void-mklive - The Void Linux live image maker This is a simple shell script to build a live image for the Void linux distribution. The images contain the void-installer package to be able to install Void linux to storage disks. Usage: vmklive [options] Options: -C file Path to configuration file (defaults to ~/.mklive.conf) -c (gzip|bzip2|xz) Compression type for the squashfs/initramfs image. -k version Kernel version to use. -o outfile Output file name for the ISO image. -s splash Splash image file for isolinux. -v volname ISO Volume name. * If -k not specified it will use $(uname -r) by default. * The first time it is executed a config file will be created (~/mklive.conf). * It's assumed that void-mklive is executed in a Void Linux system. Take a look at the configuration file (~/mklive.conf) to tweak some default parameters in the generated image. -- Juan RP