#!/usr/bin/env bash ## Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Aditya Shakya ## Generate README.md file DIR=`pwd` FILE="$DIR/README.md" URL="https://github.com/archcraft-os/archcraft-xfce/releases/download" SITE="https://archcraft.io" WIKI="https://wiki.archcraft.io" RELEASE=`find $DIR -type f -name "archcraft-*.iso" -printf "%f\n"` VER=`echo $RELEASE | cut -d'-' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f 1,2` TAG="v${VER:2}" KEY="7DC81F73" SHA=`cat $DIR/files/${RELEASE}.sha256sum | awk '{print $1}'` # Truncate the file if [[ -f "$FILE" ]]; then echo -e "\n[*] Overwriting `basename $FILE`..." : > "$FILE" fi # Write new data in file echo -e "\n[*] Generating README.md file..." cat > "$FILE" <<- _EOF_


Yet another minimal linux distribution, based on Arch Linux.

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![img](./xfce.gif) # ### Latest Release - **\`ISO\`** : [${RELEASE}](${URL}/${TAG}/${RELEASE}) - **\`SIG\`** : [${RELEASE}.sig](${URL}/${TAG}/${RELEASE}.sig) - **\`SHA\`** : [${RELEASE}.sha256sum](${URL}/${TAG}/${RELEASE}.sha256sum) \`${SHA}\` - **\`TORRENT\`** : [${RELEASE}.torrent](${URL}/${TAG}/${RELEASE}.torrent) ### Verify the authenticity of the ISO - Download the **\`ISO\`**, **\`gpg signature\`** and **\`sha256sum\`** files - Make sure all the files are present in the same directory (Assuming \`~/Downloads\`) - First, Verify the details of the key on keyserver, Open a terminal and run (any one): \`\`\` \$ gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys ${KEY} \$ gpg --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys ${KEY} \$ gpg --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys ${KEY} \`\`\` - Then, Open \`terminal\` in the \`~/Downloads\` folder and run following command : \`\`\` \$ gpg --verify ${RELEASE}.sig \`\`\` - Finally, Verify the \`sha256sum\` by running : \`\`\` \$ sha256sum -c ${RELEASE}.sha256sum \`\`\` _EOF_ if [[ `cat $FILE | wc -l` -eq "57" ]]; then echo -e "\n[*] File generated successfully.\n" read -p "[?] Do you want to delete the 'files' directory (y/n) : " if [[ "$REPLY" == "y" ]]; then rm -rf "$DIR/files" fi echo && exit 0 else echo -e "\n[*] Failed to generate file.\n" exit 1 fi