# Template file for 'rest' pkgname=rest version=0.7.12 revision=3 subpackages="$pkgname-devel" build_style=gnu-configure configure_args="--disable-static" makedepends="pkg-config gobject-introspection glib-devel libsoup-devel libsoup-gnome-devel libxml2-devel" short_desc="RESTful library" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" license="GPL-2" homepage="http://www.gnome.org" distfiles="${GNOME_SITE}/$pkgname/0.7/$pkgname-$version.tar.xz" checksum=16ffa4929078dabfcfac31f9ce942072ebab67e3339ce9f378127457b03baf3a long_desc=" This library has been designed to make it easier to access web services that claim to be RESTful. A reasonable definition of what this means can be found on Wikipedia [1]. However a reasonable description is that a RESTful service should have urls that represent remote objects which methods can then be called on."