# Template file for 'kyua' pkgname=kyua version=0.5 revision=2 wrksrc="kyua-cli-${version}" build_style=gnu-configure makedepends="pkg-config doxygen atf-devel>=0.16 lutok-devel sqlite-devel" short_desc="Automated Testing Framework (a replacement for ATF)" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" license="BSD" homepage="http://code.google.com/p/kyua" distfiles="https://kyua.googlecode.com/files/kyua-cli-$version.tar.gz" checksum=c7948baf009d2883ad8b723251defa68f136b9c4800de35d76045f0cc6047a40 long_desc=" Kyua (pronounced Q.A.) is a testing framework for both developers and users. Kyua is different from most other testing frameworks in that it puts the end user experience before anything else. There are multiple reasons for users to run the tests themselves, and Kyua ensures that they can do so in the most convenient way."