# Template build file for 'perl'. pkgname=perl version=5.10.1 distfiles="http://www.cpan.org/src/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz" build_style=configure configure_script="./Configure" short_desc="Practical Extraction and Report Language" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" checksum=cb7f26ea4b2b28d6644354d87a269d01cac1b635287dae64e88eeafa24b44f35 long_desc=" Perl is a general-purpose programming language originally developed for text manipulation and now used for a wide range of tasks including system administration, web development, network programming, GUI development, and more. The language is intended to be practical (easy to use, efficient, complete) rather than beautiful (tiny, elegant, minimal). Its major features are that it's easy to use, supports both procedural and object-oriented (OO) programming, has powerful built-in support for text processing, and has one of the world's most impressive collections of third-party modules." Add_dependency full glibc Add_dependency full gdbm Add_dependency full db pre_configure() { local p5_base p5_apiver args cd $wrksrc || return 1 # Taken from NetBSD. p5_base="/usr/lib/perl5" p5_apiver="$(awk '/\#define[ ]*PERL_API_REVISION/ { R = $3 } \ /\#define[ ]*PERL_API_VERSION/ { r = "."$3 } \ /\#define[ ]*PERL_API_SUBVERSION/ { s = "."$3 } \ END { printf "%s%s%s\n", R, r, s }' patchlevel.h)" args="-Dusethreads -des -Dprefix=/usr \ -Duselargefiles -Uusesfio -Dinstallstyle=lib/perl5 \ -Uinstallusrbinperl -Duseshrplib \ -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 \ -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 \ -Dprivlib=${p5_base}/${p5_apiver} \ -Dsitelib=${p5_base}/site_perl/${p5_apiver} \ -Dvendorlib=${p5_base}/vendor_perl/${p5_apiver}" export configure_args="${args}" sed -i -e "s|'/bin/pwd'|'/usr/local/bin/pwd'|" lib/Cwd.pm }