#!/bin/sh ## live-build(7) - System Build Scripts ## Copyright (C) 2016-2020 The Debian Live team ## Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Daniel Baumann ## ## This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. ## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. set -e # Including common functions [ -e "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" ] && . "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" || . /usr/lib/live/build.sh # Setting static variables PROGRAM="lb config" DESCRIPTION="Create configuration for live-build(7)" USAGE="${PROGRAM} [--apt apt|apt-get|aptitude]\n\ \t [--apt-ftp-proxy URL]\n\ \t [--apt-http-proxy URL]\n\ \t [--apt-indices true|false]\n\ \t [--apt-options OPTION|\"OPTIONS\"]\n\ \t [--apt-pipeline DEPTH]\n\ \t [--apt-recommends true|false]\n\ \t [--apt-secure true|false]\n\ \t [--apt-source-archives true|false]\n\ \t [--aptitude-options OPTION|\"OPTIONS\"]\n\ \t [-a|--architecture ARCHITECTURE]\n\ \t [--archive-areas ARCHIVE_AREA|\"ARCHIVE_AREAS\"]\n\ \t [--backports true|false]\n\ \t [--binary-filesystem fat16|fat32|ext2|ext3|ext4|ntfs]\n\ \t [-b|--binary-image iso|iso-hybrid|netboot|tar|hdd]\n\ \t [--bootappend-install PARAMETER|\"PARAMETERS\"]\n\ \t [--bootappend-live PARAMETER|\"PARAMETERS\"]\n\ \t [--bootappend-live-failsafe PARAMETER|\"PARAMETERS\"]\n\ \t [--bootloaders grub-legacy|grub-pc|syslinux|grub-efi|\"BOOTLOADERS\"]\n\ \t [--bootstrap-qemu-arch ARCH]\n\ \t [--bootstrap-qemu-exclude PACKAGE|\"PACKAGES\"]\n\ \t [--bootstrap-qemu-static PATH]\n\ \t [--breakpoints]\n\ \t [--build-with-chroot true|false]\n\ \t [--cache true|false]\n\ \t [--cache-indices true|false]\n\ \t [--cache-packages true|false]\n\ \t [--cache-stages STAGE|\"STAGES\"]\n\ \t [--checksums md5|sha1|sha224|sha256|sha384|sha512|none]\n\ \t [--chroot-filesystem ext2|ext3|ext4|squashfs|jffs2|none]\n\ \t [--clean]\n\ \t [--color]\n\ \t [--compression bzip2|gzip|lzip|xz|none]\n\ \t [-c|--conffile FILE]\n\ \t [--config GIT_URL::GIT_BRANCH]\n\ \t [--debconf-frontend dialog|editor|noninteractive|readline]\n\ \t [--debconf-priority low|medium|high|critical]\n\ \t [--debian-installer cdrom|netinst|netboot|businesscard|live|none]\n\ \t [--debian-installer-distribution daily|CODENAME]\n\ \t [--debian-installer-gui true|false]\n\ \t [--debian-installer-preseedfile FILE|URL]\n\ \t [--debootstrap-options OPTION|\"OPTIONS\"]\n\ \t [--debootstrap-script SCRIPT]\n\ \t [--debug]\n\ \t [-d|--distribution CODENAME]\n\ \t [--distribution-binary CODENAME]\n\ \t [--distribution-chroot CODENAME]\n\ \t [--dump]\n\ \t [--firmware-binary true|false]\n\ \t [--firmware-chroot true|false]\n\ \t [--force]\n\ \t [--gzip-options OPTION|\"OPTIONS\"]\n\ \t [--hdd-label LABEL]\n\ \t [--hdd-partition-start START]\n\ \t [--hdd-size SIZE]\n\ \t [--ignore-system-defaults]\n\ \t [--image-name NAME]\n\ \t [--initramfs none|live-boot]\n\ \t [--initramfs-compression bzip2|gzip|lzma]\n\ \t [--initsystem sysvinit|systemd|none]\n\ \t [--interactive true|shell|x11|xnest|false]\n\ \t [--iso-application NAME]\n\ \t [--iso-preparer NAME]\n\ \t [--iso-publisher NAME]\n\ \t [--iso-volume NAME]\n\ \t [--jffs2-eraseblock SIZE]\n\ \t [--keyring-packages PACKAGE|\"PACKAGES\"]\n\ \t [-k|--linux-flavours FLAVOUR|\"FLAVOURS\"]\n\ \t [--linux-packages PACKAGE|\"PACKAGES\"]\n\ \t [--loadlin true|false]\n\ \t [--memtest memtest86+|memtest86|none]\n\ \t [--mirror-binary URL]\n\ \t [--mirror-binary-security URL]\n\ \t [--mirror-bootstrap URL]\n\ \t [--mirror-chroot URL]\n\ \t [--mirror-chroot-security URL]\n\ \t [--mirror-debian-installer URL]\n\ \t [--mode debian]\n\ \t [--net-root-path PATH]\n\ \t [--net-tarball true|false]\n\ \t [--no-color]\n\ \t [--onie true|false]\n\ \t [--onie-kernel-cmdline OPTION|\"OPTIONS\"]\n\ \t [--parent-archive-areas ARCHIVE_AREA|\"ARCHIVE_AREAS\"]\n\ \t [--parent-debian-installer-distribution CODENAME]\n\ \t [--parent-distribution CODENAME]\n\ \t [--parent-distribution-binary CODENAME]\n\ \t [--parent-distribution-chroot CODENAME]\n\ \t [--parent-mirror-binary URL]\n\ \t [--parent-mirror-binary-security URL]\n\ \t [-m|--parent-mirror-bootstrap URL]\n\ \t [--parent-mirror-chroot URL]\n\ \t [--parent-mirror-chroot-security URL]\n\ \t [--parent-mirror-debian-installer URL]\n\ \t [--quiet]\n\ \t [--security true|false]\n\ \t [--source true|false]\n\ \t [-s|--source-images iso|netboot|tar|hdd]\n\ \t [--swap-file-path PATH]\n\ \t [--swap-file-size MB]\n\ \t [--system live|normal]\n\ \t [--uefi-secure-boot auto|enable|disable]\n\ \t [--updates true|false]\n\ \t [--validate]\n\ \t [--verbose]\n\ \t [--win32-loader true|false]\n\ \t [--zsync true|false]" Local_arguments () { local LONG_OPTIONS LONG_OPTIONS=" apt:,apt-ftp-proxy:,apt-http-proxy:,apt-indices:,aptitude-options:, apt-options:,apt-pipeline:,apt-recommends:,apt-secure:, apt-source-archives:,architecture:,architectures:,archive-areas:, backports:,binary-filesystem:,binary-image:,binary-images:, bootappend-install:,bootappend-live:,bootappend-live-failsafe:, bootloader:,bootloaders:,bootstrap-qemu-arch:,bootstrap-qemu-exclude:, bootstrap-qemu-static:,breakpoints,build-with-chroot:, cache:,cache-indices:,cache-packages:,cache-stages:,checksums:, chroot-filesystem:,clean,color,compression:,conffile:,config:, debconf-frontend:,debconf-priority:,debian-installer:, debian-installer-distribution:,debian-installer-gui:, debian-installer-preseedfile:,debootstrap-options:,debootstrap-script:, debug,distribution:,distribution-binary:,distribution-chroot:,dump, fdisk:,firmware-binary:,firmware-chroot:,force, grub-splash:,gzip-options:, hdd-label:,hdd-partition-start:,hdd-size:,help, ignore-system-defaults,image-name:,initramfs:,initramfs-compression:, initsystem:,interactive:,iso-application:,isohybrid-options:, iso-preparer:,iso-publisher:,iso-volume:, jffs2-eraseblock:, keyring-packages:, linux-flavours:,linux-packages:,loadlin:,losetup:, memtest:,mirror-binary:,mirror-binary-security:,mirror-bootstrap:, mirror-chroot:,mirror-chroot-security:,mirror-debian-installer:,mode:, net-cow-filesystem:,net-cow-mountoptions:,net-cow-path:, net-cow-server:,net-root-filesystem:,net-root-mountoptions:, net-root-path:,net-root-server:,net-tarball:,no-color, onie:,onie-kernel-cmdline:, parent-archive-areas:,parent-debian-installer-distribution:, parent-distribution:,parent-distribution-binary:, parent-distribution-chroot:,parent-mirror-binary:, parent-mirror-binary-security:,parent-mirror-bootstrap:, parent-mirror-chroot:,parent-mirror-chroot-security:, parent-mirror-debian-installer:, quiet, security:,source:,source-images:,swap-file-path:,swap-file-size:,system:, tasksel:, uefi-secure-boot:,updates:,usage, validate,verbose,version, win32-loader:, zsync:" # Remove spaces added by indentation LONG_OPTIONS="$(echo ${LONG_OPTIONS} | tr -d ' ')" local ARGUMENTS local ERR=0 ARGUMENTS="$(getopt --longoptions ${LONG_OPTIONS} --name="${PROGRAM}" --options a:d:m:k:b:s:c:huv --shell sh -- "${@}")" || ERR=$? if [ $ERR -eq 1 ]; then Echo_error "invalid arguments" exit 1 elif [ $ERR -ne 0 ]; then Echo_error "getopt failure" exit 1 fi eval set -- "${ARGUMENTS}" while true do case "${1}" in # Config script specific options --clean) _CLEAN="true" shift ;; --config) _CONFIG="${2}" shift 2 ;; -c|--conffile) _CONFFILE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --dump) # Dump version Echo "This is live-build version %s" "${VERSION}" if [ $(which dpkg-query) ]; then Echo "Installed version reported by dpkg is %s" "$(dpkg-query -f='${Version}' --show live-build)" fi # Dump conffile contents Print_conffiles $(Common_config_files) # Dump contents of directories that contain text files local DIRECTORY for DIRECTORY in config/package-lists config/apt config/preseed config/rootfs do if Find_files "${DIRECTORY}" then Echo_file "${DIRECTORY}"/* fi done # Dump directory listings of all directories under config/ for DIRECTORY in $(find config/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d) do if Find_files "${DIRECTORY}" then ls -lR "${DIRECTORY}" | while read LINE do echo "${DIRECTORY}: ${LINE}" done fi done exit 0 ;; --ignore-system-defaults) _IGNORE_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS="true" shift ;; --validate) _VALIDATE_MODE="true" shift ;; # General options --breakpoints) _BREAKPOINTS="true" shift ;; --color) _COLOR="true" shift ;; --debug) _DEBUG="true" shift ;; --force) _FORCE="true" shift ;; -h|--help) Man shift ;; --no-color) _COLOR="false" shift ;; --quiet) _QUIET="true" shift ;; -u|--usage) Usage --exit shift ;; --verbose) _VERBOSE="true" shift ;; -v|--version) echo "${VERSION}" exit 0 ;; # Build config options --apt) LB_APT="${2}" shift 2 ;; --apt-ftp-proxy) LB_APT_FTP_PROXY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --apt-http-proxy) LB_APT_HTTP_PROXY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --apt-indices) LB_APT_INDICES="${2}" shift 2 ;; --apt-options) APT_OPTIONS="${2}" shift 2 ;; --apt-pipeline) LB_APT_PIPELINE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --apt-recommends) LB_APT_RECOMMENDS="${2}" shift 2 ;; --apt-secure) LB_APT_SECURE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --apt-source-archives) LB_APT_SOURCE_ARCHIVES="${2}" shift 2 ;; --aptitude-options) APTITUDE_OPTIONS="${2}" shift 2 ;; -a|--architecture|--architectures) LB_ARCHITECTURE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --archive-areas) LB_ARCHIVE_AREAS="${2}" shift 2 ;; --backports) LB_BACKPORTS="${2}" shift 2 ;; --binary-filesystem) LB_BINARY_FILESYSTEM="${2}" shift 2 ;; -b|--binary-image|--binary-images) LB_IMAGE_TYPE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --bootappend-install) LB_BOOTAPPEND_INSTALL="${2}" shift 2 ;; --bootappend-live) LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --bootappend-live-failsafe) LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE_FAILSAFE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --bootloaders|--bootloader) LB_BOOTLOADERS="${2}" shift 2 ;; --bootstrap-qemu-arch) LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_ARCHITECTURE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --bootstrap-qemu-exclude) LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_EXCLUDE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --bootstrap-qemu-static) LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_STATIC="${2}" shift 2 ;; --build-with-chroot) LB_BUILD_WITH_CHROOT="${2}" shift 2 ;; --cache) LB_CACHE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --cache-indices) LB_CACHE_INDICES="${2}" shift 2 ;; --cache-packages) LB_CACHE_PACKAGES="${2}" shift 2 ;; --cache-stages) LB_CACHE_STAGES="${2}" shift 2 ;; --checksums) LB_CHECKSUMS="${2}" shift 2 ;; --chroot-filesystem) LB_CHROOT_FILESYSTEM="${2}" shift 2 ;; --compression) LB_COMPRESSION="${2}" shift 2 ;; --debconf-frontend) LB_DEBCONF_FRONTEND="${2}" shift 2 ;; --debconf-priority) LB_DEBCONF_PRIORITY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --debian-installer) LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER="${2}" shift 2 ;; --debian-installer-distribution) LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_DISTRIBUTION="${2}" shift 2 ;; --debian-installer-gui) LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_GUI="${2}" shift 2 ;; --debian-installer-preseedfile) LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_PRESEEDFILE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --debootstrap-options) DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS="${2}" shift 2 ;; --debootstrap-script) DEBOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT="${2}" shift 2 ;; -d|--distribution) LB_DISTRIBUTION="${2}" shift 2 ;; --distribution-binary) LB_DISTRIBUTION_BINARY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --distribution-chroot) LB_DISTRIBUTION_CHROOT="${2}" shift 2 ;; --fdisk) Echo_warning "--fdisk is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --firmware-binary) LB_FIRMWARE_BINARY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --firmware-chroot) LB_FIRMWARE_CHROOT="${2}" shift 2 ;; --grub-splash) Echo_warning "--grub-splash is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --gzip-options) GZIP_OPTIONS="${2}" shift 2 ;; --hdd-label) LB_HDD_LABEL="${2}" shift 2 ;; --hdd-partition-start) LB_HDD_PARTITION_START="${2}" shift 2 ;; --hdd-size) LB_HDD_SIZE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --image-name) LB_IMAGE_NAME="${2}" shift 2 ;; --initramfs) LB_INITRAMFS="${2}" shift 2 ;; --initramfs-compression) LB_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION="${2}" shift 2 ;; --initsystem) LB_INITSYSTEM="${2}" shift 2 ;; --interactive) LB_INTERACTIVE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --iso-application) LB_ISO_APPLICATION="${2}" shift 2 ;; --iso-preparer) LB_ISO_PREPARER="${2}" shift 2 ;; --iso-publisher) LB_ISO_PUBLISHER="${2}" shift 2 ;; --iso-volume) LB_ISO_VOLUME="${2}" shift 2 ;; --isohybrid-options) Echo_warning "--isohybrid-options is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --jffs2-eraseblock) LB_JFFS2_ERASEBLOCK="${2}" shift 2 ;; --keyring-packages) LB_KEYRING_PACKAGES="${2}" shift 2 ;; -k|--linux-flavours) LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS_WITH_ARCH="${2}" shift 2 ;; --linux-packages) LB_LINUX_PACKAGES="${2}" shift 2 ;; --loadlin) LB_LOADLIN="${2}" shift 2 ;; --losetup) Echo_warning "--losetup is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --memtest) LB_MEMTEST="${2}" shift 2 ;; --mirror-binary) LB_MIRROR_BINARY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --mirror-binary-security) LB_MIRROR_BINARY_SECURITY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --mirror-bootstrap) LB_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP="${2}" shift 2 ;; --mirror-chroot) LB_MIRROR_CHROOT="${2}" shift 2 ;; --mirror-chroot-security) LB_MIRROR_CHROOT_SECURITY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --mirror-debian-installer) LB_MIRROR_DEBIAN_INSTALLER="${2}" shift 2 ;; --mode) LB_MODE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --net-cow-filesystem) Echo_warning "--net-cow-filesystem is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --net-cow-mountoptions) Echo_warning "--net-cow-mountoptions is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --net-cow-path) Echo_warning "--net-cow-path is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --net-cow-server) Echo_warning "--net-cow-server is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --net-root-filesystem) Echo_warning "--net-root-filesystem is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --net-root-mountoptions) Echo_warning "--net-root-mountoptions is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --net-root-path) Echo_warning "--net-root-path is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --net-root-server) Echo_warning "--net-root-server is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --net-tarball) LB_NET_TARBALL="${2}" shift 2 ;; --onie) LB_ONIE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --onie-kernel-cmdline) LB_ONIE_KERNEL_CMDLINE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --parent-archive-areas) LB_PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREAS="${2}" shift 2 ;; --parent-debian-installer-distribution) LB_PARENT_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_DISTRIBUTION="${2}" shift 2 ;; --parent-distribution) LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION="${2}" shift 2 ;; --parent-distribution-binary) LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION_BINARY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --parent-distribution-chroot) LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION_CHROOT="${2}" shift 2 ;; --parent-mirror-binary) LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BINARY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --parent-mirror-binary-security) LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BINARY_SECURITY="${2}" shift 2 ;; -m|--parent-mirror-bootstrap) LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP="${2}" shift 2 ;; --parent-mirror-chroot) LB_PARENT_MIRROR_CHROOT="${2}" shift 2 ;; --parent-mirror-chroot-security) LB_PARENT_MIRROR_CHROOT_SECURITY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --parent-mirror-debian-installer) LB_PARENT_MIRROR_DEBIAN_INSTALLER="${2}" shift 2 ;; --security) LB_SECURITY="${2}" shift 2 ;; --source) LB_SOURCE="${2}" shift 2 ;; -s|--source-images) LB_SOURCE_IMAGES="${2}" shift 2 ;; --swap-file-path) LB_SWAP_FILE_PATH="${2}" shift 2 ;; --swap-file-size) LB_SWAP_FILE_SIZE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --system) LB_SYSTEM="${2}" shift 2 ;; --tasksel) Echo_warning "--tasksel is an obsolete option" shift 2 ;; --uefi-secure-boot) LB_UEFI_SECURE_BOOT="${2}" shift 2 ;; --updates) LB_UPDATES="${2}" shift 2 ;; --win32-loader) LB_WIN32_LOADER="${2}" shift 2 ;; --zsync) LB_ZSYNC="${2}" shift 2 ;; # Other --) shift break ;; *) Echo_error "Internal error, unhandled option: %s" "${1}" exit 1 ;; esac done } # Processing args such that we have a value for --config if given # We can thus momentarily print an appropriate message that we are ignoring it under certain circumstances Local_arguments "${@}" # Ignoring --config if CWD is already a git repo # Only print warning from direct execution, not when run from auto script redirection, to avoid repetition if [ -e .git ] && [ -n "${_CONFIG}" ] then if [ "${1}" != "noauto" ] then Echo_message "Ignoring --config ${_CONFIG}: ${PWD} is already a git repository" fi _CONFIG="" fi # Ignoring --config if CWD already has a config # Only print warning from direct execution, not when run from auto script redirection, to avoid repetition if [ -e .build/config ] && [ -n "${_CONFIG}" ] then if [ "${1}" != "noauto" ] then Echo_message "Ignoring --config ${_CONFIG}: ${PWD} is already a live-build configuration tree" fi _CONFIG="" fi # Otherwise, handling --config request, copying specified config if [ -n "${_CONFIG}" ] then if [ -e "${_CONFIG}" ] || [ -e "/usr/share/live/images/${_CONFIG}" ] then if [ ! -e "${_CONFIG}" ] && [ -e "/usr/share/live/images/${_CONFIG}" ] then _CONFIG="/usr/share/live/images/${_CONFIG}" fi Echo_message "Copying ${_CONFIG}" tar -C "${_CONFIG}" -c . | tar -C ./ -x else _GIT_REPOSITORY="$(echo ${_CONFIG} | sed -e 's|::.*$||')" Echo_message "Cloning ${_GIT_REPOSITORY}" git clone ${_GIT_REPOSITORY} ./ if [ "${_GIT_REPOSITORY}" != "${_CONFIG}" ] then _GIT_BRANCH="$(echo ${_CONFIG} | awk -F\:\: '{ print $NF }')" Echo_message "Checking out ${_GIT_BRANCH}" git checkout ${_GIT_BRANCH} fi fi if [ -e auto/config ] then _EXTRA_OPTIONS="$(echo ${@} | sed -e "s|--config ${_GIT_REPOSITORY}::${_GIT_BRANCH}||g" -e "s|--config ${_GIT_REPOSITORY}||g")" Echo_message "The following extra options specified to lb config are going to be added to auto/config: ${_EXTRA_OPTIONS}" sed -i -e "s|\"\${@}\"|${_EXTRA_OPTIONS} \"\${@}\"|" auto/config fi fi # "Auto" script redirection. # Re-run via "auto" script to pick up saved command-line arguments, if not already redirected. # See the documentation of the Maybe_auto_redirect function for more details. if [ "${1}" = "noauto" ]; then shift else Maybe_auto_redirect config "${@}" fi # Reading config defaults configured at system level if ls /etc/live/build.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 || ls /etc/live/build/* > /dev/null 2>&1 then if [ "${_IGNORE_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS}" = "true" ]; then Echo_message "Ignoring defaults in %s" "/etc/live/build.conf" else Echo_message "Using defaults in %s" "/etc/live/build.conf" Read_conffiles /etc/live/build.conf /etc/live/build/* fi fi # Reading existing saved configuration Read_conffiles $(Common_config_files) # Processing arguments again to overwrite just-read previously saved settings as necessary Local_arguments "${@}" # Loading user specified saved config file if specified if [ -n "${_CONFFILE}" ] then Read_conffiles "${_CONFFILE}" fi # Setting and validating config Prepare_config Validate_config if [ "${_VALIDATE_MODE}" = "true" ]; then Echo_message "Validation check complete! Please address any problem notices given above." exit 0 fi # Creating or updating saved config if [ ! -e config ] then Echo_message "Creating config tree for a ${LB_MODE}/${LB_DISTRIBUTION_BINARY}/${LB_ARCHITECTURE} system" mkdir config else Echo_message "Updating config tree for a ${LB_MODE}/${LB_DISTRIBUTION_BINARY}/${LB_ARCHITECTURE} system" fi # Creating live-build configuration cat > config/common << EOF # config/common - common options for live-build(7) # Version of live-build used to build config (config format version) LB_CONFIGURATION_VERSION="${LB_CONFIGURATION_VERSION}" # Set package manager LB_APT="${LB_APT}" # Set apt/aptitude ftp proxy LB_APT_FTP_PROXY="${LB_APT_FTP_PROXY}" # Set apt/aptitude http proxy LB_APT_HTTP_PROXY="${LB_APT_HTTP_PROXY}" # Set apt/aptitude pipeline depth LB_APT_PIPELINE="${LB_APT_PIPELINE}" # Set apt/aptitude recommends LB_APT_RECOMMENDS="${LB_APT_RECOMMENDS}" # Set apt/aptitude security LB_APT_SECURE="${LB_APT_SECURE}" # Set apt/aptitude source entries in sources.list LB_APT_SOURCE_ARCHIVES="${LB_APT_SOURCE_ARCHIVES}" # Control cache LB_CACHE="${LB_CACHE}" # Control if downloaded package indices should be cached LB_CACHE_INDICES="${LB_CACHE_INDICES}" # Control if downloaded packages files should be cached LB_CACHE_PACKAGES="${LB_CACHE_PACKAGES}" # Control if completed stages should be cached LB_CACHE_STAGES="${LB_CACHE_STAGES}" # Set debconf(1) frontend to use LB_DEBCONF_FRONTEND="${LB_DEBCONF_FRONTEND}" # Set debconf(1) priority to use LB_DEBCONF_PRIORITY="${LB_DEBCONF_PRIORITY}" # Set initramfs hook LB_INITRAMFS="${LB_INITRAMFS}" # Set initramfs compression LB_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION="${LB_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION}" # Set init system LB_INITSYSTEM="${LB_INITSYSTEM}" # Set distribution mode LB_MODE="${LB_MODE}" # Set system type LB_SYSTEM="${LB_SYSTEM}" # Set base name of the image LB_IMAGE_NAME="${LB_IMAGE_NAME}" # Set options to use with apt APT_OPTIONS="${APT_OPTIONS}" # Set options to use with aptitude APTITUDE_OPTIONS="${APTITUDE_OPTIONS}" # Set options to use with debootstrap DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS="${DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS}" # Set script to use with debootstrap DEBOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT="${DEBOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT}" # Set options to use with gzip GZIP_OPTIONS="${GZIP_OPTIONS}" # live-build options # Enable breakpoints # If set here, overrides the command line option #_BREAKPOINTS="${_BREAKPOINTS}" # Enable debug # If set here, overrides the command line option #_DEBUG="${_DEBUG}" # Enable color # If set here, overrides the command line option #_COLOR="${_COLOR}" # Enable force # If set here, overrides the command line option #_FORCE="${_FORCE}" # Enable quiet # If set here, overrides the command line option #_QUIET="${_QUIET}" # Enable verbose # If set here, overrides the command line option #_VERBOSE="${_VERBOSE}" EOF # Creating lb_bootstrap_* configuration cat > config/bootstrap << EOF # config/bootstrap - options for live-build(7), bootstrap stage # Select architecture to use LB_ARCHITECTURE="${LB_ARCHITECTURE}" # Select distribution to use LB_DISTRIBUTION="${LB_DISTRIBUTION}" # Select parent distribution to use LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION="${LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION}" # Select distribution to use in the chroot LB_DISTRIBUTION_CHROOT="${LB_DISTRIBUTION_CHROOT}" # Select parent distribution to use in the chroot LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION_CHROOT="${LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION_CHROOT}" # Select distribution to use in the final image LB_DISTRIBUTION_BINARY="${LB_DISTRIBUTION_BINARY}" # Select parent distribution to use in the final image LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION_BINARY="${LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION_BINARY}" # Select parent distribution for debian-installer to use LB_PARENT_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_DISTRIBUTION="${LB_PARENT_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_DISTRIBUTION}" # Select archive areas to use LB_ARCHIVE_AREAS="${LB_ARCHIVE_AREAS}" # Select parent archive areas to use LB_PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREAS="${LB_PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREAS}" # Set parent mirror to bootstrap from LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP="${LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP}" # Set parent mirror to fetch packages from LB_PARENT_MIRROR_CHROOT="${LB_PARENT_MIRROR_CHROOT}" # Set security parent mirror to fetch packages from LB_PARENT_MIRROR_CHROOT_SECURITY="${LB_PARENT_MIRROR_CHROOT_SECURITY}" # Set parent mirror which ends up in the image LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BINARY="${LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BINARY}" # Set security parent mirror which ends up in the image LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BINARY_SECURITY="${LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BINARY_SECURITY}" # Set debian-installer parent mirror LB_PARENT_MIRROR_DEBIAN_INSTALLER="${LB_PARENT_MIRROR_DEBIAN_INSTALLER}" # Set mirror to bootstrap from LB_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP="${LB_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP}" # Set mirror to fetch packages from LB_MIRROR_CHROOT="${LB_MIRROR_CHROOT}" # Set security mirror to fetch packages from LB_MIRROR_CHROOT_SECURITY="${LB_MIRROR_CHROOT_SECURITY}" # Set mirror which ends up in the image LB_MIRROR_BINARY="${LB_MIRROR_BINARY}" # Set security mirror which ends up in the image LB_MIRROR_BINARY_SECURITY="${LB_MIRROR_BINARY_SECURITY}" # Set debian-installer mirror LB_MIRROR_DEBIAN_INSTALLER="${LB_MIRROR_DEBIAN_INSTALLER}" # Set architectures to use foreign bootstrap LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_ARCHITECTURE="${LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_ARCHITECTURE}" # Set packages to exclude during foreign bootstrap LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_EXCLUDE="${LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_EXCLUDE}" # Set static qemu binary for foreign bootstrap LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_STATIC="${LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_STATIC}" EOF # Creating lb_chroot_* configuration cat > config/chroot << EOF # config/chroot - options for live-build(7), chroot stage # Set chroot filesystem LB_CHROOT_FILESYSTEM="${LB_CHROOT_FILESYSTEM}" # Set union filesystem LB_UNION_FILESYSTEM="${LB_UNION_FILESYSTEM}" # Set interactive build LB_INTERACTIVE="${LB_INTERACTIVE}" # Set keyring packages LB_KEYRING_PACKAGES="${LB_KEYRING_PACKAGES}" # Set kernel flavour to use (with arch) LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS_WITH_ARCH="${LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS_WITH_ARCH}" # Set kernel packages to use LB_LINUX_PACKAGES="${LB_LINUX_PACKAGES}" # Enable security updates LB_SECURITY="${LB_SECURITY}" # Enable updates updates LB_UPDATES="${LB_UPDATES}" # Enable backports updates LB_BACKPORTS="${LB_BACKPORTS}" EOF # Creating lb_binary_* configuration cat > config/binary << EOF # config/binary - options for live-build(7), binary stage # Set image type LB_IMAGE_TYPE="${LB_IMAGE_TYPE}" # Set image filesystem LB_BINARY_FILESYSTEM="${LB_BINARY_FILESYSTEM}" # Set apt/aptitude generic indices LB_APT_INDICES="${LB_APT_INDICES}" # Set boot parameters LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE="${LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE}" # Set boot parameters LB_BOOTAPPEND_INSTALL="${LB_BOOTAPPEND_INSTALL}" # Set boot parameters LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE_FAILSAFE="${LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE_FAILSAFE}" # Set bootloaders LB_BOOTLOADERS="${LB_BOOTLOADERS}" # Set checksums LB_CHECKSUMS="${LB_CHECKSUMS}" # Set compression LB_COMPRESSION="${LB_COMPRESSION}" # Set zsync LB_ZSYNC="${LB_ZSYNC}" # Control if we build binary images chrooted # NEVER, *EVER*, *E*V*E*R* SET THIS OPTION to false. LB_BUILD_WITH_CHROOT="${LB_BUILD_WITH_CHROOT}" # Set debian-installer LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER="${LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER}" # Set debian-installer suite LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_DISTRIBUTION="${LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_DISTRIBUTION}" # Set debian-installer preseed filename/url LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_PRESEEDFILE="${LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_PRESEEDFILE}" # Toggle use of GUI debian-installer LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_GUI="${LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_GUI}" # Set hdd label LB_HDD_LABEL="${LB_HDD_LABEL}" # Set hdd filesystem size LB_HDD_SIZE="${LB_HDD_SIZE}" # Set start of partition for the hdd target for BIOSes that expect a specific boot partition start (e.g. "63s"). If empty, use optimal layout. LB_HDD_PARTITION_START="${LB_HDD_PARTITION_START}" # Set iso author LB_ISO_APPLICATION="${LB_ISO_APPLICATION}" # Set iso preparer LB_ISO_PREPARER="${LB_ISO_PREPARER}" # Set iso publisher LB_ISO_PUBLISHER="${LB_ISO_PUBLISHER}" # Set iso volume (max 32 chars) LB_ISO_VOLUME="${LB_ISO_VOLUME}" # Set jffs2 eraseblock size LB_JFFS2_ERASEBLOCK="" # Set memtest LB_MEMTEST="${LB_MEMTEST}" # Set loadlin LB_LOADLIN="${LB_LOADLIN}" # Set win32-loader LB_WIN32_LOADER="${LB_WIN32_LOADER}" # Set net tarball LB_NET_TARBALL="${LB_NET_TARBALL}" # Set onie LB_ONIE="${LB_ONIE}" # Set onie additional kernel cmdline options LB_ONIE_KERNEL_CMDLINE="${LB_ONIE_KERNEL_CMDLINE}" # Set inclusion of firmware packages in debian-installer LB_FIRMWARE_BINARY="${LB_FIRMWARE_BINARY}" # Set inclusion of firmware packages in the live image LB_FIRMWARE_CHROOT="${LB_FIRMWARE_CHROOT}" # Set swap file path LB_SWAP_FILE_PATH="${LB_SWAP_FILE_PATH}" # Set swap file size LB_SWAP_FILE_SIZE="${LB_SWAP_FILE_SIZE}" # Enable/disable UEFI secure boot support LB_UEFI_SECURE_BOOT="${LB_UEFI_SECURE_BOOT}" EOF # Creating lb_source_* configuration cat > config/source << EOF # config/source - options for live-build(7), source stage # Set source option LB_SOURCE="${LB_SOURCE}" # Set image type LB_SOURCE_IMAGES="${LB_SOURCE_IMAGES}" EOF mkdir -p auto mkdir -p config/apt mkdir -p config/archives mkdir -p config/bootloaders mkdir -p config/debian-installer mkdir -p config/hooks/live mkdir -p config/hooks/normal mkdir -p config/includes mkdir -p config/includes.binary mkdir -p config/includes.bootstrap mkdir -p config/includes.chroot mkdir -p config/includes.installer mkdir -p config/includes.source mkdir -p config/package-lists mkdir -p config/packages mkdir -p config/packages.binary mkdir -p config/packages.chroot mkdir -p config/preseed mkdir -p config/rootfs mkdir -p local/bin Echo_message "Symlinking hooks..." for _HOOK in "${LIVE_BUILD}"/share/hooks/normal/*.hook* /usr/share/live/build/hooks/normal/*.hook* do if [ -e "${_HOOK}" ] && [ ! -e "config/hooks/normal/$(basename ${_HOOK})" ] then ln -s "${_HOOK}" "config/hooks/normal/$(basename ${_HOOK})" fi done for _HOOK in "${LIVE_BUILD}"/share/hooks/live/*.hook* /usr/share/live/build/hooks/live/*.hook* do if [ -e "${_HOOK}" ] && [ ! -e "config/hooks/live/$(basename ${_HOOK})" ] then ln -s "${_HOOK}" "config/hooks/live/$(basename ${_HOOK})" fi done if [ ! -e config/package-lists/live.list.chroot ] then case "${LB_INITRAMFS}" in live-boot) echo "live-boot" > config/package-lists/live.list.chroot echo "live-config" >> config/package-lists/live.list.chroot case "${LB_INITSYSTEM}" in none) # do nothing ;; systemd) echo "live-config-systemd" >> config/package-lists/live.list.chroot ;; sysvinit) echo "live-config-${LB_INITSYSTEM}" >> config/package-lists/live.list.chroot echo "sysvinit-core" >> config/package-lists/live.list.chroot ;; esac ;; *) ;; esac fi # Remove empty directories (if user has requested via --clean) if [ "${_CLEAN}" = "true" ]; then # Note, the point of the error handling here is for avoiding failure and messy output # should a permissions failure block deletion. rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty auto >/dev/null 2>&1 || true rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty config/*/ >/dev/null 2>&1 || true rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty config >/dev/null 2>&1 || true rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty local/*/ >/dev/null 2>&1 || true rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty local >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi # Creating stage file Create_stagefile