because it doesn't end on ".hook.chroot", so it wouldn't be linked from
the `lb config` stage. Probably to the better, as it does not seem very
useful to indiscriminately raze all apt sources lists.
This is considered to be more robust.
Two instances remain:
scripts/build/chroot_archives, line 257:
if [ "${LB_APT}" = "aptitude" ] && [ ! $(Chroot chroot "which aptitude") ]
The command is run inside a chroot where the environment might be special,
and would need further testing.
manpages/Makefile, line 42:
@if [ ! -x "$$(which po4a 2>/dev/null)" ]; \
I am insufficiently familiar with makefile syntax to edit this.
This fixes cryptsetup modules not being installed into initrd with warning:
> cryptsetup: WARNING: The initramfs image may not contain cryptsetup binaries
> nor crypto modules. If that's on purpose, you may want to uninstall the
> 'cryptsetup-initramfs' package in order to disable the cryptsetup initramfs
> integration and avoid this warning.
Thanks-to: Marcel Partap
Instances of:
if [ $(which <command> ]
have been replaced with:
if command -v <command> >/dev/null
which is considered to be more robust in a range of environments.
scripts/build/chroot_archives: line 259:
if [ "${LB_APT}" = "aptitude" ] && [ ! $(Chroot chroot "which aptitude") ]
has been left untouched because the chroot might require a more complex command
which would need more testing.
manpages/Makefile: line 42:
@if [ ! -x "$$(which po4a 2>/dev/null)" ]; \
has been left untouched because I am not sufficiently familiar with makefiles.
- prefer using `which` over hard coded paths
- it is redundant to check that the bin pointed to the return of
`which` exists and is executable, `which` already gives us
assurance of that if it returns true!
- the redirection of output (`2>/dev/null`) seems to be
unnecessary from my testing.
the instances relatnig to fdisk and losetup in functions/ have
been left as they are since they get executed by `lb config` which can run
without sudo elevation unlike `lb build` and in that case `which` would
fail to find these binaries resulting in error.
this also fixes a bug showing an error for missing debootstrap - this tool
requires sudo privileges to run and thus is not found via a none elevated
which search.
Gbp-Dch: Short
Closes: #952927