#!/usr/bin/env bash ## Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Aditya Shakya ## Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this file under GNU-GPL3 ## Generate sha256sum and gpg signature files PWD=`pwd` DIR="$PWD/files" if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then mkdir -p "$DIR" fi RELEASE=`find $DIR -type f -name "archcraft-*.iso" -printf "%f\n"` if [[ -n "$RELEASE" ]]; then echo -e "\n[*] Generating sha256sum for ${RELEASE} ..." cd "$DIR" && sha256sum ${RELEASE} > ${RELEASE}.sha256sum if [[ -e "${RELEASE}.sha256sum" ]]; then echo -e "[*] Checksum generated successfully." else echo -e "[!] Failed to generate checksum file." fi echo -e "\n[*] Generating gpg signature for ${RELEASE} ..." gpg --default-key adi1090x@gmail.com --output ${RELEASE}.sig --detach-sig ${RELEASE} if [[ -e "${RELEASE}.sig" ]]; then echo -e "[*] Signature generated successfully.\n" else echo -e "[!] Failed to generate signature file.\n" fi else echo -e "\n[!] There's no ISO file in 'files' directory.\n[!] Copy the ISO file in 'files' directory & Run this script again.\n" exit 1 fi