
207 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File

# Generate a list of packages required for debian-installer
# This script makes use of the following variables that need to be preset:
use strict;
use warnings;
die "Missing \$MIRROR variable" unless $ENV{MIRROR};
die "Missing \$DI_CODENAME variable" unless $ENV{DI_CODENAME};
die "Missing \$BASEDIR variable" unless $ENV{BASEDIR};
die "Missing \$ARCHES variable" unless $ENV{ARCHES};
my $catz = $ENV{BASEDIR} . "/tools/catz";
# Early exit if we're building a source-only CD
exit 0 if $ENV{ARCHES} =~ /^\s*source\s*$/;
if ( $ENV{ARCHES} ) {
push @ARCHES, 'i386' if $ENV{ARCHES} =~ /(^|\s)i386(\s|$)/;
push @ARCHES, 'amd64' if $ENV{ARCHES} =~ /(^|\s)amd64(\s|$)/;
push @ARCHES, grep { !/^(source|i386|amd64)$/ } split /\s+/, $ENV{ARCHES};
@ARCHES = qw{i386 amd64} unless @ARCHES;
if ( $ENV{VARIANTS} ) {
@VARIANTS = split(" ", $ENV{VARIANTS});
my $DATE=`date`;
chomp $DATE;
open(OUT, ">debian-installer") || die "write: $!";
print OUT << "EOF";
/* List of udebs to be included so that debian-installer works fine
* This list can be generated with the command:
* ../tools/generate_di_list
* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, edit the above script
* Last update: $DATE
sub di_ker_abi_to_number ($$$$) {
# Make up a version we can compare sensibly from
# the version and ABI
my $maj = shift;
my $min = shift;
my $patch = shift;
my $abi = shift;
my $kernel_ver = ($maj * 1000000000)
+ ($min * 1000000)
+ ($patch * 1000)
+ $abi;
return $kernel_ver;
sub number_to_di_ker_abi ($) {
# Convert back to a useful string
my $num = shift;
my $maj = int($num / 1000000000);
$num -= ($maj * 1000000000);
my $min = int($num / 1000000);
$num -= ($min * 1000000);
my $patch = int($num / 1000);
$num -= ($patch * 1000);
my $abi = $num;
return "$maj.$min.$patch-$abi";
my @common_excludes = read_exclude("exclude-udebs");
my $mirror_path = "$ENV{MIRROR}/dists/$ENV{DI_CODENAME}";
my @components = qw(main);
push @components, 'contrib' if $ENV{CONTRIB};
push @components, 'non-free' if $ENV{NONFREE};
push @components, 'unreleased' if $ENV{UNRELEASED};
push @components, 'local' if $ENV{LOCAL};
foreach my $arch (@ARCHES) {
(my $cpparch = $arch) =~ s/-/_/g;
my $output = '';
for my $component ( @components ) {
my $pgz="$mirror_path/$component/debian-installer/binary-$arch/Packages.gz";
my $pxz="$mirror_path/$component/debian-installer/binary-$arch/Packages.xz";
if ( $component eq 'unreleased' and $ENV{UNRELEASED} ) {
if ( $component eq 'local' and $ENV{LOCALDEBS} ) {
my @exclude = @common_excludes;
push @exclude, read_exclude("exclude-udebs-$arch")
if -e exclude_path("exclude-udebs-$arch");
my $pz = $pgz;
if (! -f $pz) {
$pz = $pxz;
if (! -f $pz) {
print "Missing package file for $arch/$component.\n";
# Two passes here
# First, need to find the highest kernel ABI in the archive
# Next, list all the udebs that:
# 1. are not otherwise excluded
# 2. are not kernel driver udebs, OR
# are kernel driver udebs with the right kernel ABI
unless ( open (PZ, "$catz $pz |") ) {
warn "failed to read package file $pz: $1";
my @output_udebs;
my %driver_udebs;
my $highest_kernel_ver = 0;
while (defined (my $line = <PZ>)) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ m/^Package: (\S+)/) {
my $udeb = $1;
if (grep { $udeb =~ /^${_}$/ } @exclude) {
if ($udeb =~ m/-modules-([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)-(\d+)-.*-di/) {
my $kernel_ver = di_ker_abi_to_number($1, $2, $3, $4);
if ($kernel_ver > $highest_kernel_ver) {
$highest_kernel_ver = $kernel_ver;
# Append this driver udeb to a list for that kernel_ver
push(@{ $driver_udebs{$kernel_ver} }, $udeb);
} else {
#print "found non-driver udeb $udeb\n";
push @output_udebs, $udeb;
close PZ;
$output .= "/* First, generic udebs */\n";
foreach my $udeb (@output_udebs) {
$output .= "$udeb\n";
my $num_this_abi = scalar (@{ $driver_udebs{$highest_kernel_ver}});
$output .= "/* Next: $num_this_abi udebs for kernel/ABI version ";
$output .= number_to_di_ker_abi($highest_kernel_ver);
$output .= " */\n";
foreach my $udeb (@{ $driver_udebs{$highest_kernel_ver}}) {
$output .= "$udeb\n";
foreach my $key (keys (%driver_udebs)) {
if ($key != $highest_kernel_ver) {
$num_this_abi = scalar (@{ $driver_udebs{$key}});
$output .= "/* IGNORING $num_this_abi udebs for kernel/ABI version ";
$output .= number_to_di_ker_abi($key);
$output .= " */\n";
next unless $output;
print OUT "#ifdef ARCH_$cpparch\n";
print OUT $output;
print OUT "#endif /* ARCH_$cpparch */\n";
sub read_exclude {
my $file=exclude_path(shift);
unless ( open (IN, "<$file") ) {
warn "failed to read exclude file $file";
my @ret;
while (<IN>) {
next unless length;
my ($pkg,@cond) = split(" ", $_);
my $skip = 0;
foreach my $cond ( @cond ) {
if ($cond =~ /^!(.*)/) {
$skip = 1 if grep { $_ eq $1 } @VARIANTS;
} else {
$skip = 1 unless grep { $_ eq $cond } @VARIANTS;
next if $skip;
push @ret, $pkg;
close IN;
return @ret;
sub exclude_path {
my $file=shift;
return "$ENV{BASEDIR}/data/$ENV{DI_CODENAME}/$file";