diff --git a/cgi/live-build-cgi b/cgi/live-build-cgi
index 655418a79..6e8f8b607 100755
--- a/cgi/live-build-cgi
+++ b/cgi/live-build-cgi
@@ -118,11 +118,15 @@ else
 	# Getting build identifier
 	_BUILD=$(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%N)
+	# Getting number of builds pending.
+	_QUEUENUM=$(ls "${_TEMPDIR}"/*.build | wc -l)
 	#echo "${QUERY_STRING}"
 	# Sending html confirmation
 	# Note: On each string remember to use a delimeter that is not in the string.
 	sed -e "s/BUILD/${_BUILD}/g" \
 	    -e "s/EMAIL/${_EMAIL}/" \
+	    -e "s/QUEUENUM/${_QUEUENUM}/" \
diff --git a/templates/cgi/debian-official/build.html b/templates/cgi/debian-official/build.html
index b7b1e6e61..2ceebeabb 100644
--- a/templates/cgi/debian-official/build.html
+++ b/templates/cgi/debian-official/build.html
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <br />
-<h3>Your build 'BUILD' was recorded and will be processed soon. Depending on the options you have selected, the build takes about between 5 and 20 minutes. You will be notified by email when the attempt has completed.</h3>
+<h3>Your build 'BUILD' was recorded and will be processed soon. Depending on the options you have selected, a build attempt generally takes between 5 and 20 minutes to complete. Currently there are 'QUEUENUM' pending build(s) to be processed ahead of your request. You will be notified by email when the attempt has completed.</h3>
 <h3>Your build will be available at: <a href="SERVER/BUILD/">SERVER/BUILD/</a>.</h3>
diff --git a/templates/cgi/debian-unofficial/build.html b/templates/cgi/debian-unofficial/build.html
index 3ff461a1b..64f06cb17 100644
--- a/templates/cgi/debian-unofficial/build.html
+++ b/templates/cgi/debian-unofficial/build.html
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <br />
-<h3>Your build 'BUILD' was recorded and will be processed soon. Depending on the options you have selected, the build takes about between 5 and 20 minutes. You will be notified by email when the attempt has completed.</h3>
+<h3>Your build 'BUILD' was recorded and will be processed soon. Depending on the options you have selected, a build attempt generally takes between 5 and 20 minutes to complete. Currently there are 'QUEUENUM' pending build(s) to be processed ahead of your request. You will be notified by email when the attempt has completed.</h3>
 <h3>Your build will be available at: <a href="SERVER/BUILD/">SERVER/BUILD/</a>.</h3>