# Template file for 'mdocml' pkgname=mdocml version=1.12.1 revision=1 short_desc="mdoc macro compiler" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" license="ISC" homepage="http://mdocml.bsd.lv" distfiles="${homepage}/snapshots/mdocml-$version.tar.gz" checksum=12a756cd2901954bccdd25819a16d0ab0501c32c87ad7973570cd65608d32891 long_desc=" mdocml is a suite of tools compiling -mdoc, the roff macro package of choice for BSD manual pages, and -man, the predominant historical package for UNIX manuals. The mission of mdocml is to deprecate groff, the GNU roff implementation, for displaying -mdoc pages whilst providing token support for -man." makedepends="db-devel" conflicts="groff>=0 man-db>=0" provides="man-${version} roff-${version} apropos-${version} whatis-${version}" do_build() { make ${makejobs} } do_install() { make MANDIR=/usr/share/man BINDIR=/usr/bin \ EXAMPLEDIR=/usr/share/examples/mdocml \ PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} install # remove devel stuff. rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/{include,lib} # Install apropos, whatis and mandocdb. for f in apropos whatis mandocdb; do vinstall ${f} 755 usr/bin if [ -f ${f}.1 ]; then vinstall ${f}.1 644 usr/share/man/man1 elif [ -f ${f}.8 ]; then vinstall ${f}.8 644 usr/share/man/man8 fi done # Create mandoc -> man symlink. ln -sfr ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/mandoc ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/man }