
113 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File

# boot-i386 v 1.13 (c) Steve McIntyre <>
# Released under GPL 31 Mar 1999
# See the file COPYING for license details
# Released as part of the debian_cd package, not much use standalone
# 06-10-99 jjw Added $CODENAME and $CODENAME_STATUS support
# Do install stuff for i386, including making bootable CDs
# $1 is Debian-mirror location
# $2 is start directory location (where the scripts live)
# $3 is tmpdir location
# $4 is the binary arch
# $5 is debug level
# $6 is $BOOTDIR (not needed for i386, but let's stay consistent)
. $BASEDIR/vecho # Include local definitions for vecho, vvecho, vvvecho
# Now check the boot-disks; make sure they exist and we
# have a "current" directory. If not, exit
if [ ! -e ${CODENAME}1/dists/$CODENAME_STATUS/main/disks-$ARCH ] ; then
echo "No boot disks found for arch $ARCH."
echo "Exit."
exit 1
(cd ${CODENAME}1/dists/$CODENAME_STATUS/main/disks-$ARCH/current/ ; \
cp resc*.bin linux root.bin $TDIR/${CODENAME}1/install )
cd ${CODENAME}1/dists/$CODENAME_STATUS/main/disks-$ARCH
if [ ! -e current ] ; then
echo "No \"current\" boot disks found for arch $ARCH."
echo "Exit."
exit 1
# OK, we have what we need. Now check and see what mess
# things are in. We _don't_ need more than one set of boot
# disks and it would be useful if the ftp maintainers
# would remove old versions instead of leaving them
# around...
if [ -L current ] ; then
# Find the link, rename it for safety then put it back
CURRENT_LINK=`ls -l current | awk '{print $11}'`
mv $CURRENT_LINK .tmp_link
rm -rf 2*
mv .tmp_link $CURRENT_LINK
# We can simply remove all the others if current is a directory
rm -rf 2*
cd $TDIR
# Hack for bootable disks
vecho "Copying boot image to <root>/boot for disc 1"
cp ${CODENAME}1/dists/$CODENAME_STATUS/main/disks-$ARCH/current/resc1440.bin \
if [ -e ${CODENAME}1/dists/$CODENAME_STATUS/main/disks-$ARCH/current/resc1440tecra.bin ] ; then
mkdir -p boot2/boot
vecho "Copying tecra boot image to <root>/boot for disc 2"
cp ${CODENAME}1/dists/$CODENAME_STATUS/main/disks-$ARCH/current/resc1440tecra.bin \
vecho "Extracting tools for disc 1"
mkdir -p ${CODENAME}1/tools/fips20
(cd ${CODENAME}1/tools/fips20; \
unzip -Lq $MIRROR/tools/; \
rm restorrb source -rf)
(cd ${CODENAME}1/tools; \
unzip -Lq $MIRROR/tools/; \
rm lodlin16/src lodlin16/initrd loadlin16/debian -rf )
mkdir ${CODENAME}1/tools/rawrite1
(cd ${CODENAME}1/tools/rawrite1; \
unzip -Lq $MIRROR/tools/ )
mkdir ${CODENAME}1/tools/rawrite2
(cd ${CODENAME}1/tools/rawrite2; \
unzip -Lq $MIRROR/tools/; \
rm rawrite2.c )
(echo "Tools for DOS :" ; \
echo "fips20/ non-destructively shorten a FAT partition" ; \
echo "lodlin16/ load Linux kernel from DOS" ;\
echo "rawrite1/ rawrite 1.3 : create disks from disk images (*.bin)"; \
echo "rawrite2/ rawrite 2.0 : create disks from disk images (*.bin)"; \
echo " rawrite 2.0 is much faster, but it locks up on some machines";\
) |todos > ${CODENAME}1/tools/
cp ${CODENAME}1/tools/lodlin16/*.exe ${CODENAME}1/install
cp ${CODENAME}1/tools/rawrite1/ ${CODENAME}1/install/
cp ${CODENAME}1/tools/rawrite2/rawrite2.exe ${CODENAME}1/install/rw2_0.exe
cp ${CODENAME}1/tools/fips*/*.exe ${CODENAME}1/install
(echo "@ echo off" ; \
echo "rem Flush any write-cached disk blocks before we leave DOS. " ; \
echo "smartdrv /c" ; \
echo "loadlin.exe linux root=/dev/ram ro initrd=root.bin" ; \
) |todos > ${CODENAME}1/install/boot.bat