# Template build file for 'orc'. pkgname=orc version=0.4.16 revision=1 subpackages="orc-devel" build_style=gnu-configure configure_args="--disable-static" makedepends="pkg-config" short_desc="The Oild Runtime Compiler" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" homepage="http://code.entropywave.com/orc/" license="Simplified BSD, New BSD license" distfiles="http://code.entropywave.com/download/orc/orc-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=700e4edba20a0ed42164b645da26ce515b883d4c4633b222302f1e541f2a58ab long_desc=" Orc is a library and set of tools for compiling and executing very simple programs that operate on arrays of data. The “language” is a generic assembly language that represents many of the features available in SIMD architectures, including saturated addition and subtraction, and many arithmetic operations." post_install() { vinstall COPYING 644 usr/share/licenses/orc }