#!/bin/sh set -e # These functions pulled from void's excellent mklive.sh VAI_info_msg() { printf "\033[1m%s\n\033[m" "$@" } VAI_print_step() { CURRENT_STEP=$((CURRENT_STEP+1)) VAI_info_msg "[${CURRENT_STEP}/${STEP_COUNT}] $*" } # ----------------------- Install Functions ------------------------ VAI_welcome() { clear printf "=============================================================\n" printf "================ Void Linux Auto-Installer ==================\n" printf "=============================================================\n" } VAI_get_address() { mkdir -p /var/lib/dhclient # This will fork, but it means that over a slow link the DHCP # lease will still be maintained. It also doesn't have a # hard-coded privsep user in it like dhcpcd. dhclient } VAI_partition_disk() { # Paritition Disk sfdisk "${disk}" < "${target}/etc/sudoers.d/wheel" } VAI_correct_root_permissions() { chroot "${target}" chown root:root / chroot "${target}" chmod 755 / } VAI_configure_hostname() { # Set the hostname echo "${hostname}" > "${target}/etc/hostname" } VAI_configure_rc_conf() { # Set the value of various tokens sed -i "s:Europe/Madrid:${timezone}:" "${target}/etc/rc.conf" sed -i "s:\"es\":\"${keymap}\":" "${target}/etc/rc.conf" # Activate various tokens sed -i "s:#HARDWARECLOCK:HARDWARECLOCK:" "${target}/etc/rc.conf" sed -i "s:#TIMEZONE:TIMEZONE:" "${target}/etc/rc.conf" sed -i "s:#KEYMAP:KEYMAP:" "${target}/etc/rc.conf" } VAI_add_user() { chroot "${target}" useradd -m -s /bin/bash -U -G wheel,users,audio,video,cdrom,input "${username}" if [ -z "${password}" ] ; then chroot "${target}" passwd "${username}" else # For reasons that remain unclear, this does not work in musl echo "${username}:${password}" | chpasswd -c SHA512 -R "${target}" fi } VAI_configure_grub() { # Set hostonly echo "hostonly=yes" > "${target}/etc/dracut.conf.d/hostonly.conf" # Choose the newest kernel kernel_version="$(chroot "${target}" xbps-query linux | awk -F "[-_]" '/pkgver/ {print $2}')" # Install grub chroot "${target}" grub-install "${disk}" chroot "${target}" xbps-reconfigure -f "linux${kernel_version}" # Correct the grub install chroot "${target}" update-grub } VAI_configure_fstab() { # Grab UUIDs uuid1="$(blkid -s UUID -o value "${disk}1")" uuid2="$(blkid -s UUID -o value "${disk}2")" uuid3="$(blkid -s UUID -o value "${disk}3")" # Installl UUIDs into /etc/fstab echo "UUID=$uuid3 / ext4 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1" >> "${target}/etc/fstab" echo "UUID=$uuid1 /boot ext4 defaults 0 2" >> "${target}/etc/fstab" if [ "${swapsize}" -ne 0 ] ; then echo "UUID=$uuid2 swap swap defaults 0 0" >> "${target}/etc/fstab" fi } VAI_configure_locale() { # Set the libc-locale iff glibc case "${XBPS_ARCH}" in *-musl) VAI_info_msg "Glibc locales are not supported on musl" ;; *) sed -i "/${libclocale}/s/#//" "${target}/etc/default/libc-locales" chroot "${target}" xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales ;; esac } VAI_end_action() { case $end_action in reboot) VAI_info_msg "Rebooting the system" sync umount -R "${target}" reboot -f ;; shutdown) VAI_info_msg "Shutting down the system" sync umount -R "${target}" poweroff -f ;; script) VAI_info_msg "Running user provided script" xbps-uhelper fetch "${end_script}>/script" chmod +x /script target=${target} xbpsrepository=${xbpsrepository} /script ;; func) VAI_info_msg "Running user provided function" end_function ;; esac } VAI_configure_autoinstall() { # -------------------------- Setup defaults --------------------------- bootpartitionsize="500M" disk="$(lsblk -ipo NAME,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk '{if ($2=="disk") {disks[$1]=0; last=$1} if ($3=="/") {disks[last]++}} END {for (a in disks) {if(disks[a] == 0){print a; break}}}')" hostname="$(ip -4 -o -r a | awk -F'[ ./]' '{x=$7} END {print x}')" swapsize="$(awk -F"\n" '/MemTotal/ {split($0, b, " "); print b[2] }' /proc/meminfo)"; target="/mnt" timezone="America/Chicago" keymap="us" libclocale="en_US.UTF-8" username="voidlinux" end_action="shutdown" end_script="/bin/true" XBPS_ARCH="$(xbps-uhelper arch)" case $XBPS_ARCH in *-musl) xbpsrepository="https://alpha.de.repo.voidlinux.org/current/musl" ;; *) xbpsrepository="https://alpha.de.repo.voidlinux.org/current" ;; esac # --------------- Pull config URL out of kernel cmdline ------------------------- if getargbool 0 autourl ; then xbps-uhelper fetch "$(getarg autourl)>/etc/autoinstall.cfg" else mv /etc/autoinstall.default /etc/autoinstall.cfg fi # Read in the resulting config file which we got via some method if [ -f /etc/autoinstall.cfg ] ; then VAI_info_msg "Reading configuration file" . ./etc/autoinstall.cfg fi # Bail out if we didn't get a usable disk if [ -z "$disk" ] ; then die "No valid disk!" fi } VAI_main() { CURRENT_STEP=0 STEP_COUNT=16 VAI_welcome VAI_print_step "Bring up the network" VAI_get_address VAI_print_step "Configuring installer" VAI_configure_autoinstall VAI_print_step "Configuring disk using scheme 'Atomic'" VAI_partition_disk VAI_format_disk VAI_print_step "Mounting the target filesystems" VAI_mount_target VAI_print_step "Installing XBPS keys" VAI_install_xbps_keys VAI_print_step "Installing the base system" VAI_install_base_system VAI_print_step "Granting sudo to default user" VAI_configure_sudo VAI_print_step "Setting hostname" VAI_configure_hostname VAI_print_step "Configure rc.conf" VAI_configure_rc_conf VAI_print_step "Preparing the chroot" VAI_prepare_chroot VAI_print_step "Fix ownership of /" VAI_correct_root_permissions VAI_print_step "Adding default user" VAI_add_user VAI_print_step "Configuring GRUB" VAI_configure_grub VAI_print_step "Configuring /etc/fstab" VAI_configure_fstab VAI_print_step "Configuring libc-locales" VAI_configure_locale VAI_print_step "Performing end-action" VAI_end_action } # If we are using the autoinstaller, launch it if getargbool 0 auto ; then VAI_main fi # Very important to release this before returning to dracut code set +e