Previously, config/archives/foo.{binary,chroot}.{key,list} was used,
now we use config/archives/foo.{key,list}.{binary,chroot}.
That way, we're using the same single suffix for all files to make
them specific for either binary and chroot, rather than having
an exception to the rule for archive definitions.
Previously, we had config/chroot_sources (or config/chroot_archives)
that allowed local configuration for third-party repositories but we
also had config/archives (or config/repositories) that did the very
same, but also alled to use 'variables' (e.g. @DISTRIBUTION@ or
@ARCHIVE_AREAS@ to be used) that got replaces automatically.
Now, we have only config/archives that can do both. This gets rid
of the unecessary double handling of the same thing in two places.