#!/bin/sh ## live-build(7) - System Build Scripts ## Copyright (C) 2016-2020 The Debian Live team ## Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Daniel Baumann ## ## This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. ## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. set -e # Including common functions [ -e "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" ] && . "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" || . /usr/lib/live/build.sh # Setting static variables DESCRIPTION="Preparing installer images" USAGE="${PROGRAM} [--force]" # Automatically populating config tree Auto_build_config # Processing arguments and configuration files Init_config_data "${@}" # Setting up cleanup function Setup_clean_exit if [ "${LB_BUILD_WITH_CHROOT}" = "true" ]; then # Use a fresh chroot environment, to not pollute the 'normal' chroot lb installer_chroot "${@}" # Configuring chroot lb chroot_prep install all mode-archives-chroot "${@}" fi # Building installer lb installer_debian-installer "${@}" lb installer_preseed "${@}" if [ "${LB_BUILD_WITH_CHROOT}" = "true" ]; then # Deconfiguring chroot lb chroot_prep remove all mode-archives-chroot "${@}" # Revert lb installer_chroot mv chroot/chroot chroot.tmp rm -rf chroot mv chroot.tmp chroot Remove_stagefile installer_chroot fi Echo_message "Installer stage completed"