# Template file for 'meld' pkgname=meld version=1.8.0 revision=1 noarch="yes" build_style=gnu-makefile make_build_args="prefix=/usr" make_install_args="prefix=/usr" hostmakedepends="pkg-config intltool gnome-doc-utils" makedepends="pygtk pygtksourceview desktop-file-utils hicolor-icon-theme" depends="${makedepends}" pycompile_dirs="usr/lib/meld/meld/" short_desc="Visual diff and merge tool" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" homepage="http://meldmerge.org/" license="GPL-2" distfiles="${GNOME_SITE}/meld/1.8/meld-${version}.tar.xz" checksum=749668f9cbd2f8d11d87b46fda0c1a2190d24668a633d0435ed03d58fc36c65b long_desc=" Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers. Meld helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled projects. It provides two and three-way comparison of both files and directories, and has support for many popular version control systems. Meld helps you review code changes and understand patches. It might even help you to figure out what is going on in that merge you keep avoiding."