- avoid all need to pass ".build/" path in stage file names into the
- add a helper to remove a stage file (required to complete the above
- avoid duplicating filenames within scripts which makes them prone to
mistakes (some instances of which I've actually encountered and had
to fix)
Gbp-Dch: Short
Current versions of the project files are built upon versions published
and licensed by Daniel Baumann, but are modified copies of those files and
thus need to be marked as such per licensing requirements (afaik he did
not pass along ownership / licensing rights to anyone when he left the
project). We should also be careful to not be misrepresenting such
modified copies as being attributed to Daniel.
Adding a new copyright line referring to "The Debian Live team" should
suffice for this.
The authorship block in man pages has also similarly been updated.
- tweaked a copy of daniel copyright lines stating 2014 instead of 2015.
both of these cases were in files that i had personally introduced in
some of my past merged commits that moved some code around. i don't know
why they stated 2014.
- binary_onie was introduced in 2018, so that has a 2018 date instead of
2016 unlike the rest.
- 'efi-image' is a 3rd-party (Canonical Ltd) work that we bundle, but it
has been modified by 674794a8f4 and
36a3ba7634 so I similarly added a
debian live copyright line.
- 'grub-cpmodules' is similar. it was only changed by the indentation fix
of 36a3ba7634 but modification is
modification, and this does help cover any possible future changes that
might be made.
update feb-2020: the bug report is marked as fixed in version 5.0-a7-1,
however there is no such patch merged for that tagged release, nor at all
in master, so this properly closes it.
Gbp-Dch: Short
Closes: #776532
Open Network Install Environment is an open image format used by
networking vendor to ship a standardised image for networking white
box switches.
ONIE hardware takes this image at boot and a script to chain load
into the final environment via kexec. We can support Debian and
derivatives on such systems by packing an ISO which then gets
unpacked, kexec'ed and live-booted.
A base ONIE system can be tested in QEMU by building a VM following
these instrunctions:
Once built, boot onie-recovery-x86_64-kvm_x86_64-r0.iso in QEMU/libvirt
and on the console there will be the terminal prompt. Check the IP
assigned by libvirt and then scp the live image (ssh access is enabled
as root without password...). Then the .bin can be booted with:
ONIE-RECOVERY:/ # onie-nos-install /tmp/live.hybrid.iso-ONIE.bin
The implementation is inspired by ONIE's own scripts that can be found
A new option, --onie (false by default) can be set to true to enable
building this new format in addition to an ISO.
An additional option, --onie-kernel-cmdline can be used to specify
additional options that the ONIE system should use when kexec'ing the
final image.
Note that only iso or hybrid-iso formats are supported.
For more information about the ONIE ecosystem see:
Signed-off-by: Erik Ziegenbalg <eziegenb@Brocade.com>
Signed-off-by: Luca Boccassi <bluca@debian.org>
This work is based on debian-cd team work and uses,
as much as possible, the same mkisofs options
than the Debian Installation CD disk does.
It assumes that /boot/grub/grub.cfg (and other design items)
is generated by: binary_loopback_cfg .
It relies on efi-image and grub-cpmodules being setup
as build scripts on live-build package.
In the future event of these two files being moved
to a binary package (they are originally from:
src: live-installer) the binary_grub-efi script would have
to be rewritten to take the new paths into account.
Development details
* This patch has been based originally on: binary_grub2 . It has been
improved thanks to some binary_syslinux bits.
* This patch ensures that binary_loopback_cfg needs is run
before binary_syslinux is run.
The reason is that it reuses some code from binary_syslinux to avoid
problems when binary_syslinux renames the kernel filenames.
* This patch already supports CPU detection
* I haven't tested all the possible scenarios for the script (with the
latest version). When amd64 and 486 Gnu/Linux flavours is used and the
bootloader is syslinux it works ok.
* I have not implemented a disable switch for not generating it.
Usually you always want loopback.cfg to be there.
* Compared to binary_grub2 script I have removed the installation
entries because I did not see any of them in binary_syslinux.
How to test
These are some steps to easily test if Looback cfg support is working ok.
0) We assume you have generated an iso
1) Make sure you have a partition that Grub understands. Plain ext4 or
vfat should do it.
2) Create directory: /boot/boot-isos/
3) Put the iso file into that directory making sure it has an ISO or iso
4) Setup your computer to boot from cdrom and use: Super Grub2 Disk
2.00s2 (Hybrid version recommended)
5) Choose Boot manually...
6) Choose Bootable ISOs (in /boot- ... )
7) Choose (the detected) GRUB Loopback Config
8) You will be presented your loopback.cfg. Choose anyone of the entries
(unless it does not match your cpu architecture of course).
9) You should boot into your Debian Live without problems (thanks to
findiso boot parametre).
If you ever wanted to test from your grub2 installation instead from
Super Grub2 Disk check: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg
for an example.
Rather than a half broken image type, we'll bet our money on having proper
partman recipies support implemented for hdd image types.
Even if we don't make it for wheezy, it's better to not have virtual-hdd
in there and tell users to use the jessie version for proper hdd images.
Previously, we needed to keep the lb_* prefix as the scripts
could also be executed standalone. Since the lb wrapper is
mandatory since squeeze, we can drop this now.