source "$GENTOO_INSTALL_REPO_DIR/scripts/" || exit 1 elog() { echo "[+] $*" } einfo() { echo "[+] $*" } ewarn() { echo "[+] $*" >&2 } eerror() { echo " * ERROR: $*" >&2 } die() { eerror "$*" kill "$GENTOO_INSTALL_REPO_SCRIPT_PID" exit 1 } # Prints an error with file:line info of the nth "stack frame". # 0 is this function, 1 the calling function, 2 its parent, and so on. die_trace() { local idx="${1:-0}" shift echo "${BASH_SOURCE[$((idx + 1))]}:${BASH_LINENO[$idx]}: error: ${FUNCNAME[$idx]}: $*" >&2 exit 1 } for_line_in() { while IFS="" read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do "$2" "$line" done <"$1" } flush_stdin() { local empty_stdin while read -r -t 0.01 empty_stdin; do true; done } ask() { local response while true; do flush_stdin read -r -p "$* (Y/n) " response \ || die "Error in read" case "${response,,}" in '') return 0 ;; y|yes) return 0 ;; n|no) return 1 ;; *) continue ;; esac done } try() { local response local cmd_status local prompt_parens="(Shell/retry/abort/continue/print)" # Outer loop, allows us to retry the command while true; do # Try command "$@" cmd_status="$?" if [[ $cmd_status != 0 ]]; then echo " * Command failed: \$ $*" echo "Last command failed with exit code $cmd_status" # Prompt until input is valid while true; do echo -n "Specify next action $prompt_parens " flush_stdin read -r response \ || die "Error in read" case "${response,,}" in ''|s|shell) echo "You will be prompted for action again after exiting this shell." /bin/bash --init-file <(echo "init_bash") ;; r|retry) continue 2 ;; a|abort) die "Installation aborted" ;; c|continue) return 0 ;; p|print) echo "\$ $*" ;; *) ;; esac done fi return done } countdown() { echo -n "$1" >&2 local i="$2" while [[ $i -gt 0 ]]; do echo -n "$i " >&2 i=$((i - 1)) sleep 1 done echo >&2 } download_stdout() { wget --quiet --https-only --secure-protocol=PFS -O - -- "$1" } download() { wget --quiet --https-only --secure-protocol=PFS --show-progress -O "$2" -- "$1" } get_blkid_field_by_device() { local blkid_field="$1" local device="$2" blkid -g \ || die "Error while executing blkid -g" local val val="$(blkid -o export "$device")" \ || die "Error while executing blkid '$device'" val="$(grep -- "^$blkid_field=" <<< "$val")" \ || die "Could not find $blkid_field=... in blkid output" val="${val#"$blkid_field="}" echo -n "$val" } get_blkid_uuid_for_id() { local dev="$(resolve_device_by_id "$1")" local uuid="$(get_blkid_field_by_device 'UUID' "$dev")" echo -n "$uuid" } get_device_by_blkid_field() { local blkid_field="$1" local field_value="$2" blkid -g \ || die "Error while executing blkid -g" local dev dev="$(blkid -o export -t "$blkid_field=$field_value")" \ || die "Error while executing blkid to find $blkid_field=$field_value" dev="$(grep DEVNAME <<< "$dev")" \ || die "Could not find DEVNAME=... in blkid output" dev="${dev#"DEVNAME="}" echo -n "$dev" } get_device_by_partuuid() { get_device_by_blkid_field 'PARTUUID' "$1" } get_device_by_uuid() { get_device_by_blkid_field 'UUID' "$1" } get_device_by_ptuuid() { local ptuuid="${1,,}" local dev dev="$(lsblk --all --path --pairs --output NAME,PTUUID,PARTUUID)" \ || die "Error while executing lsblk to find PTUUID=$ptuuid" dev="$(grep "ptuuid=\"$ptuuid\" partuuid=\"\"" <<< "${dev,,}")" \ || die "Could not find PTUUID=... in lsblk output" dev="${dev%'" ptuuid='*}" dev="${dev#'name="'}" echo -n "$dev" } uuid_to_mduuid() { local mduuid="${1,,}" mduuid="${mduuid//-/}" mduuid="${mduuid:0:8}:${mduuid:8:8}:${mduuid:16:8}:${mduuid:24:8}" echo -n "$mduuid" } get_device_by_mdadm_uuid() { local mduuid="$(uuid_to_mduuid "$1")" local dev dev="$(mdadm --examine --scan)" \ || die "Error while executing mdadm to find array with UUID=$mduuid" dev="$(grep "uuid=$mduuid" <<< "${dev,,}")" \ || die "Could not find UUID=... in mdadm output" dev="${dev%'metadata='*}" dev="${dev#'array'}" dev="${dev#"${dev%%[![:space:]]*}"}" dev="${dev%"${dev##*[![:space:]]}"}" echo -n "$dev" } get_device_by_luks_name() { echo -n "/dev/mapper/$1" } create_resolve_entry() { local id="$1" local type="$2" local arg="${3,,}" DISK_ID_TO_RESOLVABLE[$id]="$type:$arg" } create_resolve_entry_device() { local id="$1" local dev="$2" DISK_ID_TO_RESOLVABLE[$id]="device:$dev" } resolve_device_by_id() { local id="$1" [[ -v DISK_ID_TO_RESOLVABLE[$id] ]] \ || die "Cannot resolve id='$id' to a block device (no table entry)" local type="${DISK_ID_TO_RESOLVABLE[$id]%%:*}" local arg="${DISK_ID_TO_RESOLVABLE[$id]#*:}" case "$type" in 'partuuid') get_device_by_partuuid "$arg" ;; 'ptuuid') get_device_by_ptuuid "$arg" ;; 'uuid') get_device_by_uuid "$arg" ;; 'mdadm') get_device_by_mdadm_uuid "$arg" ;; 'luks') get_device_by_luks_name "$arg" ;; 'device') echo -n "$arg" ;; *) die "Cannot resolve '$type:$arg' to device (unknown type)" esac } load_or_generate_uuid() { local uuid local uuid_file="$UUID_STORAGE_DIR/$1" if [[ -e $uuid_file ]]; then uuid="$(cat "$uuid_file")" else uuid="$(uuidgen -r)" mkdir -p "$UUID_STORAGE_DIR" echo -n "$uuid" > "$uuid_file" fi echo -n "$uuid" } # Parses named arguments and stores them in the associative array `arguments`. # If given, the associative array `known_arguments` must contain a list of arguments # prefixed with + (mandatory) or ? (optional). "at least one of" can be expressed by +a|b|c. parse_arguments() { local key local value local a for a in "$@"; do key="${a%%=*}" value="${a#*=}" if [[ $key == "$a" ]]; then extra_arguments+=("$a") continue fi arguments[$key]="$value" done declare -A allowed_keys if [[ -v known_arguments ]]; then local m for m in "${known_arguments[@]}"; do case "${m:0:1}" in '+') m="${m:1}" local has_opt=false local m_opt # Splitting is intentional here # shellcheck disable=SC2086 for m_opt in ${m//|/ }; do allowed_keys[$m_opt]=true if [[ -v arguments[$m_opt] ]]; then has_opt=true fi done [[ $has_opt == "true" ]] \ || die_trace 2 "Missing mandatory argument $m=..." ;; '?') allowed_keys[${m:1}]=true ;; *) die_trace 2 "Invalid start character in known_arguments, in argument '$m'" ;; esac done for a in "${!arguments[@]}"; do [[ -v allowed_keys[$a] ]] \ || die_trace 2 "Unknown argument '$a'" done fi }