480 lines
28 KiB
Executable File
480 lines
28 KiB
Executable File
if ! command -v equivs-build > /dev/null; then
echo "Install equivs"
exit 1
if ! command -v reprepro > /dev/null; then
echo "Install reprepro"
exit 1
if ! command -v shunit2 > /dev/null; then
echo "Install shunit2"
exit 1
if ! command -v faketime > /dev/null; then
echo "Install faketime"
exit 1
function create_packages () {
# Create package generator files
cat << EOF > package
Source: live-testpackage-$1-main
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 4.7.0
Package: live-testpackage-$1-main
Version: 1.0
Maintainer: Debian Live <debian-live@lists.debian.org>
Depends: live-testpackage-$1-dependency
Architecture: all
File: /etc/live-testpackage/testpackage-$1-main-file 644
live-testpackage-$1-main has been installed
Description: Test package for testing the inclusion in live images
Tests dependency chain
Package live-testpackage-$1-dependency should be automatically installed and removed too
faketime -f "$(date --utc -d@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ')" equivs-build package
cat << EOF > package
Source: live-testpackage-$1-dependency
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 4.7.0
Package: live-testpackage-$1-dependency
Version: 1.0
Maintainer: Debian Live <debian-live@lists.debian.org>
Architecture: all
File: /etc/live-testpackage/testpackage-$1-dependency-file 644
The dependency for live-testpackage-$1-main has been installed
Description: Test package for testing the inclusion in live images
Tests dependency chain
This package should be automatically installed and removed too
faketime -f "$(date --utc -d@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ')" equivs-build package
rm package
function create_repository () {
# See https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/SetupWithReprepro
# Collect in a repository
rm -fr testrepository-$1
mkdir -p testrepository-$1/conf
touch testrepository-$1/conf/options
cat << EOF > testrepository-$1/conf/distributions
Origin: Test_repository_for_testing_external_sources
Label: Test_repository_for_testing_external_sources
Codename: nondebian
Architectures: amd64 source
Components: mymain
Description: Test repository for testing external sources
create_packages $1
reprepro -b testrepository-$1 includedeb nondebian live-testpackage-$1-main_1.0_all.deb
reprepro -b testrepository-$1 includedeb nondebian live-testpackage-$1-dependency_1.0_all.deb
function mountSquashfs() {
assertTrue "ISO image has been generated" "[ -e live-image-amd64.hybrid.iso ]"
mkdir iso squashfs
mount live-image-amd64.hybrid.iso iso -oro
mount iso/live/filesystem.squashfs squashfs -oro
function unmountSquashfs() {
umount squashfs
umount iso
rmdir iso squashfs
function oneTimeSetUp() {
# Speed up, because there is no compression of the ISO file
export MKSQUASHFS_OPTIONS=-no-compression
function setUp() {
# Create a test configuration
lb clean --purge
rm -fr config
# Slight speedup: --zsync, --firmware-chroot, --cache
lb config --distribution unstable --zsync false --firmware-chroot false --cache false
function build_image() {
# Speed up
export MKSQUASHFS_OPTIONS=-no-compression
# Perform the build
lb build
if [ -e live-image-amd64.hybrid.iso ]
sha256sum --tag live-image-amd64.hybrid.iso
function test_snapshot_with_mirror_bootstrap() {
# Rebuild the configuration, as many mirror settings depend on eachother
lb clean --purge
rm -fr config
# Slight speedup: --zsync, --firmware-chroot, --cache
lb config --distribution unstable --zsync false --firmware-chroot false --cache false --mirror-bootstrap http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20240701T000000Z/ --mirror-binary http://deb.debian.org/debian/
# Insider knowledge of live-build:
# Add '-o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false', to allow for rebuilds of older timestamps
sed -i -e '/^APT_OPTIONS=/s/--yes/--yes -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false/' config/common
assertTrue "Sources.list mentions deb.d.o" "grep -q 'http://deb.debian.org/debian' squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/deb\.debian\.org_debian_dists_unstable_main_binary-amd64_Packages ]"
assertTrue "The kernel from the snapshot is used" "grep -q '^linux-image-6\.9\.7-amd64' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "The kernel from the snapshot will be booted" "[ -e squashfs/boot/vmlinuz-6.9.7-amd64 ]"
function test_preexisting_package_inclusion_chroot() {
# Why this package?
# - It has only a few dependencies
# - It is not present in the small image
echo "hwdata" > config/package-lists/config-package-lists-chroot.list.chroot
assertTrue "Main package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^hwdata' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^pci.ids' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^hwdata' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^pci.ids' chroot.packages.live"
assertFalse "Main package stays after installation" "grep -q '^hwdata' iso/live/filesystem.packages-remove"
assertFalse "Dependency package stays after installation" "grep -q '^pci\.ids' iso/live/filesystem.packages-remove"
assertFalse "No package pool should be generated" "[ -e iso/pool ]"
assertFalse "Package pool is not listed in /etc/apt/sources.list" "grep -q 'file:/run/live/medium' squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list"
function test_preexisting_package_inclusion_chroot_live() {
# Why this package?
# - It has only a few dependencies
# - It is not present in the small image
echo "hwdata" > config/package-lists/config-package-lists-chroot-live.list.chroot_live
assertFalse "Main package is not installed (install)" "grep -q '^hwdata' chroot.packages.install"
assertFalse "Dependency package is not installed (install)" "grep -q '^pci.ids' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^hwdata' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^pci.ids' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Main package will be removed after installation" "grep -q '^hwdata' iso/live/filesystem.packages-remove"
assertTrue "Dependency package will be removed after installation" "grep -q '^pci\.ids' iso/live/filesystem.packages-remove"
assertFalse "No package pool should be generated" "[ -e iso/pool ]"
assertFalse "Package pool is not listed in /etc/apt/sources.list" "grep -q 'file:/run/live/medium' squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list"
# Effectively is a duplicate of test_preexisting_package_inclusion_chroot
function test_preexisting_package_inclusion_chroot_install() {
# Why this package?
# - It has only a few dependencies
# - It is not present in the small image
echo "hwdata" > config/package-lists/config-package-lists-chroot-live.list.chroot_install
assertTrue "Main package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^hwdata' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^pci.ids' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^hwdata' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^pci.ids' chroot.packages.live"
assertFalse "Main package stays after installation" "grep -q '^hwdata' iso/live/filesystem.packages-remove"
assertFalse "Dependency package stays after installation" "grep -q '^pci\.ids' iso/live/filesystem.packages-remove"
assertFalse "No package pool should be generated" "[ -e iso/pool ]"
assertFalse "Package pool is not listed in /etc/apt/sources.list" "grep -q 'file:/run/live/medium' squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list"
function test_preexisting_package_inclusion_unspecified_chroot_or_binary() {
# Why this package?
# - It has only a few dependencies
# - It is not present in the small image
echo "hwdata" > config/package-lists/config-package-lists-chroot.list
assertTrue "Main package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^hwdata' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^pci.ids' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^hwdata' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^pci.ids' chroot.packages.live"
assertFalse "Main package stays after installation" "grep -q '^hwdata' iso/live/filesystem.packages-remove"
assertFalse "Dependency package stays after installation" "grep -q '^pci\.ids' iso/live/filesystem.packages-remove"
assertTrue "Main package should be in the pool" "[ -e iso/pool/main/h/hwdata/hwdata_*_all.deb ]"
assertTrue "Dependency package should be in the pool" "[ -e iso/pool/main/p/pci.ids/pci.ids_*_all.deb ]"
assertTrue "Package pool is listed in /etc/apt/sources.list" "grep -q 'file:/run/live/medium' squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present: Release" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/_run_live_medium_dists_unstable_Release ]"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present: Packages" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/_run_live_medium_dists_unstable_main_binary-amd64_Packages ]"
function test_preexisting_package_inclusion_binary() {
# Why this package?
# - It has only a few dependencies
# - It is not present in the small image
echo "hwdata" > config/package-lists/config-package-lists-chroot.list.binary
assertFalse "Main package is not installed (install)" "grep -q '^hwdata' chroot.packages.install"
assertFalse "Dependency package is not installed (install)" "grep -q '^pci.ids' chroot.packages.install"
assertFalse "Main package is not installed (live)" "grep -q '^hwdata' chroot.packages.live"
assertFalse "Dependency package is not installed (live)" "grep -q '^pci.ids' chroot.packages.live"
assertFalse "Main package stays after installation" "grep -q '^hwdata' iso/live/filesystem.packages-remove"
assertFalse "Dependency package stays after installation" "grep -q '^pci\.ids' iso/live/filesystem.packages-remove"
assertTrue "Main package should be in the pool" "[ -e iso/pool/main/h/hwdata/hwdata_*_all.deb ]"
assertTrue "Dependency package should be in the pool" "[ -e iso/pool/main/p/pci.ids/pci.ids_*_all.deb ]"
assertTrue "Package pool is listed in /etc/apt/sources.list" "grep -q 'file:/run/live/medium' squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present: Release" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/_run_live_medium_dists_unstable_Release ]"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present: Packages" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/_run_live_medium_dists_unstable_main_binary-amd64_Packages ]"
# Untested:
# 8.2.5 Generated package lists
# 8.2.6 Using conditionals inside package lists
function test_direct_inclusion_of_deb_unspecified_chroot_or_binary() {
create_packages config-packages
cp live-testpackage-config-packages-main_1.0_all.deb config/packages
cp live-testpackage-config-packages-dependency_1.0_all.deb config/packages
assertTrue "Packaged file for main package should be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-packages-main-file$' chroot.files"
assertTrue "Packaged file for dependency package should be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-packages-dependency-file$' chroot.files"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-main' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-dependency' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-main' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-dependency' chroot.packages.live"
function test_direct_inclusion_of_deb_binary() {
create_packages config-packages-binary
cp live-testpackage-config-packages-binary-main_1.0_all.deb config/packages.binary
cp live-testpackage-config-packages-binary-dependency_1.0_all.deb config/packages.binary
# config/packages.binary is only used when an installer is requested
lb config --debian-installer live
assertFalse "Packaged file for main package should not be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-packages-binary-main-file$' chroot.files"
assertFalse "Packaged file for dependency package should not be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-packages-binary-dependency-file$' chroot.files"
assertFalse "Main package is not installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-binary-main' chroot.packages.install"
assertFalse "Dependency package is not installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-binary-dependency' chroot.packages.install"
assertFalse "Main package is not installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-binary-main' chroot.packages.live"
assertFalse "Dependency package is not installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-binary-dependency' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Main package should be in the pool" "[ -e iso/pool/main/l/live-testpackage-config-packages-binary-main/live-testpackage-config-packages-binary-main_1.0_all.deb ]"
assertTrue "Dependency package should be in the pool" "[ -e iso/pool/main/l/live-testpackage-config-packages-binary-dependency/live-testpackage-config-packages-binary-dependency_1.0_all.deb ]"
assertTrue "Package pool is listed in /etc/apt/sources.list" "grep -q 'file:/run/live/medium' squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present: Release" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/_run_live_medium_dists_unstable_Release ]"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present: Packages" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/_run_live_medium_dists_unstable_main_binary-amd64_Packages ]"
function test_direct_inclusion_of_deb_chroot() {
create_packages config-packages-chroot
cp live-testpackage-config-packages-chroot-main_1.0_all.deb config/packages.chroot
cp live-testpackage-config-packages-chroot-dependency_1.0_all.deb config/packages.chroot
assertTrue "Packaged file for main package should be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-packages-chroot-main-file$' chroot.files"
assertTrue "Packaged file for dependency package should be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-packages-chroot-dependency-file$' chroot.files"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-chroot-main' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-chroot-dependency' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-chroot-main' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-packages-chroot-dependency' chroot.packages.live"
function test_remote_repository_unspecified_choot_or_binary() {
cat << EOF > config/archives/remote-config-archives-list.list
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg.key.gpg] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble main
# We need something that is not in Debian.
# Let's use the live image building tool from Ubuntu ;-)
echo "casper" > config/package-lists/remote-config-archives-list.list
# Manually fetch the key for Ubuntu
wget --quiet https://salsa.debian.org/debian/ubuntu-keyring/-/raw/master/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg?ref_type=heads -O config/archives/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg.key
assertTrue "Package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^casper' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^casper' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Sources list should be present" "[ -e squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list.d/remote-config-archives-list.list ]"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_binary-amd64_Packages ]"
function test_remote_repository_chroot() {
cat << EOF > config/archives/remote-config-archives-list-chroot.list
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg.key.chroot.gpg] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble main
# We need something that is not in Debian.
# Let's use the live image building tool from Ubuntu ;-)
echo "casper" > config/package-lists/remote-config-archives-list-chroot.list.chroot
# Manually fetch the key for Ubuntu
wget --quiet https://salsa.debian.org/debian/ubuntu-keyring/-/raw/master/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg?ref_type=heads -O config/archives/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg.key.chroot
assertTrue "Package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^casper' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^casper' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Sources list should be present" "[ -e squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list.d/remote-config-archives-list-chroot.list ]"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_binary-amd64_Packages ]"
function test_remote_repository_binary() {
cat << EOF > config/archives/remote-config-archives-list-binary.list.binary
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg.key.binary.gpg] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble main
# We need something that is not in Debian.
# Let's use the live image building tool from Ubuntu ;-)
echo "casper" > config/package-lists/remote-config-archives-list-binary.list.binary
# Manually fetch the key for Ubuntu
wget --quiet https://salsa.debian.org/debian/ubuntu-keyring/-/raw/master/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg?ref_type=heads -O config/archives/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg.key.binary
assertFalse "Package is not installed (install)" "grep -q '^casper' chroot.packages.install"
assertFalse "Package is not installed (live)" "grep -q '^casper' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Sources list should be present" "[ -e squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list.d/remote-config-archives-list-binary.list ]"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_binary-amd64_Packages ]"
assertTrue "Package should be in the pool" "find iso | grep 'iso/pool/main/c/casper/casper_.*_amd64\.deb'"
function test_local_repository_unspecified_chroot_or_binary() {
create_repository config-archives-list
cat << EOF > config/archives/my_repro-config-archives-list.list
deb [trusted=yes] file://$(pwd)/testrepository-config-archives-list nondebian mymain
echo "live-testpackage-config-archives-list-main" > config/package-lists/my_repro-config-archives-list.list
assertNotNull "Not implemented yet: fails at bootstrap_archives at the moment" ""
assertTrue "Packaged file for main package should be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-archives-list-main-file$' chroot.files"
assertTrue "Packaged file for dependency package should be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-archives-list-dependency-file$' chroot.files"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-main' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-dependency' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-main' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-dependency' chroot.packages.live"
# The following files should not be present
# -> however, they currently are, because there is not detection whether the repo is reachable from within the running live environment
# -> this will result in an error message when 'apt-get update' is run in the live environment
# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/my_repro-config-archives-list.list
# /var/lib/apt/lists/_*_testrepository-config-archives-list-*_Release
# /var/lib/apt/lists/_*_testrepository-config-archives-list-*_Packages
assertFalse "Sources list should not be present" "[ -e squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list.d/my_repro-config-archives-list.list ]"
assertFalse "Sources list meta info should not be present" "find squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists | grep -q 'squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/_*_testrepository-config-archives-list-'"
function test_local_repository_chroot() {
create_repository config-archives-list-chroot
cat << EOF > config/archives/my_repro-config-archives-list-chroot.list.chroot
deb [trusted=yes] file://$(pwd)/testrepository-config-archives-list-chroot nondebian mymain
echo "live-testpackage-config-archives-list-chroot-main" > config/package-lists/my_repro-config-archives-list-chroot.list.chroot
assertNotNull "Not implemented yet: fails at bootstrap_archives at the moment" ""
assertTrue "Packaged file for main package should be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-archives-list-chroot-main-file$' chroot.files"
assertTrue "Packaged file for dependency package should be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-archives-list-chroot-dependency-file$' chroot.files"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-chroot-main' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-chroot-dependency' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-chroot-main' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-chroot-dependency' chroot.packages.live"
# The following files should not be present
# -> however, they currently are, because there is not detection whether the repo is reachable from within the running live environment
# -> this will result in an error message when 'apt-get update' is run in the live environment
# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/my_repro-config-archives-list-chroot.list
# /var/lib/apt/lists/_*_testrepository-config-archives-list-chroot-*_Release
# /var/lib/apt/lists/_*_testrepository-config-archives-list-chroot-*_Packages
assertFalse "Sources list should not be present" "[ -e squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list.d/my_repro-config-archives-list-chroot.list ]"
assertFalse "Sources list meta info should not be present" "find squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists | grep -q 'squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/_*_testrepository-config-archives-list-chroot-'"
function test_local_repository_binary() {
# Skip the .list.binary scenario for now
# -> the bind mount is not activated properly
create_repository config-archives-list-binary
cat << EOF > config/archives/my_repro-config-archives.list-binary.list.binary
deb [trusted=yes] file://$(pwd)/testrepository-config-archives-list-binary nondebian mymain
echo "live-testpackage-config-archives-list-binary-main" > config/package-lists/my_repro-config-archives-list-binary.list.binary
assertNotNull "Not implemented yet: fails at lb chroot_prep remove all mode-archives-chroot with step lb chroot_archives chroot remove at the moment" ""
assertFalse "Packaged file for main package should not be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-archives-list-binary-main-file$' chroot.files"
assertFalse "Packaged file for dependency package should not be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-archives-list-binary-dependency-file$' chroot.files"
assertFalse "Main package is not installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-binary-main' chroot.packages.install"
assertFalse "Dependency package is not installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-binary-dependency' chroot.packages.install"
assertFalse "Main package is not installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-binary-main' chroot.packages.live"
assertFalse "Dependency package is not installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-archives-list-binary-dependency' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Main package should be in the pool" "[ -e iso/pool/main/l/live-testpackage-config-archives-list-binary-main/live-testpackage-config-archives-list-binary-main_1.0_all.deb ]"
assertTrue "Dependency package should be in the pool" "[ -e iso/pool/main/l/live-testpackage-config-archives-list-binary-dependency/live-testpackage-config-archives-list-binary-dependency_1.0_all.deb ]"
assertTrue "Package pool is listed in /etc/apt/sources.list" "grep -q 'file:/run/live/medium' squashfs/etc/apt/sources.list"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present: Release" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/_run_live_medium_dists_unstable_Release ]"
assertTrue "Sources list meta info should be present: Packages" "[ -e squashfs/var/lib/apt/lists/_run_live_medium_dists_unstable_main_binary-amd64_Packages ]"
function test_embedded_repository() {
# An embedded repository scenario
# -> it fails in the bootstrap phase, because the files are copied later in the chroot step!
create_repository config-opt-extra-repo
mkdir -p config/includes.chroot_before_packages/opt/extrarepo/dists
mkdir -p config/includes.chroot_before_packages/opt/extrarepo/pool
cp -a testrepository-config-opt-extra-repo/dists/* config/includes.chroot_before_packages/opt/extrarepo/dists
cp -a testrepository-config-opt-extra-repo/pool/* config/includes.chroot_before_packages/opt/extrarepo/pool
# Note it uses '.list', because the repository should be functional after the chroot is sealed
cat << EOF > config/archives/my_repro-config-opt-extra-repo.list
deb [trusted=yes] file:///opt/extrarepo nondebian mymain
echo "live-testpackage-config-opt-extra-repo-main" > config/package-lists/my_repro-config-opt-extra-repo.list
assertNotNull "Not implemented yet: fails at bootstrap_archives at the moment" ""
# Current issue: the /etc/apt/sources.list.d entry gets removed, but the index files and the packages are installed in the chroot
assertTrue "Packaged file for main package should be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-opt-extra-repo-main-file$' chroot.files"
assertTrue "Packaged file for dependency package should be present" "grep -q '^-rw-r--r--.* testpackage-config-opt-extra-repo-dependency-file$' chroot.files"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-opt-extra-repo-main' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (install)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-opt-extra-repo-dependency' chroot.packages.install"
assertTrue "Main package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-opt-extra-repo-main' chroot.packages.live"
assertTrue "Dependency package is installed (live)" "grep -q '^live-testpackage-config-opt-extra-repo-dependency' chroot.packages.live"
function test_derivatives() {
# Rebuild the configuration, as many mirror settings depend on eachother
#lb clean --purge
#rm -fr config
# Slight speedup: --zsync, --firmware-chroot, --cache
#lb config --distribution unstable --zsync false --firmware-chroot false --cache false
# Let's not test --parent-distribution-chroot at the moment:
# --apt-secure false --parent-mirror-chroot file://localhost$(pwd)/testrepository --parent-distribution-chroot nondebian --parent-archive-areas mymain --mirror-chroot http://deb.debian.org/debian --distribution-chroot debian --archive-areas main --parent-mirror-bootstrap file://localhost$(pwd)/testrepository
# --apt-secure false --mirror-chroot file://localhost$(pwd)/testrepository-mirror-chroot --distribution-chroot nondebian --archive-areas mymain --parent-mirror-chroot http://deb.debian.org/debian --parent-distribution-chroot unstable --parent-archive-areas main
assertNotNull "Not implemented (yet): this can be quite complicated" ""
SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH="${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH:-$(date --utc '+%s')}"
ISO8601_TIMESTAMP=$(date --utc -d@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)
. shunit2 2> logfile_${ISO8601_TIMESTAMP}.stderr | tee logfile_${ISO8601_TIMESTAMP}.stdout
egrep "ASSERT|FAILED|OK|shunit2|test_|SHA256" logfile_${ISO8601_TIMESTAMP}.stdout | tee logfile_${ISO8601_TIMESTAMP}.summary