#!/bin/sh ## live-build(7) - System Build Scripts ## Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org> ## ## This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. ## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. set -e # Including common functions [ -e "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" ] && . "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" || . /usr/lib/live/build.sh # Setting static variables DESCRIPTION="$(Echo 'bootstrap a Debian system with cdebootstrap(1)')" HELP="" USAGE="${PROGRAM} [--force]" Arguments "${@}" # Reading configuration files Read_conffiles config/all config/common config/bootstrap config/chroot config/binary config/source Set_defaults if [ "${LB_BOOTSTRAP}" != "cdebootstrap" ] && [ "${LB_BOOTSTRAP}" != "cdebootstrap-static" ] then exit 0 fi if [ ! -x "$(which cdebootstrap 2>/dev/null)" ] then echo "E: cdebootstrap - command not found" echo "I: cdebootstrap can be optained from http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/cdebootstrap/" echo "I: On Debian based systems, cdebootstrap can be installed with 'apt-get install debootstrap'." exit 1 fi # Check architecture Check_crossarchitectures Echo_message "Begin bootstrapping system..." Check_package /usr/bin/${LB_BOOTSTRAP} cdebootstrap # Ensure that a system is built as root lb testroot # Checking stage file Check_stagefile .build/bootstrap Check_stagefile .build/bootstrap_cache.restore # Checking lock file Check_lockfile .lock # Creating lock file Create_lockfile .lock # Creating chroot directory mkdir -p chroot # Setting cdebootstrap options if [ -n "${LB_ARCHITECTURES}" ] then CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS="${CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS} --arch=${LB_ARCHITECTURES}" fi if [ "${_DEBUG}" = "true" ] then CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS="${CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS} --debug" fi if [ "${_QUIET}" = "true" ] then CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS="${CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS} --quiet" fi if [ "${_VERBOSE}" = "true" ] then CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS="${CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS} --verbose" fi if [ "${LB_APT_SECURE}" = "false" ] then CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS="${CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS} --allow-unauthenticated" fi if [ -x "/usr/bin/cdebootstrap" ] || [ -x "/usr/bin/cdebootstrap-static" ] then if [ "${LB_CACHE_PACKAGES}" = "true" ] then if ls cache/packages.bootstrap/*.deb > /dev/null 2>&1 then mkdir -p chroot/var/cache/bootstrap cp cache/packages.bootstrap/*.deb chroot/var/cache/bootstrap fi Echo_breakage "Running ${LB_BOOTSTRAP} (download-only)... " ${LB_ROOT_COMMAND} ${LB_BOOTSTRAP} ${CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS} --download-only "${LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION}" chroot "${LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP}" if [ -n "${LB_ROOT_COMMAND}" ] then ${LB_ROOT_COMMAND} chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) chroot fi # Removing old cache rm -f cache/packages.bootstrap/*.deb # Saving new cache mkdir -p cache/packages.bootstrap cp chroot/var/cache/bootstrap/*.deb cache/packages.bootstrap fi Echo_breakage "Running ${LB_BOOTSTRAP}... " # Run appropriate bootstrap, i.e. foreign or regular bootstrap if [ "${LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_ARCHITECTURES}" = "${LB_ARCHITECTURES}" ]; then if [ -n "${LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_EXCLUDE}" ] then CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS="${CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS} --exclude=$(echo ${LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_EXCLUDE} | sed 's| *|,|g')" fi Echo_message "Bootstrap will be foreign" ${LB_ROOT_COMMAND} ${LB_BOOTSTRAP} ${CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS} --foreign "${LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION}" chroot "${LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP}" Echo_message "Running debootstrap second stage under QEMU" cp ${LB_BOOTSTRAP_QEMU_STATIC} chroot/usr/bin Chroot chroot /bin/sh /sbin/cdebootstrap-foreign else ${LB_ROOT_COMMAND} ${LB_BOOTSTRAP} ${CDEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS} "${LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION}" chroot "${LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP}" fi if [ -n "${LB_ROOT_COMMAND}" ] then ${LB_ROOT_COMMAND} chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) chroot fi # Deconfiguring cdebootstrap configurations rm -f chroot/etc/apt/sources.list rm -f chroot/etc/hosts rm -f chroot/etc/resolv.conf # Removing bootstrap cache rm -rf chroot/var/cache/bootstrap # Creating stage file Create_stagefile .build/bootstrap else Echo_error "Can't process file /usr/bin/${LB_BOOTSTRAP} (FIXME)" exit 1 fi