source "$GENTOO_INSTALL_REPO_DIR/scripts/" || exit 1 ################################################ # Script internal configuration # The temporary directory for this script, # must reside in /tmp to allow the chrooted system to access the files TMP_DIR="/tmp/gentoo-install" # Mountpoint for the new system ROOT_MOUNTPOINT="$TMP_DIR/root" # Mountpoint for the script files for access from chroot GENTOO_INSTALL_REPO_BIND="$TMP_DIR/bind" # Mountpoint for the script files for access from chroot UUID_STORAGE_DIR="$TMP_DIR/uuids" # The desired efi partition mountpoint for the actual system EFI_MOUNTPOINT="/boot/efi" # Flag to track usage of raid (needed to check for mdadm existence) USED_RAID=false # Flag to track usage of luks (needed to check for cryptsetup existence) USED_LUKS=false # An array of disk related actions to perform DISK_ACTIONS=() # An associative array to check for existing ids (maps to uuids) declare -A DISK_ID_TO_UUID # An associative set to check for correct usage of size=remaining in gpt tables declare -A DISK_GPT_HAD_SIZE_REMAINING only_one_of() { local previous="" local a for a in "$@"; do if [[ -v arguments[$a] ]]; then if [[ -z $previous ]]; then previous="$a" else die_trace 2 "Only one of the arguments ($*) can be given" fi fi done } create_new_id() { local id="${arguments[$1]}" [[ $id == *';'* ]] \ && die_trace 2 "Identifier contains invalid character ';'" [[ ! -v DISK_ID_TO_UUID[$id] ]] \ || die_trace 2 "Identifier '$id' already exists" DISK_ID_TO_UUID[$id]="$(load_or_generate_uuid "$(base64 -w 0 <<< "$id")")" } verify_existing_id() { local id="${arguments[$1]}" [[ -v DISK_ID_TO_UUID[$id] ]] \ || die_trace 2 "Identifier $1='$id' not found" } verify_existing_unique_ids() { local arg="$1" local ids="${arguments[$arg]}" count_orig="$(tr ';' '\n' <<< "$ids" | grep -c '\S')" count_uniq="$(tr ';' '\n' <<< "$ids" | grep '\S' | sort -u | wc -l)" [[ $count_orig -gt 0 ]] \ || die_trace 2 "$arg=... must contain at least one entry" [[ $count_orig -eq $count_uniq ]] \ || die_trace 2 "$arg=... contains duplicate identifiers" local id # Splitting is intentional here # shellcheck disable=SC2086 for id in ${ids//';'/ }; do [[ -v DISK_ID_TO_UUID[$id] ]] \ || die_trace 2 "$arg=... contains unknown identifier '$id'" done } verify_option() { local opt="$1" shift local arg="${arguments[$opt]}" local i for i in "$@"; do [[ $i == "$arg" ]] \ && return 0 done die_trace 2 "Invalid option $opt='$arg', must be one of ($*)" } # Named arguments: # new_id: Id for the new gpt table # device: The operand block device create_gpt() { local known_arguments=('+new_id' '+device|id') unset arguments; declare -A arguments; parse_arguments "$@" only_one_of device id create_new_id new_id [[ -v arguments[id] ]] \ && verify_existing_id id DISK_ACTIONS+=("action=create_gpt" "$@" ";") } # Named arguments: # new_id: Id for the new partition # size: Size for the new partition, or 'remaining' to allocate the rest # type: The parition type, either (boot, efi, swap, raid, luks, linux) (or a 4 digit hex-code for gdisk). # id: The operand device id create_partition() { local known_arguments=('+new_id' '+id' '+size' '+type') unset arguments; declare -A arguments; parse_arguments "$@" create_new_id new_id verify_existing_id id verify_option type boot efi swap raid luks linux [[ -v "DISK_GPT_HAD_SIZE_REMAINING[${arguments[id]}]" ]] \ && die_trace 1 "Cannot add another partition to table (${arguments[id]}) after size=remaining was used" [[ ${arguments[size]} == "remaining" ]] \ && DISK_GPT_HAD_SIZE_REMAINING[${arguments[id]}]=true DISK_ACTIONS+=("action=create_partition" "$@" ";") } # Named arguments: # new_id: Id for the new raid # level: Raid level # ids: Comma separated list of all member ids create_raid() { USED_RAID=true local known_arguments=('+new_id' '+level' '+ids') unset arguments; declare -A arguments; parse_arguments "$@" create_new_id new_id verify_option level 0 1 5 6 verify_existing_unique_ids ids DISK_ACTIONS+=("action=create_raid" "$@" ";") } # Named arguments: # new_id: Id for the new luks # id: The operand device id create_luks() { USED_LUKS=true local known_arguments=('+new_id' '+id') unset arguments; declare -A arguments; parse_arguments "$@" create_new_id new_id verify_existing_id id DISK_ACTIONS+=("action=create_luks" "$@" ";") } # Named arguments: # id: Id of the device / partition created earlier # type: One of (boot, efi, swap, ext4) # label: The label for the formatted disk format() { local known_arguments=('+id' '+type' '?label') unset arguments; declare -A arguments; parse_arguments "$@" verify_existing_id id verify_option type boot efi swap ext4 DISK_ACTIONS+=("action=format" "$@" ";") } # Returns a comma separated list of all registered ids matching the given regex. expand_ids() { local regex="$1" for id in "${!DISK_ID_TO_UUID[@]}"; do [[ $id =~ $regex ]] \ && echo -n "$id;" done }