Previous commits to support Memtest86+ 6.00+ split the files into
"memtest" (backwards compatible / new BIOS name) and "memtest.efi"
(new EFI name). However, the 6.00 non-EFI binaries are now
32/64-bit, and will not work with GRUB's linux16 boot when using GRUB
for BIOS boot.
- Legacy Memtest86+ pre-6.00 will continue to be "memtest", linux16
(continue to support builds on current Debian stable bullseye)
- Change 6.00+ filename to "memtest.bin"
- GRUB memtest.cfg contains logic for legacy / new bios / new EFI
- Change EFI boot from "chainloader" to "linux", which allows for
passing command line options to Memtest86+
- syslinux @MEMTEST@ will conditionally be memtest.bin or memtest
- @MEMTEST_BIN@ will conditionally be memtest.bin or memtest, but is
completely legacy at this point (all internal code paths now check
for @MEMTEST_DIR@/memtest or @MEMTEST_DIR@/memtest.bin)
Getting complicated, but this logic can be simplified again once we
no longer need to support current Debian stable.
- BIOS: Final filename doesn't change (memtest), but now uses a
64-bit version on amd64.
- EFI: Now included as memtest.efi; 32-bit on i386, 64-bit on amd64.
As it's GRUB-only, we can test for the existence of memtest.efi
(6.00+ only) in GRUB itself.
- Add @MEMTEST_DIR@ to facilitate directory-based testing in GRUB.
This expands upon the previous MVP commit
15e78a3eec .
memtest86+ 6.00-1 (in testing as of this date) adds and changes its
available binaries:
- /boot/memtest86+x32.bin
- /boot/memtest86+x32.efi
- /boot/memtest86+x64.bin
- /boot/memtest86+x64.efi
Future live-build functionality would ideally incorporate these new
binaries (x64 for amd64 builds, efi for grub-efi), but in the meantime,
this is an MVP update which supports either old memtest86.bin or new
The request asked for 5 additional variables to be resolved for the SVG
Not added: LB_ISO_PREPARER: xorriso recommends not changing this
Not added: LB_ISO_VOLUME: is can contain '@ISOVOLUME_TS@' which resolves
to a timestamp and would need additional handling
Currently it's only supported in the chroot/binary phases. Omitting
bootstrap was an oversight.
Note that config/archives/*.conf are assumed to be apt.conf files,
so the apt_auth files are required to end with .auth and will be renamed
to .conf when copied into the chroot.
With this 'distribution', the installer is built from its git
repository, matching the date in SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.
Additionally the kernel version is matched to the kernel version in the
chroot (to ensure that the installer can be run).
Rationale: The 'daily' installers are not archived, and therefore cannot
be used for a reproducible build.
The installer stage has a clean chroot for its own usage. The chroot
from the chroot stage is available in chroot/chroot (implemented similar
to the binary stage).
The new includes.chroot system implemented in !214 adds the option
to include files in the chroot before and after package installation.
chroot_hostname and chroot_resolv have been updated but not chroot_hosts.
Gbp-Dch: Short
Persist LB_BOOTLOADERS in lb_binary_* configuration, since
Init_config_data called from lb_binary_* calls Prepare_config which
LB_ARCHITECTURE is amd64 or i386, and these can only be restored to
their proper values by the presence of LB_BOOTLOADERS.
This therefore ensures that the value of the "--bootloaders" parameter
to lb_config is respected by the lb_binary_* steps.
Allow APT_AUTH.CONF(5) config files to be used with archives.
Note that config/archives/*.conf are assumed to be apt.conf files,
so the apt_auth files are required to end with .auth and will be renamed
to .conf when copied into the chroot.
Closes: #991065
That prevents potential errors during future Remove_packages calls without APT indices available. In such cases, APT tries to remove packages with unrecognized names, which results in an error and fails the script execution. An example of this would be installing apt-utils in chroot_archives with --apt-indices option set to false.
Similar to iso images, the timestamp of a file/folder inside the binary
image cannot be newer than SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.
Also set the timestamp of the hdd image.
This previously undocumented value for '--chroot-filesystem' creates the
uncompressed folder 'live/filesystem.dir'.
This will speed up the generation of live images a lot, because the
squashfs compression is skipped.
Example command line:
lb config -b hdd --chroot-filesystem plain --binary-filesystem ext4
The package might be missing when building with a minimal configuration,
as recommended in the Live Manual, the example 'Base image' scenario:
'lb config --apt-recommends false --debootstrap-options "--variant=minbase"'
- No bootloader is configured; images must be booted via direct kernel
- Tested via qemu + opensbi fw_jump.elf + kernel/initrd
- As riscv64 is currently in ports, the following options are required:
--distribution unstable
--security false
--debootstrap-options --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-ports-archive-keyring.gpg
- Normally ports require stacking two dists, unstable and unreleased.
debootstrap does not support doing this, but as of this writing, there
is nothing in riscv64 unreleased which is required to bootstrap.
However, this would not have been possible a year ago.
There are two main scenarios:
1) The host with live-build is configured to use a proxy
This proxy will automatically be used by live-build
2) The user of live-build explicitly specifies a proxy
2A) With the environment variable 'http_proxy' (preferred)
2B) With the command line option --apt-http-proxy
Any inconsistency in the setting of a proxy results in an error message of 'lb config'
All internal tools (apt/apt-get/aptitude, wget and debootstrap) use the environment variables 'http_proxy' and 'no_proxy', which are passed along to the chroot where needed.
Test scenario:
- A virtual machine with all out-going traffic blocked, except for the proxy.
This adds support for dm-vertiy on the root filesystem.
Currently only squashfs is supported.
Three new flags are introduced.
* --dm-verity: Enable basic dm-verity support
* --dm-verity-fec NB_ROOTS: Enable forward error correction. Optional
* --dm-verity-sign SCRIPT: Specify signing script for the root hash. Optional
1) lb config rejected multiple checksum types
2) When using the installer, cdrom-checker requires a md5 checksum file,
use 'Check the integrity of the installation media' in the installer
3) The comments in the first lines of the checksum files caused
cdrom-checker to fail the integrity of the image
If grub/splash.png exists, assume the configuration editor intends
to have a grub-specific splash.png, and do not modify theme.txt.
But if syslinux has the only known splash.png, use it for both
syslinux and grub.
(This allows for a hybrid image where the grub side can have e.g. a
16:9 1920x1080 splash.png which gets grub is capable of automatically
scaling, while the syslinux side has a 640x480 splash.png which
effectively must be this fixed size.)