diff --git a/common/xbps-src/shutils/chroot.sh b/common/xbps-src/shutils/chroot.sh
index 4da8b2d76b2..577327751a0 100644
--- a/common/xbps-src/shutils/chroot.sh
+++ b/common/xbps-src/shutils/chroot.sh
@@ -177,16 +177,7 @@ chroot_handler() {
     if [ "$action" = "chroot" ]; then
         $CHROOT_CMD ${_chargs} $XBPS_MASTERDIR /bin/xbps-shell || rv=$?
-        [ -n "$XBPS_CROSS_BUILD" ] && arg="$arg -a $XBPS_CROSS_BUILD"
-        [ -n "$XBPS_KEEP_ALL" ] && arg="$arg -C"
-        [ -n "$NOCOLORS" ] && arg="$arg -L"
-        [ -n "$XBPS_BUILD_FORCEMODE" ] && arg="$arg -f"
-        [ -n "$XBPS_MAKEJOBS" ] && arg="$arg -j$XBPS_MAKEJOBS"
-        [ -n "$XBPS_DEBUG_PKGS" ] && arg="$arg -g"
-        [ -n "$XBPS_SKIP_DEPS" ] && arg="$arg -I"
-        [ -n "$XBPS_ALT_REPOSITORY" ] && arg="$arg -r $XBPS_ALT_REPOSITORY"
-        action="$arg $action"
+        action="$XBPS_OPTIONS $action"
         env -i PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH HOME=/tmp IN_CHROOT=1 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \
             $CHROOT_CMD ${_chargs} $XBPS_MASTERDIR /xbps-packages/xbps-src $action $pkg || rv=$?
diff --git a/xbps-src b/xbps-src
index 7d90197c534..c406c63ad4e 100755
--- a/xbps-src
+++ b/xbps-src
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ Options:
 -f  Force building and registering binary packages into the local repository,
     even if same version is already registered.
+-G  Enable XBPS_USE_GIT_REVS (see etc/defaults.conf for more information).
 -g  Enable building -dbg packages with debugging symbols.
 -H  <hostdir>
@@ -314,11 +316,12 @@ readonly XBPS_MACHINE=$(uname -m)
-while getopts "a:CfghH:Ij:Lm:No:r:V" opt; do
+while getopts "a:CfgGhH:Ij:Lm:No:r:V" opt; do
     case $opt in
         a) readonly XBPS_CROSS_BUILD="$OPTARG"; XBPS_OPTIONS+="-a $OPTARG ";;
         C) readonly XBPS_KEEP_ALL=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+="-C ";;
         f) readonly XBPS_BUILD_FORCEMODE=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+="-f ";;
+        G) readonly XBPS_USE_GIT_REVS=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+="-G ";;
         g) readonly XBPS_DEBUG_PKGS=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+="-g ";;
         H) readonly XBPS_HOSTDIR="$(readlink -m $OPTARG 2>/dev/null)"; XBPS_OPTIONS+="-H $XBPS_HOSTDIR ";;
         h) usage && exit 0;;