
387 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Compress::Zlib;
use File::stat;
my $mirror = $ENV{'MIRROR'} || die "Set the MIRROR var ...\n";
my $localdebs = $ENV{'LOCALDEBS'} || $mirror;
my $security = $ENV{'SECURITY'} || $mirror;
my $basedir = $ENV{'BASEDIR'} || die "Set the BASEDIR var ...\n";
my $codename = $ENV{'CODENAME'} || die "Set the CODENAME var ...\n";
my $tdir = $ENV{'TDIR'} || die "Set the TDIR var ...\n";
require "$basedir/tools/";
my $iso_blksize = 2048;
my $log_opened = 0;
my $old_split = $/;
sub msg_ap {
my $level = shift;
if (!$log_opened) {
open(AP_LOG, ">> $tdir/$codename/log.add_packages")
|| die "Can't write in $tdir/log.add_packages!\n";
print AP_LOG @_;
sub size_in_blocks {
my $size_in_bytes = shift;
return (1 + int(($size_in_bytes + $iso_blksize - 1) / $iso_blksize));
# From a package name and section, work out the directory where its
# corresponding Packages file should live
sub Packages_dir {
my $dir = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $section = shift;
my ($pdir, $dist);
if ($file =~ /\/main\//) {
$dist = "main";
} elsif ($file =~ /\/contrib\//) {
$dist = "contrib";
} elsif ($file =~ /\/non-free\//) {
$dist = "non-free";
} elsif ($file =~ /\/local\//) {
$dist = "local";
$pdir = "$dir/dists/$codename/$dist";
if ($section eq "debian-installer") {
$pdir = "$dir/dists/$codename/$dist/debian-installer";
return $pdir;
# Dump the apt-cached data into a Packages file; make the parent dir
# for the Packages file if necesssary
sub add_Packages_entry {
my ($p, $file, $section, $pdir, $pkgfile, $gz);
my $dir = shift;
my $arch = shift;
my ($st1, $st2, $size1, $size2);
my $blocks_added = 0;
my $old_blocks = 0;
my $new_blocks = 0;
m/^Package: (\S+)/m and $p = $1;
m/^Section: (\S+)/m and $section = $1;
if ($arch eq "source") {
m/^Directory: (\S+)/mi and $file = $1;
$pdir = Packages_dir($dir, $file, $section) . "/source";
$pkgfile = "$pdir/Sources";
} else {
m/^Filename: (\S+)/mi and $file = $1;
$pdir = Packages_dir($dir, $file, $section) . "/binary-$arch";
$pkgfile = "$pdir/Packages";
msg_ap(0, " Adding $p to $pkgfile(.gz)\n");
if (! -d $pdir) {
system("mkdir -p $pdir");
if (-e $pkgfile) {
$st1 = stat("$pkgfile");
$old_blocks = size_in_blocks($st1->size);
if (-e "$pkgfile.gz") {
$st1 = stat("$pkgfile.gz");
$old_blocks += size_in_blocks($st1->size);
open(PFILE, ">>$pkgfile");
print PFILE $_;
$gz = gzopen("$pkgfile.gz", "ab9") or die "Failed to open $pkgfile.gz: $gzerrno\n";
$gz->gzwrite($_) or die "Failed to write $pkgfile.gz: $gzerrno\n";
$st1 = stat("$pkgfile");
$st2 = stat("$pkgfile.gz");
$size1 = $st1->size;
$size2 = $st2->size;
$new_blocks += size_in_blocks($st1->size);
$new_blocks += size_in_blocks($st2->size);
$blocks_added += ($new_blocks - $old_blocks);
msg_ap(0, " now $size1 / $size2 bytes, $blocks_added blocks added\n");
return $blocks_added;
sub add_md5_entry {
my $dir = shift;
my $arch = shift;
my ($pdir, $file, $md5);
my $md5file = "$dir/md5sum.txt";
my ($st, $size);
my $p;
my $blocks_added = 0;
my $old_blocks = 0;
my $new_blocks = 0;
m/^Package: (\S+)/mi and $p = $1;
if (-e $md5file) {
$st = stat("$md5file");
$old_blocks = size_in_blocks($st->size);
open(MD5FILE, ">>$md5file");
if ($arch eq "source") {
m/^Directory: (\S+)/mi and $pdir = $1;
m/^ (\S+) (\S+) ((\S+).*dsc)/m and print MD5FILE "$1 ./$pdir/$3\n";
m/^ (\S+) (\S+) ((\S+).*tar.gz)/m and print MD5FILE "$1 ./$pdir/$3\n";
m/^ (\S+) (\S+) ((\S+).*diff.gz)/m and print MD5FILE "$1 ./$pdir/$3\n";
} else {
m/^Filename: (\S+)/m and $file = $1;
m/^MD5sum: (\S+)/m and print MD5FILE "$1 ./$file\n";
msg_ap(0, " Adding $p to $md5file\n");
$st = stat("$md5file");
$size = $st->size;
$new_blocks = size_in_blocks($st->size);
$blocks_added = $new_blocks - $old_blocks;
msg_ap(0, " now $size bytes, added $blocks_added blocks\n");
return $blocks_added;
# Roll back the results of add_Packages_entry()
sub remove_Packages_entry {
my ($p, $file, $section, $pdir, $pkgfile, $tmp_pkgfile, $match, $gz);
my $dir = shift;
my $arch = shift;
my ($st1, $st2, $size1, $size2);
my $blocks_removed = 0;
my $old_blocks = 0;
my $new_blocks = 0;
m/^Package: (\S+)/m and $p = $1;
m/^Section: (\S+)/m and $section = $1;
if ($arch eq "source") {
m/^Directory: (\S+)/mi and $file = $1;
$pdir = Packages_dir($dir, $file, $section) . "/source";
$pkgfile = "$pdir/Sources";
} else {
m/^Filename: (\S+)/mi and $file = $1;
$pdir = Packages_dir($dir, $file, $section) . "/binary-$arch";
$pkgfile = "$pdir/Packages";
if (-e $pkgfile) {
$st1 = stat("$pkgfile");
$old_blocks += size_in_blocks($st1->size);
if (-e "$pkgfile.gz") {
$st2 = stat("$pkgfile.gz");
$old_blocks += size_in_blocks($st2->size);
$tmp_pkgfile = "$pkgfile" . ".rollback";
msg_ap(0, " Removing $p from $pkgfile(.gz)\n");
open(IFILE, "<$pkgfile");
open(OFILE, ">>$tmp_pkgfile");
$gz = gzopen("$pkgfile.gz", "wb9");
while (defined($match = <IFILE>)) {
if (! ($match =~ /^Package: \Q$p\E$/m)) {
print OFILE $match;
$gz->gzwrite($match) or die "Failed to write $pkgfile.gz: $gzerrno\n";
rename $tmp_pkgfile, $pkgfile;
$st1 = stat("$pkgfile");
$st2 = stat("$pkgfile.gz");
$size1 = $st1->size;
$size2 = $st2->size;
$new_blocks += size_in_blocks($st1->size);
$new_blocks += size_in_blocks($st2->size);
$blocks_removed += ($old_blocks - $new_blocks);
msg_ap(0, " now $size1 / $size2 bytes, $blocks_removed blocks removed\n");
return $blocks_removed;
sub remove_md5_entry {
my $dir = shift;
my $arch = shift;
my ($pdir, $file, $md5, $match, $present);
my $md5file = "$dir/md5sum.txt";
my $tmp_md5file = "$dir/md5sum.txt.tmp";
my @fileslist;
my ($st, $size, $p);
my $blocks_removed = 0;
my $old_blocks = 0;
my $new_blocks = 0;
$/ = $old_split; # Browse by line again
m/^Package: (\S+)/mi and $p = $1;
if ($arch eq "source") {
m/^Directory: (\S+)/mi and $pdir = $1;
m/^ (\S+) (\S+) ((\S+).*dsc)/m and push(@fileslist, "$1 ./$pdir/$3");
m/^ (\S+) (\S+) ((\S+).*diff.gz)/m and push(@fileslist, "$1 ./$pdir/$3");
m/^ (\S+) (\S+) ((\S+).*tar.gz)/m and push(@fileslist, "$1 ./$pdir/$3");
} else {
m/^Filename: (\S+)/m and $file = $1;
m/^MD5Sum: (\S+)/mi and push(@fileslist, "$1 ./$file");
if (-e $md5file) {
$st = stat("$md5file");
$old_blocks = size_in_blocks($st->size);
open(IFILE, "<$md5file");
open(OFILE, ">>$tmp_md5file");
while (defined($match = <IFILE>)) {
$present = 0;
foreach my $entry (@fileslist) {
if (($match =~ /\Q$entry\E$/m)) {
if (!$present) {
print OFILE $match;
$/ = ''; # Browse by paragraph again
rename $tmp_md5file, $md5file;
msg_ap(0, " Removing $p from md5sum.txt\n");
$st = stat("$dir/md5sum.txt");
$size = $st->size;
$new_blocks = size_in_blocks($st->size);
$blocks_removed = $old_blocks - $new_blocks;
msg_ap(0, " now $size bytes, $blocks_removed blocks removed\n");
return $blocks_removed;
sub get_file_blocks {
my $realfile = shift;
my $st;
$st = stat($realfile) or die "unable to stat file $realfile: $!\n";
return size_in_blocks($st->size);
sub add_packages {
my ($p, @files, $d, $realfile, $source, $section, $name, $pkgfile, $pdir);
my $dir;
my $total_blocks = 0;
my $rollback = 0;
my $option = shift;
if ($option =~ /--rollback/) {
$rollback = 1;
$dir = shift;
} else {
$dir = $option;
if (! -d $dir) {
die "add_packages: $dir is not a directory ...";
my $pkg = shift;
my ($arch, $pkgname) = split /:/, $pkg;
msg_ap(0, "Looking at $pkg: arch $arch, package $pkgname, rollback $rollback\n");
$/ = ''; # Browse by paragraph
$ENV{'ARCH'} = $arch;
if ($arch eq "source") {
open (LIST, "$basedir/tools/apt-selection cache showsrc $pkgname |")
|| die "Can't fork : $!\n";
} else {
open (LIST, "$basedir/tools/apt-selection cache show $pkgname |")
|| die "Can't fork : $!\n";
while (defined($_ = <LIST>)) {
undef @files;
m/^Package: (\S+)/m and $p = $1;
m/^Section: (\S+)/m and $section = $1;
$source = $mirror;
if ($arch eq "source") {
m/^Directory: (\S+)/m and $pdir = $1;
$source=$localdebs if $pdir=~m:local/:;
$source=$security if $pdir=~m:updates/:;
m/^ (\S+) (\S+) ((\S+).*dsc)/m and push(@files, "$pdir/$3");
m/^ (\S+) (\S+) ((\S+).*diff.gz)/m and push(@files, "$pdir/$3");
m/^ (\S+) (\S+) ((\S+).*tar.gz)/m and push(@files, "$pdir/$3");
} else {
m/^Filename: (\S+)/mi and push(@files, $1);
$source=$localdebs if $1=~m:local/:;
$source=$security if $1=~m:updates/:;
if ($rollback) {
# Remove the Packages entry/entries for the specified package
$total_blocks -= remove_Packages_entry($dir, $arch, $_);
$total_blocks -= remove_md5_entry($dir, $arch, $_);
foreach my $file (@files) {
# Count how big the file is we're removing, for checking if the disc is full
$realfile = real_file ("$source/$file");
$total_blocks -= get_file_blocks($realfile);
# Remove the link
unlink ("$dir/$file") or die "Failed to remove $dir/$file\n";
msg_ap(0, " Rollback: removing $dir/$file\n");
} else {
$total_blocks += add_Packages_entry($dir, $arch, $_);
$total_blocks += add_md5_entry($dir, $arch, $_);
foreach my $file (@files) {
# And put the file in the CD tree (with a (hard) link)
$realfile = real_file ("$source/$file");
if (! -e "$dir/$file") {
# Count how big the file is, for checking if the disc
# is full. ONLY do this if the file is not already
# linked in - consider binary-all packages on a
# multi-arch disc
$total_blocks += get_file_blocks($realfile);
$total_blocks += good_link ($realfile, "$dir/$file");
msg_ap(0, " Linked $dir/$file\n");
} else {
msg_ap(0, " $dir/$file already linked in\n");
close LIST or die "Something went wrong with apt-cache : $@ ($!)\n";
msg_ap(0, " size $total_blocks\n");
$/ = $old_split; # Return to line-orientation
return $total_blocks;