This patch alters the syslinux labels to follow the "expert" and
"expertgui" style in favour of "TextExpert" and "GUIExpert".
This makes the names match Live Helper's syslinux templates, as well as the
more typical d-i installations and numerious sources that claim that one
should "just type 'expert' at the syslinux prompt", etc.
change MILISECONDS to SECONDS. Syslinux actually uses
tenths of seconds not milliseconds, but it seems
unnecessary to expose this to the user. Fix templates
to only specify the timeout once.
At the moment this only works with the root volume
on nfs as well. If we add a switch to configure the
network early in the boot process then this option
could be made available for other root mediums. This
option works reliably on the latest kernel
On earlier kernels I experienced frequent oopses.
When an ISO is created with the kernel image file name ending in ".img", the
ISO will not boot. In Qemu, the following error will be shown:
FATAL: Int13 eltorito call with AX=4C00
This means a non-implemented BIOS entry was called. In VMware and on real
hardware there is a different error message:
Cannot load disk image (invalid file)?
Removing the ".img" part of the file name solves this.
This option allows you to expose the root read only. Using
this option a person could upgrade the root filesystem or
add packages without requiring the user to reboot. The root
filesystem could be kept on an nfs volume or some other
persistent medium. Multiple clients could then be booted off
the same root fs. I used LTSP as a template to determine which
directories to make rw.
I did not realize that the syslinux boot methods,
iso, net, & hdd do not have feature parity for any
given version. As per old comments etch syslinux
v3.31 does not support sub directories on FAT images
share more code.
Change pxelinux directory setup to match debian installer
Change syslinux templates to use {$VAR} syntax so the
templates are easier to read
Remove etch support for syslinux, since INCLUDE syntax
is not available in etch syslinux v3.31