
387 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# make_disc_trees
# From the list of packages we have, lay out the CD trees
use strict;
use Digest::MD5;
use File::stat;
use File::Find;
my ($basedir, $mirror, $tdir, $codename, $archlist, $mkisofs, $maxcds);
my $mkisofs_opts = "";
my $mkisofs_dirs = "";
my (@arches, @arches_nosrc, $overflowpkg);
undef $overflowpkg;
$basedir = shift;
$mirror = shift;
$tdir = shift;
$codename = shift;
$archlist = shift;
$mkisofs = shift;
require "$basedir/tools/add_packages";
if (defined($ENV{'MAXCDS'})) {
$maxcds = $ENV{'MAXCDS'};
} else {
$maxcds = 0;
my $list = "$tdir/list";
my $list_ex = "$tdir/list.exclude";
my $bdir = "$tdir/$codename";
my $log = "$bdir/make_disc_tree.log";
open(LOG, ">> $log") || die ("Can't open logfile $log for writing: $!\n");
foreach my $arch (split(' ', $archlist)) {
push(@arches, $arch);
if (! ($arch eq "source")) {
push(@arches_nosrc, $arch);
my $disknum = 1;
my $max_done = 0;
my $size_check = "";
# Constants used for space calculations
my $MiB = 1048576;
my $MB = 1000000;
my $blocksize = 2048;
my ($maxdiskblocks, $diskdesc);
my $disktype = $ENV{'DISKTYPE'};
# Calculate the maximum number of 2K blocks in the output images
if ($disktype eq "BC") {
$maxdiskblocks = int(680 * $MB / $blocksize);
$diskdesc = "businesscard";
} elsif ($disktype eq "NETINST") {
$maxdiskblocks = int(680 * $MB / $blocksize);
$diskdesc = "netinst";
} elsif ($disktype =~ /CD$/) {
$maxdiskblocks = int(680 * $MB / $blocksize);
$diskdesc = "650MiB CD";
} elsif ($disktype eq "CD700") {
$maxdiskblocks = int(737 * $MB / $blocksize);
$diskdesc = "700MiB CD";
} elsif ($disktype eq "DVD") {
$maxdiskblocks = int(4700 * $MB / $blocksize);
$diskdesc = "4.7GB CD";
} elsif ($disktype eq "CUSTOM") {
$maxdiskblocks = $ENV{'CUSTOMSIZE'} || die "Need to specify a custom size for the CUSTOM disktype\n";
$diskdesc = "User-supplied size";
$ENV{'MAXDISKBLOCKS'} = $maxdiskblocks;
$ENV{'DISKDESC'} = $diskdesc;
my $size_swap_check;
my $hfs_extra = 0;
my $hfs_mult = 1;
# How full should we let the disc get before we stop estimating and
# start running mkisofs?
# Cope with HFS-hybrid disks using extra space for the HFS metadata
$size_swap_check = $maxdiskblocks - (40 * $MB / $blocksize);
# Add space for extra HFS crap
if ($archlist =~ /m68k/ || $archlist =~ /powerpc/) {
$hfs_extra = int($maxdiskblocks * 8 / $blocksize);
$hfs_mult = 1.1;
# And count how many packages added since the last size check was done
# - the estimation code is getting very accurate, so let's reduce the
# number of times we fork mkisofs
my $count_since_last_check = 0;
my $size_check_period = 10;
my $pkgs_this_cd = 0;
my $pkgs_done = 0;
my $size = 0;
my $guess_size = 0;
my @overflowpkg;
my $mkisofs_check = "$mkisofs -r -print-size -quiet";
my $debootstrap_script = "";
if (defined ($ENV{'DEBOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT'})) {
$debootstrap_script = $ENV{'DEBOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT'};
# Local helper functions
sub check_base_installable {
my $arch = shift;
my $cddir = shift;
my $ok = 0;
my (%on_disc, %exclude);
my $packages_file = "$cddir/dists/$codename/main/binary-$arch/Packages";
my $p;
open (PLIST, $packages_file)
|| die "Can't open Packages file $packages_file : $!\n";
while (defined($p = <PLIST>)) {
chomp $p;
$p =~ m/^Package: (\S+)/ and $on_disc{$1} = $1;
close PLIST;
if (defined($ENV{'BASE_EXCLUDE'})) {
|| die "Can't open base_exclude file $ENV{'BASE_EXCLUDE'} : $!\n";
while (defined($p = <ELIST>)) {
chomp $p;
$exclude{$p} = $p;
close ELIST;
open (DLIST, "debootstrap --arch $arch --print-debs $codename $tdir/debootstrap_tmp file:$mirror $debootstrap_script 2>/dev/null | tr ' ' '\n' |")
|| die "Can't fork debootstrap : $!\n";
while (defined($p = <DLIST>)) {
chomp $p;
if (length $p > 1) {
if (!defined($on_disc{$p})) {
if (defined($exclude{$p})) {
print LOG "Missing debootstrap-required $p but included in $ENV{'BASE_EXCLUDE'}\n";
} else {
print LOG "Missing debootstrap-required $p\n";
close DLIST;
system("rm -rf $tdir/debootstrap_tmp");
return $ok;
sub md5_file {
my $filename = shift;
my ($md5, $st);
open(MD5FILE, $filename) or die "Can't open '$filename': $!\n";
$md5 = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*MD5FILE)->hexdigest;
$st = stat($filename) || die "Stat error on '$filename': $!\n";
return ($md5, $st->size);
sub md5_files_for_release {
my ($md5, $size, $filename);
$filename = $File::Find::name;
# Recompress the Packages and Sources files; workaround for bug
# #402482
if ($filename =~ m/\/.*\/(Packages|Sources)$/o) {
system("gzip -9c < $_ >$_.gz");
if ($filename =~ m/\/.*\/(Packages|Sources|Release)/o) {
$filename =~ s/^\.\///g;
($md5, $size) = md5_file($_);
printf RELEASE " %s %8d %s\n", $md5, $size, $filename;
sub md5_files_for_md5sum {
my ($md5, $size, $filename);
$filename = $File::Find::name;
if (-f $_) {
($md5, $size) = md5_file($_);
printf MD5LIST "%s %s\n", $md5, $filename;
sub finish_disc {
my $cddir = shift;
my $not = shift;
my $archok = 0;
my $ok = 0;
my $bytes = 0;
my $ctx;
if (($disknum == 1) && !($archlist eq "source") && !($disktype eq "BC")) {
foreach my $arch (@arches_nosrc) {
print " Checking base is installable for $arch\n";
$archok = check_base_installable($arch, $cddir);
if ($archok > 0) {
print " $arch is missing $archok files needed for debootstrap, look in $log for the list\n";
$ok += $archok;
if ($ok == 0) {
system("touch $cddir/.disk/base_installable");
print " Found all files needed for debootstrap for all binary arches\n";
} else {
print " $ok files missing for debootstrap, not creating base_installable\n";
if ($disktype eq "BC") {
print " This is expected - building a BC\n";
chdir $cddir;
print " Finishing off the Release file\n";
chdir "dists/$codename";
open(RELEASE, ">>Release") || die "Failed to open Release file: $!\n";
print RELEASE "MD5Sum:\n";
find (\&md5_files_for_release, ".");
print " Finishing off md5sum.txt\n";
# Just md5 the bits we won't have seen already
open(MD5LIST, ">>md5sum.txt") || die "Failed to open md5sum.txt file: $!\n";
find (\&md5_files_for_md5sum, ("./.disk", "./dists"));
# And sort; it should make things faster for people checking
# the md5sums, as ISO9660 dirs are sorted alphabetically
system("LANG=C sort -uk2 md5sum.txt > md5sum.txt.tmp");
system("mv -f md5sum.txt.tmp md5sum.txt");
chdir $bdir;
$size = `$size_check $cddir`;
chomp $size;
$bytes = $size * $blocksize;
print LOG "CD $disknum$not filled with $pkgs_this_cd packages, $size blocks, $bytes bytes\n";
print " CD $disknum$not filled with $pkgs_this_cd packages, $size blocks, $bytes bytes\n";
system("date >> $log");
chdir $bdir;
# Size calculation is slightly complicated:
# 1. At the start, ask mkisofs for a size so far (including all the
# stuff in the initial tree like docs and boot stuff
# 2. After that, add_packages will tell us the sizes of the files it
# has added. This will not include directories / metadata so is
# only a rough guess, but it's a _cheap_ guess
# 3. Once we get >90% of the max size we've been configured with,
# start asking mkisofs after each package addition. This will
# be slow, but we want to be exact at the end
print "Starting to lay out packages into $disktype ($diskdesc) images: $maxdiskblocks 2K-blocks maximum per image\n";
my $cddir;
open(INLIST, "$bdir/packages") || die "No packages file!\n";
while (defined (my $pkg = <INLIST>)) {
chomp $pkg;
$cddir = "$bdir/CD$disknum";
my $opt;
if (! -d $cddir) {
if (($maxcds > 0 ) && ($disknum > $maxcds)) {
print LOG "Disk $disknum is beyond the configured MAXCDS of $maxcds; exiting now...\n";
$max_done = 1;
print LOG "Starting new disc $disknum at " . `date` . "\n";
system("start_new_disc $basedir $mirror $tdir $codename \"$archlist\" $disknum");
# Grab all the early stuff, apart from dirs that will change later
print " Starting the md5sum.txt file\n";
chdir $cddir;
system("find . -type f | grep -v -e ^\./\.disk -e ^\./dists | xargs md5sum > md5sum.txt");
chdir $bdir;
$mkisofs_opts = "";
$mkisofs_dirs = "";
print " Placing packages into image $disknum\n";
if ( -e "$bdir/$disknum.mkisofs_opts" ) {
open(OPTS, "<$bdir/$disknum.mkisofs_opts");
while (defined($opt = <OPTS>)) {
chomp $opt;
$mkisofs_opts = "$mkisofs_opts $opt";
} else {
$mkisofs_opts = "";
if ( -e "$bdir/$disknum.mkisofs_dirs" ) {
open(OPTS, "<$bdir/$disknum.mkisofs_dirs");
while (defined($opt = <OPTS>)) {
chomp $opt;
$mkisofs_dirs = "$mkisofs_dirs $opt";
} else {
$mkisofs_dirs = "";
$size_check = "$mkisofs_check $mkisofs_opts $mkisofs_dirs";
$size=`$size_check $cddir`;
chomp $size;
$size += $hfs_extra;
print LOG "CD $disknum: size is $size before starting to add packages\n";
if (defined($overflowpkg)) {
print LOG "Starting with the package that failed on the last disc: $overflowpkg\n";
$guess_size = int($hfs_mult * add_packages($cddir, $overflowpkg));
$size += $guess_size;
print LOG "CD $disknum: GUESS_TOTAL is $size after adding $overflowpkg\n";
undef $overflowpkg;
$pkgs_this_cd = 1;
$guess_size = int($hfs_mult * add_packages($cddir, $pkg));
$size += $guess_size;
print LOG "CD $disknum: GUESS_TOTAL is $size after adding $pkg\n";
if (($size > $size_swap_check) && ($count_since_last_check > $size_check_period)) {
$count_since_last_check = 0;
$size = `$size_check $cddir`;
chomp $size;
print LOG "CD $disknum: Real current size is $size blocks after adding $pkg\n";
if ($size > $maxdiskblocks) {
print LOG "CD $disknum over-full ($size > $maxdiskblocks). Rollback!\n";
$guess_size = int($hfs_mult * add_packages("--rollback", $cddir, $pkg));
$size=`$size_check $cddir`;
chomp $size;
print LOG "CD $disknum: Real current size is $size blocks after rolling back $pkg\n";
finish_disc($cddir, "");
# Put this package first on the next disc
$overflowpkg = $pkg;
# And reset, to start the next disc
$size = 0;
} else {
if ($max_done == 0) {
finish_disc($cddir, " (not)");
print LOG "Finished: $pkgs_done packages placed\n";
print "Finished: $pkgs_done packages placed\n";
system("date >> $log");