#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# First arg, the root of the destination
# Second arg, the root of the source
# Other args, the directories/files to copy (relative to the root source)

use strict;
use File::Find;

my $basedir = $ENV{'BASEDIR'} || die;
require "$basedir/tools/link.pl";

my $rootdest = shift || die ;
my $rootsrc = shift || die ;
my @files = @ARGV;
my $verbose = $ENV{'VERBOSE'} || 0;

chdir $rootsrc;

sub relative ($) {
	my $file = shift;
	$file =~ s#^/*$rootsrc/##;
	return $file;

sub mkdirs {
	if (-d and not -l) {
		my $dir = "$rootdest/" . relative($File::Find::name);
		return if -d $dir;
		print "Creating $dir directory ...\n" if ($verbose >= 2);
		if (not mkdir ($dir, 0775)) {
			print STDERR "Cannot mkdir $dir : $!\n";

sub add_files {
	if (-f and not -l) {
	   good_link ("$rootsrc/" . relative($File::Find::name), 
	              "$rootdest/" . relative($File::Find::name));
	} elsif (-l) {
		 #Check if the link is valid in the desttree otherwise
		 #hardlink it
		 my $file = $File::Find::name;
		 $file =~ s#/[^/]+$##;
		 $file .= "/" . readlink;
		 if (-e "$rootdest/" . relative($file)) {
	   		good_link ("$rootsrc/" . relative($File::Find::name), 
	              		   "$rootdest/" . relative($File::Find::name));
		 } else {
		 	$file = real_file ("$rootsrc/$File::Find::name");
			good_link ($file,
			           "$rootdest/" . relative($File::Find::name));

find (\&mkdirs, @files);
find (\&add_files, @files);