#!/bin/sh ## live-build(7) - System Build Scripts ## Copyright (C) 2016-2020 The Debian Live team ## Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Daniel Baumann ## ## This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. ## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. set -e # Including common functions [ -e "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" ] && . "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" || . /usr/lib/live/build.sh # Setting static variables DESCRIPTION="Installs grub-legacy into binary" USAGE="${PROGRAM} [--force]" # Processing arguments and configuration files Init_config_data "${@}" Check_First_Bootloader_Role "grub-legacy" Echo_message "Begin installing grub-legacy..." # Requiring stage file Require_stagefile config bootstrap # Checking stage file Check_stagefile # Acquire lock file Acquire_lockfile # Check architecture Check_architectures amd64 i386 Check_crossarchitectures # Checking depends Check_package chroot /usr/sbin/grub grub-legacy # Restoring cache Restore_package_cache binary # Installing depends Install_package # Local functions Grub_live_entry () { local LABEL="${1}" local KERNEL="${2}" local INITRD="${3}" local APPEND="${4}" LINUX_LIVE="${LINUX_LIVE}\ntitle\t\tDebian GNU/Linux - ${LABEL}" LINUX_LIVE="${LINUX_LIVE}\nkernel\t\t/${KERNEL} ${INITFS:+boot=${INITFS} }config LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE ${APPEND}" LINUX_LIVE="${LINUX_LIVE}\ninitrd\t\t/${INITRD}" } Grub_install_entry () { local LABEL="${1}" local KERNEL="${2}" local INITRD="${3}" local APPEND="${4}" local APPEND="${APPEND} LB_BOOTAPPEND_INSTALL" if [ "${LABEL}" != "expert" ] && [ "${LABEL}" != "expertgui" ]; then APPEND="${APPEND} --- quiet" fi LINUX_INSTALL="${LINUX_INSTALL}\ntitle\t\tDebian GNU/Linux - ${LABEL}" LINUX_INSTALL="${LINUX_INSTALL}\nkernel\t\t/${KERNEL} ${APPEND}" LINUX_INSTALL="${LINUX_INSTALL}\ninitrd\t\t/${INITRD}" } if [ -e "config/bootloaders/grub-legacy" ] then # Internal local copy _SOURCE="config/bootloaders/grub-legacy" else # Internal system copy if [ -n "${LIVE_BUILD}" ] then _SOURCE="${LIVE_BUILD}/share/bootloaders/grub-legacy" else _SOURCE="/usr/share/live/build/bootloaders/grub-legacy" fi fi case "${LB_INITRAMFS}" in live-boot) INITFS="live" ;; *) INITFS="" ;; esac # Setting destination directory case "${LIVE_IMAGE_TYPE}" in iso*|tar) case "${LB_INITRAMFS}" in live-boot) DESTDIR_LIVE="binary/live" ;; *) DESTDIR_LIVE="binary/boot" ;; esac DESTDIR_INSTALL="binary/install" ;; hdd*|netboot) Echo_warning "Bootloader in this image type not yet supported by live-build." Echo_error "This would produce a not bootable image, aborting (FIXME)." exit 1 ;; esac # Creating directory mkdir -p "${DESTDIR_LIVE}" # Setting boot parameters if [ "${LB_UNION_FILESYSTEM}" != "overlay" ] then LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE="${LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE} union=${LB_UNION_FILESYSTEM}" fi if [ -n "${LB_NET_COW_PATH}" ] then Echo_error "Net cow not yet supported on grub-legacy" exit 1 fi LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE="$(echo ${LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE} | sed -e 's| ||')" # Assembling kernel configuration # Default entries DEFAULT_FLAVOUR="$(echo ${LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS} | awk '{ print $1 }')" DEFAULT_KERNEL="$(basename chroot/boot/vmlinuz-*${DEFAULT_FLAVOUR})" DEFAULT_INITRD="initrd.img-$(echo ${DEFAULT_KERNEL} | sed -e 's|vmlinuz-||')" Grub_live_entry "live" "$(basename ${DESTDIR_LIVE})/${DEFAULT_KERNEL}" "$(basename ${DESTDIR_LIVE})/${DEFAULT_INITRD}" "${LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE}" if [ "${LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE_FAILSAFE}" != "none" ] then Grub_live_entry "live (fail-safe mode)" "$(basename ${DESTDIR_LIVE})/${DEFAULT_KERNEL}" "$(basename ${DESTDIR_LIVE})/${DEFAULT_INITRD}" "${LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE_FAILSAFE}" fi for KERNEL in chroot/boot/vmlinuz-* do VERSION="$(basename ${KERNEL} | sed -e 's|vmlinuz-||')" Grub_live_entry "live, kernel ${VERSION}" "$(basename ${DESTDIR_LIVE})/$(basename ${KERNEL})" "$(basename ${DESTDIR_LIVE})/initrd.img-${VERSION}" "${LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE}" Grub_live_entry "live, kernel ${VERSION} (fail-safe mode)" "$(basename ${DESTDIR_LIVE})/$(basename ${KERNEL})" "$(basename ${DESTDIR_LIVE})/initrd.img-${VERSION}" "${LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE_FAILSAFE}" done LINUX_LIVE="$(/bin/echo ${LINUX_LIVE} | sed -e 's|binary||g' -e 's|//|/|g')" # Assembling debian-installer configuration if [ "${LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER}" != "none" ] then LINUX_LIVE="title\t\tLive:\nroot\n\n${LINUX_LIVE}" LINUX_INSTALL="title\t\tInstaller:\nroot" VMLINUZ_DI="install/vmlinuz" INITRD_DI="install/initrd.gz" APPEND_DI="vga=normal" VMLINUZ_GI="install/gtk/vmlinuz" INITRD_GI="install/gtk/initrd.gz" APPEND_GI="video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=788" if [ -f "binary/${VMLINUZ_GI}" ] && [ -f "binary/${INITRD_GI}" ] then Grub_install_entry "GUI Install" "${VMLINUZ_GI}" "${INITRD_GI}" "${APPEND_GI}" Grub_install_entry "GUI Expert" "${VMLINUZ_GI}" "${INITRD_GI}" "priority=low ${APPEND_GI}" Grub_install_entry "GUI Rescue" "${VMLINUZ_GI}" "${INITRD_GI}" "rescue/enable=true ${APPEND_GI}" Grub_install_entry "GUI Auto" "${VMLINUZ_GI}" "${INITRD_GI}" "auto=true priority=critical ${APPEND_GI}" # Note, the following speech synthesis entry deliberately uses graphical kernel, but normal video params, copying the official Debian install disc Grub_install_entry "GUI Install with speech synthesis" "${VMLINUZ_GI}" "${INITRD_GI}" "speakup.synth=soft ${APPEND_GI}" fi if [ -f "binary/${VMLINUZ_DI}" ] && [ -f "binary/${INITRD_DI}" ] then Grub_install_entry "Text Install" "${VMLINUZ_DI}" "${INITRD_DI}" "${APPEND_DI}" Grub_install_entry "Text Expert" "${VMLINUZ_DI}" "${INITRD_DI}" "priority=low ${APPEND_DI}" Grub_install_entry "Text Rescue" "${VMLINUZ_DI}" "${INITRD_DI}" "rescue/enable=true ${APPEND_DI}" Grub_install_entry "Text Auto" "${VMLINUZ_DI}" "${INITRD_DI}" "auto=true priority=critical ${APPEND_DI}" fi fi LINUX_INSTALL="$(/bin/echo ${LINUX_INSTALL} | sed -e 's|binary||g' -e 's|//|/|g')" # Assembling memtest configuration if [ -f "${DESTDIR_LIVE}"/memtest ] then MEMTEST="title\t\tOther:\nroot" MEMTEST="${MEMTEST}\n\ntitle\t\t${LB_MEMTEST}\nkernel\t\t/$(basename ${DESTDIR_LIVE})/memtest" MEMTEST="$(/bin/echo ${MEMTEST} | sed -e 's|//|/|g')" fi # Copying templates mkdir -p binary/boot/grub cp -r "${_SOURCE}"/* binary/boot/grub case ${LIVE_IMAGE_TYPE} in iso*) FILES="chroot/usr/lib/grub/*/stage2_eltorito" ;; hdd*|tar) FILES="chroot/usr/lib/grub/*/stage1 chroot/usr/lib/grub/*/e2fs_stage1_5 chroot/usr/lib/grub/*/stage2" ;; esac if [ "${LB_BUILD_WITH_CHROOT}" = "false" ] then FILES="$(echo ${FILES} | sed -e 's|chroot||g')" fi # Copying grub cp ${FILES} binary/boot/grub sed -i -e "s|LINUX_LIVE|${LINUX_LIVE}|" -e "s|LINUX_INSTALL|${LINUX_INSTALL}|" -e "s|MEMTEST|${MEMTEST}|" binary/boot/grub/menu.lst sed -i -e "s#LB_BOOTAPPEND_INSTALL#${LB_BOOTAPPEND_INSTALL}#" binary/boot/grub/menu.lst sed -i -e 's|\ $||g' binary/boot/grub/menu.lst # Saving cache Save_package_cache binary # Removing depends Remove_package # Creating stage file Create_stagefile