mostly math (incl. Basic)
Sgml: SGML Text processing (incl. Basic)
Sound: Sound tools (incl. Basic)
Standard: Standard installation (incl. Basic)
Tcl_devel: Tcl development tools (incl. Basic, Devel)
Tex: TeX/LaTeX environment (incl. Basic)
Web: Web server (incl. Basic)
Webcache: Web proxy caching server (incl. Basic)
Workst: Workstation add-ons (incl. Basic)
X_comp: X window system (incl. Basic)
X_sel: Small X window environment (incl. Basic)
--- Profiles:
Admin: Administrator box (network tools, Perl, ...)
Basic: Stand-alone system without development tools
Devel_comp: Huge development environment (Perl, Python, C, ...)
Devel_std: Standard C development environment
Dialup: Home machine (graphics, sound, X, ...)
Server_comp: Server (add. Mailinglist, Backup, News, Samba, Squid)
Server_std: Std. Server (Ftp, Web, DNS, NIS, POP)
Standard: Compiler, printing, emacs and networking
Work_sci: Scientific Workstation (Tex, math, plot, X, ...)
Work_std: Standard Workstation (TeX, graphics, Internet, X, ...)
--- Packages:
3dchess: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
a2ps: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
aalib-bin: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
aalib1: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
aalib1-dev: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
abc2ps: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
abcmidi: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
aboot: Tasks: Basic, Profiles: Basic,
abuse: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
abuse-lib: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
acct: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
acidwarp: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
acm: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
addressbook: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
af: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
afbackup: Tasks: Netbckup, Profiles: Server_comp,
afbackup-client: Tasks: Netbckup, Profiles: Server_comp,
afio: Tasks: Backup, Profiles: Dialup,
afterstep: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
alias: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
alien: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
amanda-client: Tasks: Netbckup, Profiles: Server_comp,
amanda-common: Tasks: Netbckup, Profiles: Server_comp,
amanda-server: Tasks: Netbckup, Profiles: Server_comp,
amaya: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
an: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
anacron: Tasks: Dialup, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
analog: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
apache: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
apache-common: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
apache-dev: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
apache-doc: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
apcalc: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
apcalc-dev: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
apt: Tasks: Basic, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std
arena: Tasks: Net_comp, Newbie, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
ascd: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
asmail: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
asmixer: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
asmodem: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
at: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
auctex: Tasks: Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
aumix: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
autoconf: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
automake: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
bbdb: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
bc: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
bibindex: Tasks: Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
bibtool: Tasks: Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
biff: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
[I386:bin86: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std, :I386]
bind: Tasks: Dns, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
bind-doc: Tasks: Dns, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
bing: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
binstats: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
binutils: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, High_rel, Science, Standard, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
bison: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
bitchx: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
blast: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
bonnie: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
bplay: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
bsdgames: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
bsdmainutils: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
buffer: Tasks: Backup, Profiles: Dialup,
bug: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
bzip2: Tasks: Admin, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
c2man: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
calc: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
cam: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
catdoc: Tasks: Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
cbb: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
cdda2wav: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
cdparanoia: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
cddb: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
cdrdao: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
cdrecord: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
cdtool: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
cdwrite: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
cfengine: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
cfingerd: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
cflow: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
cftp: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
cgi-scripts: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
cgilib: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
cgoban: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
checker: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
chimera2: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
clisp: Tasks: Lisp, Profiles: Devel_comp,
compface: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
cpio: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
cpp: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Science, Standard, Tcl_devel, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
cracklib2: Tasks: Dialup, Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
cracklib2: Tasks: Dialup, Graphics, Profiles: Dialup,
cracklib-runtime: Tasks: Dialup, Profiles: Dialup,
cron: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
cti-ifhp: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
ctwm: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
cutils: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
cvs: Tasks: C, Debian, Devel, Fortran, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
cvs-buildpackage: Tasks: Debian, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
cvs-pcl: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
cweb: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
cweb-latex: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
cwnn: Tasks: Chinese, Profiles:
cxhextris: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
cxref: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
data-dumper: Tasks: Admin, Net_comp, Netadm, Newbie, Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dc: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
ddd: Tasks: C, Fortran, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
debhelper: Tasks: Admin, Debian, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
debian-policy: Tasks: C, Debian, Devel, Doc, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Standard, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
debiandoc-sgml: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
debmake: Tasks: Debian, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
debsums: Tasks: Debian, High_rel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
dejagnu: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
developers-reference: Tasks: Debian, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
devscripts: Tasks: Debian, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
dftp: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
dhelp: Tasks: Doc, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
diald: Tasks: Dialup, Profiles: Dialup,
dialdcost: Tasks: Dialup, Profiles: Dialup,
dialog: Tasks: Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
diffstat: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
dist: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
djtools: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
dnsutils: Tasks: C, Dns, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
doc-debian: Tasks: Doc, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
doc-linux-html: Tasks: Doc, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
doc-linux-text: Tasks: Doc, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
doc-linux-zh: Tasks: Chinese, Profiles:
docbook: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
docbook-doc: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
docbook-stylesheets: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
dome: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
dotfile: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Tcl_devel, Tex, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dotfile-bash: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dotfile-elm: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dotfile-emacs: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Tcl_devel, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dotfile-fvwm1: Tasks: Games, Graphics, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dotfile-fvwm2: Tasks: Games, Graphics, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dotfile-ipfwadm: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
dotfile-procmail: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dotfile-rtin: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dotfile-tcsh: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dpkg-dev: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Gui_devel, High_rel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
# The following installation methods are regarded as obsolete.
dpkg-ftp: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
#dpkg-http: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
#dpkg-mountable: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
dpkg-perl: Tasks: Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dpkg-repack: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Server_comp, Work_sci,
dump: Tasks: Backup, Netbckup, Profiles: Dialup, Server_comp,
dupload: Tasks: Debian, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
dvidvi: Tasks: Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
dxpc: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
e2fsprogs: Tasks: Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Dialup, Server_comp, Work_sci, Work_std,
echoping: Tasks: Profiles: Admin, Server_std,
ed: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
ee: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
egcc: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Science, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci,
electric-fence: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
elib: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
elk: Tasks: Graphics, Scheme, Profiles: Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
elkdoc: Tasks: Scheme, Profiles: Devel_comp,
elm-me+: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
emacs19: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Perl_devel, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
emacs19-el: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
emacs20: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Perl_devel, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
emacs20-el: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
emacsen-common: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Perl_devel, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
eperl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
epic: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
et: Tasks: Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
eterm: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
eterm-backgrounds: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
exim: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
exim-doc: Tasks: Admin, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Newbie, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std,
exmh: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
expect5.24: Tasks: Admin, C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
expect5.24-dev: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
exuberant-ctags: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
f2c: Tasks: Fortran, Profiles: Devel_comp, Work_sci,
fakeroot: Tasks: Debian, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
fbset: Tasks: Profiles: Admin,
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
fdflush: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
fdutils: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
felt: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
felt-doc: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
fetchmail: Tasks: Dialup, Profiles: Dialup,
figlet: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
file: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
filerunner: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
flex: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
floatbg: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
flying: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
fmirror: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
fort77: Tasks: Fortran, Profiles: Devel_comp, Work_sci,
fortune-mod: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
fortunes: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
fortunes-min: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
freeciv: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
freetype1: Tasks: Graphics, Perl_devel, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
freetype2: Tasks: Graphics, Perl_devel, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
ftape-module-2.0.34: Tasks: Backup, Profiles: Dialup,
ftape-util: Tasks: Backup, Profiles: Dialup,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
fte: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
ftnchek: Tasks: Fortran, Profiles: Devel_comp, Work_sci,
fvwm: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
fvwm-common: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
fvwm2: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
fvwm95: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
fvwmconf: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
fweb: Tasks: Fortran, Profiles: Devel_comp, Work_sci,
g++: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Science, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci,
g77: Tasks: Fortran, Profiles: Devel_comp, Work_sci,
gawk: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
gcal: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
gcc: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Science, Standard, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
gcl: Tasks: Lisp, Profiles: Devel_comp,
gclinfo: Tasks: Lisp, Profiles: Devel_comp,
gdb: Tasks: C, Fortran, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
gedit: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
genpower: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
ghostview: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
gimp: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
gimp-data-extras: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
gimp-manual: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles:
gltt2: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
glut-data: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
glut-doc: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
glutg3: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
glutg3-dev: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
gmemusage: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
gmp2: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
gnuchess: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
gnuchess-book: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
gnugo: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
gnuplot: Tasks: Plot, Science, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
gnushogi: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
gobjc: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
gom: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
gom-x: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
gpm: Tasks: Admin, C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
groff: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
gs: Tasks: C, Graphics, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
gsfonts: Tasks: C, Graphics, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
gtimer: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
guile1.3: Tasks: Scheme, Workst, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
gv: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
gzilla: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
htdig: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
hyperlatex: Tasks: Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
hypermail: Tasks: Mail, Profiles: Server_comp,
hyphen-show: Tasks: Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
iamerican: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
ibritish: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
ical: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
icewm: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
imagemagick: Tasks: Graphics, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
imlib-base: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
imlib1: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
indent: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
inewsinn: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, News, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Work_sci, Work_std,
info: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
inn: Tasks: News, Profiles: Server_comp,
innfeed: Tasks: News, Profiles: Server_comp,
int-fiction: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
intlfonts-chinese: Tasks: Chinese, Profiles:
iplogger: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
ipmasq: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
iptraf: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
ircii: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
isapnptools: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin, Dialup,
isdnutils: Tasks: Dialup, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std
ispell: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
ivtools: Tasks: Gui_devel, Sound, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup,
ivtools-bin: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
ivtools-dev: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
ivtools-doc: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
jade: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
jadetex: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
jargon: Tasks: Debian, Doc, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
jed: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
jed-common: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
jered: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
jgraph: Tasks: Plot, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
joe: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
jpeginfo: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
junkbuster: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
kernel-headers-2.0.36: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Science, Standard, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
kernel-headers-2.0.35: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Science, Standard, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
kernel-package: Tasks: Admin, C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
kernel-source-2.0.36: Tasks: Admin, C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
kernel-source-2.0.35: Tasks: Admin, C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
kernel-patch-2.0.35: Tasks: Admin, C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
kernel-source-2.1.125: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
knews: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
koules: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
lacheck: Tasks: Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
lapack: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
lapack-dev: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
lapack-doc: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
leave: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
less: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
lesstifg: Tasks: Admin, C, Doc, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Newbie, Net_comp, Net_sel, Plot, Prod, Sound, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Web, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
lftp: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
lg-base: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue01to08: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue09: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue10: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue11: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue12: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue13: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue14: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue15: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue16: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue17: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue18: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue19: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue20: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue21: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue22: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue23: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue24: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue25: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue26: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue27: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
lg-issue28: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
libc5: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
libc6-dev: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Science, Standard, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
libc6.1-dev: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Science, Standard, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
glibc-doc: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
libcgi-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libcompfaceg1: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Tcl_devel, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libcompress-zlib-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libcurses-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libdb2: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
libdelimmatch-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libdnd1: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libelfg0: Tasks: Graphics, Scheme, Profiles: Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libelfg0: Tasks: Graphics, Net_comp, Scheme, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libffm1: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
libg++2.8.2: Tasks: Sound, Science, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci,
libg++272: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
libgdbm1: Tasks: Profiles: Admin,
libgdbmg1: Tasks: Admin, C, Database, Devel, Dialup, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Netadm, Net_comp, Net_sel, Nis, Perl_devel, Pop, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
libgdbmg1-dev: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
libgimp1: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libglib1.1: Tasks: Graphics, Gui_devel, Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libglib1.1: Tasks: Graphics, Gui_devel, Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Devel_comp, Work_sci, Work_std
libgpmg1: Tasks: Admin, C, Devel, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Sound, Tcl_devel, Tex, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libgtk-dev: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
libgtk-doc: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
libgtk-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libgtk1: Tasks: Graphics, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Netadm, Perl_devel, Prod, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libgtk1.1: Tasks: Graphics, Gui_devel, Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libgtk1: Tasks: Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Netadm, Perl_devel, Prod, Workst, X_comp , X_sel Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libgtk1.1: Tasks: Graphics, Gui_devel, Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_std, Work_sci
libgtkmm: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
libgtkmm-dev: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
libguile4: Tasks: Scheme, Workst, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libguile4-dev: Tasks: Scheme, Profiles: Devel_comp,
libhdf4g: Tasks: Graphics, Perl_devel, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libhtml-parser-perl: Tasks: Newbie, Profiles:
libident: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, High_rel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
libio-stringy-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libjpeg62: Tasks: C, Database, Devel, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Newbie, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
libjpeg62: Tasks: C, Database, Devel, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Newbie, Perl_devel, Prod, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
libjpegg6a: Tasks: C, Database, Devel, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Newbie, Perl_devel, Prod, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
liblockdev0-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
liblockfile0: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Perl_devel, Pop, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
libmagick4g: Tasks: Graphics, Perl_devel, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libmd5-perl: Tasks: Admin, Net_comp, Netadm, Newbie, Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libmime-base64-perl: Tasks: Admin, Net_comp, Netadm, Newbie, Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libmime-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libmpeg1: Tasks: Graphics, Perl_devel, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libncurses4-dev: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
libnet-perl: Tasks: Admin, Admin, Net_comp, Netadm, Newbie, Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libpam0g: Tasks: Dialup, Graphics, Profiles: Dialup,
libpam0g-util: Tasks: Dialup, Graphics, Profiles: Dialup,
libpam0g: Tasks: Dialup, Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std
libpam0g-util: Tasks: Dialup, Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libpaperg: Tasks: C, Graphics, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
libpcap0: Tasks: High_rel, Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
libpcre1: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
libpgperl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libpgsql: Tasks: Database, Perl_devel, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libpgtcl: Tasks: Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libpng0g: Tasks: Graphics, Net_comp, Net_sel, Newbie, Plot, Science, Sgml, Tex, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libpng2: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Newbie, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
libpng0g: Tasks: Graphics, Net_comp, Net_sel, Newbie, Perl_devel, Plot, Science, Sgml, Tex, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libpng2: Tasks: C, Devel, Net_sel, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Newbie, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
libproplist0: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libpwdb0g: Tasks: Dialup, Graphics, Profiles: Dialup,
libpwdb0g: Tasks: Dialup, Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libreadlineg2-dev: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
librpm1: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
librx1g: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
librx1g: Tasks: Web, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std, Server_comp, Server_std,
libsocks4: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
libsp1: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
libstdc++2.8: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Web, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Server_comp, Server_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
libstdc++2.8: Tasks: C, Fortran, Gui_devel, Graphics, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tex, Web, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Server_comp, Server_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
libstdc++2.9-dev: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Fortran, Graphics, Gui_devel, Science, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci,
libterm-readkey-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libtiff3g: Tasks: Database, Graphics, Gui_devel, Perl_devel, Sound, Tcl_devel, Tex, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libtime-hires-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libtime-period-perl: Tasks: High_rel, Netadm, Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libtimedate-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
libtool: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
libungif3g: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libwraster1: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libwww-perl: Tasks: Admin, Net_comp, Netadm, Newbie, Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
libxbase-perl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
lilo: Tasks: Profiles: Admin,
lincity: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
lincity-svga: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
lincity-x: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
liwc: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
loadmeter: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
locales: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
lockvc: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
lprng: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
lprng-doc: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
lrzsz: Tasks: Dialup, Profiles: Dialup,
lsof-2.0.35: Tasks: Admin, C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
# lsof-2.0.33: Tasks: Admin, C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
ltrace: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
lurkftp: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
luxman: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
lynx: Tasks: C, Doc, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Newbie, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Web, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
m4: Tasks: C, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Standard, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
magicfilter: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
mailtools: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
mailx: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
make: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Perl_devel, Prod, Python, Scheme, Standard, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
make-doc: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
makepasswd: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
makepatch: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
man-db: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
manpages: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
manpages-dev: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
maplay: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
mc: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
mctools-lite: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
megahal: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
menu: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
mesa-doc: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
mesag-dev: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
mesag3: Tasks: Graphics, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
metamail: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
mgt: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
mh: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Standard, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
mime-support: Tasks: C, Database, Doc, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Newbie, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Web, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
mirrordir: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
mixviews: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
mkhybrid: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
mkisofs: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
mmv: Tasks: Admin, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
mon: Tasks: High_rel, Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
moonlight: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
most: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
motifnls: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
mozilla: Tasks: Doc, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Newbie, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Web, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Server_comp, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
mpack: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
mpage: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
mtools: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
mtr: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
mtx: Tasks: Netbckup, Profiles: Server_comp,
multitee: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
mutt: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
nas-lib: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Sound, Tcl_devel, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
ncftp: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
ncurses-term: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
ncurses3.4: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, High_rel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
netbase: Tasks: C, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Fortran, Ftp, Gui_devel, High_rel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netadm, Netbckup, Nis, Perl_devel, Python, Samba, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Webcache, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
netcat: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
netcdfg3: Tasks: Plot, Science, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
netdiag: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
nethack: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
netmaze: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
netpbm: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
netpbm1: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
netris: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
netstd: Tasks: Admin, C, Chinese, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
netstd: Tasks: C, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Fortran, Ftp, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Nis, Perl_devel, Python, Samba, Scheme, Standard, Tcl_devel, Webcache, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
nfs-server: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Profiles: Admin, Server_comp, Server_std,
nighthawk: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
nis: Tasks: Nis, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
nmap: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
nn: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
nosql: Tasks: Database, Profiles: Admin,
nvi: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
octave: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
octave-ci: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
octave-doc: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
oleo: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
olvwm: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
olwm: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
omniorb: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
oneko: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
packaging-manual: Tasks: Debian, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
pacman: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
patch: Tasks: Admin, C, Debian, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
pdksh: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
pdl: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
pdmenu: Tasks: Admin, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
pente: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
perl: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, High_rel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
perl-suid: Tasks: Admin, C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
perl-tk: Tasks: Perl_devel, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
perlmagick: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
perlmenu: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
perlsgml: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
pftp: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
pgapack: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
phalanx: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
php3: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
php3-dev: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
php3-doc: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
pixmap: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
pkg-order: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
plan: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
playmidi: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
plotutils: Tasks: Plot, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
postgresql: Tasks: Database, Profiles: Admin,
postgresql-dev: Tasks: Database, Profiles: Admin,
postgresql-doc: Tasks: Database, Profiles: Admin,
ppp: Tasks: Dialup, Profiles: Dialup,
ppp-pam: Tasks: Dialup, Profiles: Dialup,
printop: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
procmail: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
procmail-lib: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
procmeter: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
proftpd: Tasks: Ftp, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
psgml: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
psmisc: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Netbckup, Newbie, News, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
pstoedit: Tasks: Graphics, Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
pstotext: Tasks: Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
psutils: Tasks: Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
publib-dev: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
purity: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
pwgen: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
python-base: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-bsddb: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-curses: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-dev: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-doc: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-elisp: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-examples: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-misc: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-mpz: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-net: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-numeric: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-pmw: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-tk: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-wpy: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
python-zlib: Tasks: Python, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
qpopper: Tasks: Pop, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
queso: Tasks: Profiles: Admin, Server_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
quik: Tasks: Profiles: Admin,
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
quota: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
r-base: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
r-cran: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
raidtools: Tasks: Admin, High_rel, Profiles:
razzle: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
rcs: Tasks: C, Database, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
recode: Tasks: Admin, Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
redir: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
regina0: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
rgrep: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
rinetd: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
rpm: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
rpncalc: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
rscheme: Tasks: Scheme, Profiles: Devel_comp,
rstart: Tasks: Admin, C, Chinese, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Doc, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Newbie, News, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
rstartd: Tasks: Admin, C, Chinese, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Doc, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Newbie, News, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
rsync: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
ruari-diff: Tasks: Debian, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
rxvt: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
rxvt-ml: Tasks: Chinese, Profiles: ,
s3mod: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
sac: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
samba: Tasks: Samba, Profiles: Server_comp,
sane: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
sash: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
sc: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
sced: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
scm: Tasks: Scheme, Profiles: Devel_comp,
scotty: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
scwm: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
secure-su: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
seesat5: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
sendfile: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
sgb: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
sgml-base: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
sgml-data: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
sgml-tools: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
sgmlspm: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
sharutils: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
shhmsg: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
shhopt: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
signify: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
sigrot: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
silo: Tasks: Profiles: Admin,
sirc: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
slang1-dev: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
slay: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
slib: Tasks: Scheme, Workst, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
slrn: Tasks: Dialup, Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
slsc: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
smartlist: Tasks: Mail, Profiles: Server_comp,
snake4: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
socks4-clients: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
socks4-server: Tasks: High_rel, Profiles:
sortmail: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
sox: Tasks: Admin, Dialup, Netadm, Net_comp, Net_sel, Sound, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
sp: Tasks: Sgml, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
spider: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
spline: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
squid: Tasks: Webcache, Profiles: Server_comp,
squidclient: Tasks: Webcache, Profiles: Server_comp,
stat: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
stow: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
strace: Tasks: Admin, C, Gui_devel, Standard, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
sudo: Tasks: Admin, High_rel, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
suidmanager: Tasks: Admin, Dialup, High_rel, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
super: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
svgalibg1: Tasks: C, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, High_rel, Plot, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
svgalib-dummyg1: Tasks: C, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, High_rel, Plot, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
swish++: Tasks: Web, Profiles: Server_comp, Server_std,
swisswatch: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
symlinks: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
synaesthesia: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
sysnews: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
sysutils: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
talk: Tasks: Net_sel, Netadm, Profiles: Admin, Server_comp,
talkd: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Work_sci, Work_std,
tama: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
taper: Tasks: Backup, Profiles: Dialup,
tcl7.6: Tasks: Games, Graphics, Net_comp, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tcl8.0: Tasks: Admin, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Perl_devel, Prod, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Sound, Tcl_devel, Tex, Workst, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
tcl8.0-dev: Tasks: Admin, Gui_devel, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std,
tcpdump: Tasks: High_rel, Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
tcsh: Tasks: C, Graphics, Gui_devel, Netbckup, Standard, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
tcsh-i18n: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, Standard, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
telnet: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Profiles: Admin, Server_comp, Server_std,
telnetd: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Profiles: Admin, Server_comp, Server_std,
tetex-base: Tasks: Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tetex-bin: Tasks: Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tetex-doc: Tasks: Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tetex-extra: Tasks: Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tf: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
the: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
the-doc: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
thrust: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
time: Tasks: C, Gui_devel, News, Standard, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Server_comp, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
timidity: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
timidity-patches: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
tinyirc: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tix41: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
tk4.2: Tasks: Games, Graphics, Net_comp, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tk8.0: Tasks: Admin, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Perl_devel, Prod, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Sound, Tcl_devel, Tex, Workst, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tk8.0-dev: Tasks: Admin, Gui_devel, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std,
tkcvs: Tasks: C, Debian, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
tkdesk: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tkdiff: Tasks: C, Debian, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
tkfont: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tkinfo: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tkirc: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tkmail: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tkmixer: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
tkps: Tasks: Admin, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tkrat: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tkstep8.0: Tasks: Database, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
tm: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tmpreaper: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
tob: Tasks: Backup, Profiles: Dialup,
transfig: Tasks: Graphics, Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
tree: Tasks: Admin, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
trn: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, News, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Work_sci, Work_std,
twm: Tasks: Admin, C, Chinese, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Doc, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Newbie, News, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
ttysnoop: Tasks: Netadm, Profiles: Admin,
typist: Tasks: Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
untex: Tasks: Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
urlview: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
uudeview: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
v-dev: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
v1g: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
vgacardgames: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
vgagamespack: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
vim: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
vim-rt: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci, Work_std,
visual-tcl: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
vm-dev: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
vm1: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
vrweb: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
vtwm: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
w3-el-e20: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
w3mir: Tasks: Net_comp, Netadm, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
wdiff: Tasks: Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
wenglish: Tasks: C, Games, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
wget: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
wm2: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
wmaker: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
wmaker-data: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
wmload: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
wmmail: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
wnn-common: Tasks: Chinese, Profiles:
word2x: Tasks: Sgml, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
wordplay: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
workbone: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
worklog: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
workman: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
wvdial: Tasks: Dialup, Profiles: Dialup,
www-pgsql: Tasks: Database, Profiles: Admin,
www-search: Tasks: Perl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp,
wxhelp: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
wxxt1: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
wzip: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
xabacus: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xacc: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xarclock: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xasteroids: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xaw-wrappers: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xaw3dg: Tasks: C, Games, Gui_devel, Sgml, Standard, Tex, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
xbanner: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xbase-clients: Tasks: Admin, C, Chinese, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Doc, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Newbie, News, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
xbase-clients: Tasks: Chinese, Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xbattle: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xbill: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xbl: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xblast: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xblast-sound: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xbmbrowser: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xboard: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xboing: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xbuffy: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xcal: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xcin: Tasks: Chinese, Profiles: ,
xcdroast: Tasks: Admin, Profiles: Admin,
xcolors: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xcolorsel: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xconq: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xconq-doc: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xcontrib: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xcoral: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xdaliclock: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xdemineur: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xdigger: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xdm: Tasks: Admin, C, Chinese, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Doc, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Newbie, News, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
xdm: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xemacs20-bin: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Tcl_devel, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xemacs20-nomule: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Tcl_devel, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xemacs20-mule: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Tcl_devel, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xemacs20-support: Tasks: C, Devel, Fortran, Gui_devel, Lisp, Perl_devel, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Tcl_devel, Tex, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xemeraldia: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xevil: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xf86setup: Tasks: X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xfig: Tasks: Graphics, Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xfig-doc: Tasks: Graphics, Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xfishtank: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xflip: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xfntbig5p-cmex24m: Tasks: Chinese, Profiles:
xfree86-common: Tasks: Admin, C, Chinese, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Doc, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Newbie, News, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
xfs: Tasks: Admin, C, Chinese, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Doc, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Newbie, News, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
xfs: Tasks: X_comp, Graphics, Tex, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xfonts-100dpi: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xfonts-75dpi: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xfonts-base: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Chinese, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xfonts-cjk: Tasks: Chinese, Profiles:
xfonts-pex: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xfonts-scalable: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xftp: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xgammon: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xjewel: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xjig: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xkobo: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xlaby: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xlbiff: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xless: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xlib6: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xlib6g: Tasks: Admin, C, Chinese, Database, Debian, Devel, Doc, Dialup, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Net_sel, Netadm, Newbie, News, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
xlib6g-dev: Tasks: Admin, Gui_devel, Science, Tcl_devel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Work_sci,
xlife: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xlispstat: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
xloadimage: Tasks: Graphics, Tex, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xlockmore: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xmaddressbook: Tasks: Prod, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xmailbox: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xmailtool: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xmanpages: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
xmcd: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
xmcpustate: Tasks: Admin, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xmgr: Tasks: Plot, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xmille: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xmix: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
xmorph: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xmotd: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xmountains: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xnetload: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xntp3: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xntp3-doc: Tasks: Net_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xodo: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xoids: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xoj: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xonix: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xonix-jahu: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xosview: Tasks: Admin, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xpaint: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xpat2: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xphoon: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xpilot: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xpm4g: Tasks: Admin, C, Chinese, Database, Devel, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Net_comp, Newbie, Perl_devel, Plot, Prod, Python, Scheme, Sgml, Sound, Tcl_devel, Tex, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xpm4g-dev: Tasks: Gui_devel, Profiles: Devel_comp, Devel_std,
xproc: Tasks: Admin, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xpuzzles: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xroach: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xscavenger: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xscreensaver: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xscreensaver-gl: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xserver-common: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xserver-mach64: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xserver-s3: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xserver-svga: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xserver-vga16: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xserver-xsun-mono: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xserver-xsun: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xserver-xsun24: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
xserver-fbdev: Tasks: Games, Graphics, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
xshogi: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xskat: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xsok: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xsoldier: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xspread: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xsysinfo: Tasks: Admin, Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xterm: Tasks: X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xtoolwait: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xtris: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xtrlock: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xtron: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xtv: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xvier: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xview-clients: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xviewg: Tasks: Sound, X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xvt: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
xwave: Tasks: Sound, Profiles: Dialup,
xzip: Tasks: Games, Profiles: Dialup,
xzoom: Tasks: X_comp, Profiles: Admin, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
yorick: Tasks: Science, Profiles: Work_sci,
ytalk: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
zed: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
zgv: Tasks: Graphics, Profiles: Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
zile: Tasks: Workst, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
zircon: Tasks: Net_comp, Net_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Work_sci, Work_std,
zlib1g: Tasks: Admin, C, Chinese, Database, Debian, Devel, Doc, Fortran, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Net_comp, Net_sel, Newbie, Nis, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
zlib1g: Tasks: Admin, Backup, Basic, C, Database, Debian, Devel, Dialup, Dns, Doc, Fortran, Ftp, Games, Graphics, Gui_devel, Lisp, Mail, Netadm, Netbckup, Net_comp, Net_sel, Newbie, News, Perl_devel, Plot, Pop, Prod, Python, Samba, Scheme, Science, Sgml, Sound, Standard, Tcl_devel, Tex, Web, Webcache, Workst, X_comp, X_sel, Profiles: Admin, Basic, Devel_comp, Devel_std, Dialup, Server_comp, Server_std, Standard, Work_sci, Work_std,
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
# Empty slices to keep slice happy
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00
1999-05-28 11:55:31 +00:00
1999-04-01 06:58:02 +00:00